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COLShape problem[FIXED]


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Done fixed

local timersTable = {} 
local islandCOL = createColRectangle (3528.18994, -326.39496, 1000, 300 ) 
function Island (player) 
    if player and isElement(player) and (getElementType(player) == "player") then  
        local player = (isPedInVehicle(player) and getVehicleController (getPedOccupiedVehicle (player))) or player  
        local account = getPlayerAccount(player) 
        if account and not isGuestAccount(account) then 
            local accName = getAccountName(account) 
            if ( isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..accName, aclGetGroup ("Admin"))) then return false end 
            if eventName == "onColShapeHit" then 
                if not(timersTable[player]) then  
                    timersTable[player] = setTimer(killPed, 20000, 1, player) 
                    outputChatBox("You have entered Staff Island, you have 20 seconds to leave or you'll be killed.", player, 255, 0, 0, true) 
            elseif eventName == "onColShapeLeave" then 
                if isTimer(timersTable[player]) then  
                    timersTable[player] = nil 
                    outputChatBox("You have left the area.", player, 0, 200, 0) 
addEventHandler ( "onColShapeHit", islandCOL, Island) 
addEventHandler ( "onColShapeLeave", islandCOL, Island) 
addEventHandler( "onPlayerWasted", getRootElement( ), 
        if isTimer(timersTable[source]) then  
            timersTable[source] = nil 

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when I enter the col shape, I pretty much think it doesn't let the timer go on from where it left off when I entered first time, I entered a lot and every time I go out and go on several times, I don't die so I pretty much think the timer doesnt save where it left off

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when I enter the col shape, I pretty much think it doesn't let the timer go on from where it left off when I entered first time, I entered a lot and every time I go out and go on several times, I don't die so I pretty much think the timer doesnt save where it left off

The timer will be killed when you leave the colship. read my code again

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I want it to be saved so when the player keeps getting out and inside the col shape it continues from where it left off so the player doesn't abuse going out and it

So all what you need is:

getTimerDetails () 

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getElement data doesn't save if he logs out of the server and logs in too, I honestly don't like to use element data, isn't there a way around to save it using account, same style you used?

bro it's only 20 seconds , anyways you can use


For more information , Check my answer, they already asked the same question Here

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is it possible to save using getPlayerAccount? bec its already there and I think I saved a time before using it instead of accountdata
still can't figure out how to save the time so when he enters again the timer continues where it left off

Here is all what you need:

local timersTable = {} 
local islandCOL = createColRectangle (3528.18994, -326.39496, 1000, 300 ) 
function Island (player) 
    if player and isElement(player) and (getElementType(player) == "player") then 
        local player = (isPedInVehicle(player) and getVehicleController (getPedOccupiedVehicle (player))) or player 
        local account = getPlayerAccount(player) 
        if account and not isGuestAccount(account) then 
            local accName = getAccountName(account) 
            if ( isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..accName, aclGetGroup ("Admin"))) then return false end 
            if eventName == "onColShapeHit" then 
                local timer = getAccountData(account, "timer") -- get the timer using getAccountData 
                if (timer) then 
                    timersTable[player] = setTimer(killPed, tonumber(timer), 1, player) 
                    if not(timersTable[player]) then 
                        timersTable[player] = setTimer(killPed, 20000, 1, player) 
                outputChatBox("You have entered Staff Island, you have 20 seconds to leave or you'll be killed.", player, 255, 0, 0, true) 
            elseif eventName == "onColShapeLeave" then 
                if isTimer(timersTable[player]) then 
                    local remaining = getTimerDetails(timersTable[player])  
                    setAccountData(account,  "timer", tonumber(remaining)) 
                    timersTable[player] = nil 
                    outputChatBox("You have left the area.", player, 0, 200, 0) 
addEventHandler ( "onColShapeHit", islandCOL, Island) 
addEventHandler ( "onColShapeLeave", islandCOL, Island) 
addEventHandler( "onPlayerWasted", getRootElement( ), 
        local account = getPlayerAccount(source) 
        if account and not isGuestAccount(account) then  
            if isTimer(timersTable[source]) then 
                timersTable[source] = nil 
                setAccountData(account,  "timer",false) 
function save () 
        local playerAccount = getPlayerAccount ( source )  
        if (isTimer(timersTable[source])) then  
        local remaining = getTimerDetails(timersTable[source])  
        if playerAccount and not isGuestAccount(playerAccount) then  
            setAccountData(playeraccount,  "timer", tonumber(remaining))  
            killTimer(timersTable[source]) -- kill the timer 
            timersTable[source] = nil 
addEventHandler ("onPlayerQuit", root, save ) 

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