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[HELP] onPlayerMarkerLeave


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Hello, i have problem in my script when any player joined in my marker and leave then marker + tent is destroyed and this i don't want.. i need only me when i leave so then will marker + tent destroyed. Can anyone help me please?

addEventHandler("onPlayerMarkerLeave", getRootElement(), function(mark) 
 if isElement(mark) and getElementData(mark, "tentMark") then 
 local tent = getElementData(mark, "tent") 
 local tentCol = getElementData(mark, "tentCol") 
 if isElement(tent) then 
 setElementData(source, "Tent", getElementData(source, "Tent") + 1) 
 unbindKey(source, "enter", "down", setTent) 

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Dont use destroyElement(mark) because the marker will be deleted

It is like when you delete a folder

The folder will not exist until you recreate it

(The mark will be deleted until you declare it again )

U can make the marker invisible setting its alpha to 0

EDIT:Try to use this event


Sorry but i can't post the correct code because i am on my phone

Hope my post helped you

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Dont use destroyElement(mark) because the marker will be deleted

It is like when you delete a folder

The folder will not exist until you recreate it

(The mark will be deleted until you declare it again )

U can make the marker invisible setting its alpha to 0

Sorry but i can't post the correct code because i am on my phone

Hope my post helped you

But i need destroyElement(mark) i need only cancel if other players leave my marker..

Me = i leave marker so marker will be deleted

Others players = others players leave marker so nothing only leave.

if this is possible.

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    addEventHandler("OnClientMarkerLeave", getRootElement(), function() 
     if isElement(source) and getElementData(source, "tentMark") then 
     local tent = getElementData(source, "tent") 
     local tentCol = getElementData(source, "tentCol") 
     if isElement(tent) then 
     setElementData(localPlayer, "Tent", getElementData(localPlayer, "Tent") + 1,true) 
    triggerServerEvent ( "UnBindSetTent", resourceRoot ) 


function UnBindSetTent() 
unbindKey(client,"enter", "down", setTent) 
addEvent( "unBindSetTent", true ) 
addEventHandler( "unBindSetTent", resourceRoot, UnBindSetTent) 


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    addEventHandler("OnClientMarkerLeave", getRootElement(), function() 
     if isElement(source) and getElementData(source, "tentMark") then 
     local tent = getElementData(source, "tent") 
     local tentCol = getElementData(source, "tentCol") 
     if isElement(tent) then 
     setElementData(localPlayer, "Tent", getElementData(localPlayer, "Tent") + 1,true) 
    triggerServerEvent ( "UnBindSetTent", resourceRoot ) 


function UnBindSetTent() 
unbindKey(client,"enter", "down", setTent) 
addEvent( "unBindSetTent", true ) 
addEventHandler( "unBindSetTent", resourceRoot, UnBindSetTent) 


But i have marker created in server-side..

MaRkeR = createMarker(...)

Me = i leave marker(MaRkeR) so marker will be deleted

Others players = others players leave marker(MaRkeR) so nothing only leave.

Now it's i'am in marker my friend join too but when he leave the marker my marker is deleted.. i need this:

i'am in marker my friend join too then my friend leave the marker and marker will not deleted.. only when i leave..

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