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fetchRemote returns false


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This is this always returning false?

fetchRemote("http://mta.balkan-gaming.co/location.php", function(responseData, errno) 
   if errno == 0 then 
    setElementData(localPlayer, "language",responseData) 
   outputChatBox(errno.." - ".. tostring(responseData)) 



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  • Discord Moderators

fetchRemote can't be used clientside with webpages hosted in any server but the server the client is connected to. If your domain name resolves to the MTA: SA server IP and HTTP port used by MTA: SA and it still doesn't work, try using the IP and port directly instead.

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I tried it on my local server, and i have the same problem. I'm using appserv.

localhost and are returning 1006 while my internal IP is returning false.

Which port should i use? server http port or appserv? sorry, first time using fetchRemote.

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  • Discord Moderators

In order to fetchRemote to return something more useful from your server, you should access a certain file within a certain resource. For example, to read index.htm from the resource web: http://IP:PORT/web/index.htm.

To know how you can publish a resource or file to the web interface, you can read this wiki article and/or see how some default resources have used the web interface (for example, performancebrowser).

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  • Discord Moderators

That doesn't work because I admit I confused you a bit. Continue reading and you'll know why :wink:

Firstly, the built-in HTTP server is just a HTML server. It is not able to process PHP scripts, although Lua code can be embedded within HTML pages to provide dynamic output, in a somewhat similar fashion to PHP. Therefore your PHP pages won't work even if you manage to add them by using the

tag in the meta.xml file.

As you may have thought, the most convenient thing to do for exporting web functions to your scripts is using HTML with inlined script, so that you don't need to set up external webservers and everything gets easier to manage. However, that's not possible in your case, because you need PHP in order to get players' location. So the real question is: can we do something to circumvent this shortcoming? It seems impossible to get the result of that script if fetchRemote isn't able to do anything outside the server's HTTP interface, right?

Not quite. And here's where things get interesting: do you remember that your script is clientside? The clientside fetchRemote is limited, but the serverside version is not: with the serverside version you can fetch the result of any webpage in any server and port. That means that you can host a different server, even if it's on the same machine, and get the result of it by only using fetchRemote in the server. Therefore, we can now reformulate the previous question: what we can do to get the result of that serverside fetchRemote in a client? Well, providing that you are already using element data, you only need to call the function serverside and set the element data there, and make sure that the client knows how to deal with that element data change accordingly. You can use the onClientElementDataChange event for that, if you want or need to. If you want to script your own data transfer approach, which can be more efficient in terms of bandwidth, use triggerClientEvent and you are set.

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Even on server side it returns false. Tried localhost and internal ip too.

function onResourceStart() 
    for _, player in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do 
        local fetch = fetchRemote("", function (responseData, errno) 
            if (errno) == 0 then 
                setElementData(player, "language",tostring(responseData))  
                outputChatBox(tostring(fetch)) -- returns nil 
                outputChatBox(getPlayerName(player)..": "..errno.." - ".. tostring(responseData)) -- returns xeon17: 0 - [false] 
addEventHandler("onResourceStart", resourceRoot, onResourceStart) 

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