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[REL] ATM System V2.0


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A!ExXx present: ATM SYSTEM 2.0


Deposit your money - Stock your money - Withdraw your money out - You can get rich by having more than 99,999,999 as it's maximum money on your hands - You can deposit as many money as you want on your ATM.




Download Now Beta Ver.2.0 [July 08, 2016]


- Clear and simple GUI to let you control your ATM account.

- Deposition of cash.

- Withdrawal of cash.

- ATM PIN security of withdrawals. (You can withdraw money from ATM without PIN if no PIN is set)

- Transferring of money to accounts.

- ATM locations defined in XML file (ATMlocations.xml).


- '/setpin NEWpin' - Set ATM pin to secure withdrawing/transfering money.

- '/setpin NEWpin OLDpin' - Change your current ATM Pin.

- '/admingetpin accountName' - (ADMINS) Ability to get current account ATM Pin.

Exports: (All are server side)

getBankID - Returns ID of the specified ATM. (ID's from: ATMlocations.xml)

getBankMarker - Gets ATM marker by ID or name.

getBankName - Gets bank's name by ID or marker.

getBankMarkers - Returns a table containing all ATM markers.

countBanks - Returns number of all current ATMs.

setBankAccountBalance - Sets ATM account new balance.

getBankAccountBalance - Gets the specified account balance.

isPlayerInBank - Checks if player is in a ATM

getPlayersInBank - Returns a table containing players who are in specific ATM.

getPlayerBank - Gets bank marker in which specified player is standing.

withdrawPlayerMoney - Withdraws money from specific player's account.

depositPlayerMoney - Deposits specific money to a specified player.

Bug reports / Questions / Feedback

If you encounter any bugs, glitches, have any suggestions, feature requests, or simply just like to ask a question, please don't hesitate to post them :-)


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It's not made by you. It's made by Arran stop stealing resource.

Not by arran, and not by Alexx, It was made by someone called [CIF]Soul, or [CIF]Ajax, idk, he just changed the file name, and he only changed the exports, he used outputChatBox, instead of exports.CORtexts:output.

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  • 2 weeks later...
It's not made by you. It's made by Arran stop stealing resource.

Not by arran, and not by Alexx, It was made by someone called [CIF]Soul, or [CIF]Ajax, idk, he just changed the file name, and he only changed the exports, he used outputChatBox, instead of exports.CORtexts:output.

Lol ? It is made by Arran who is Owner of CIT. Both of steal his resources and made their server . :lol:

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  • 2 months later...
  • 6 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

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