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[Question] Whats the impact?


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CodyL has a good point there. The impact of having a database per resource is largely dependent of your hardware, resources and server configuration, so measuring it exactly is difficult.

However, it is certainly more efficient to have only one database handle open at the time and share it with every resource. That way SQLite can make more optimizations, you avoid fragmenting your hard drive much (although that is not a problem in SSDs) and database backups are easier: just copy one file and you are set. By using only one database you are essentially reducing memory, CPU and I/O overhead, so it will always have less impact than multiple databases.

About saving and loading data frequently, all databases are designed to perform well even if there are multiple queries per second, so they are suitable for busy servers. Queries usually just take a fraction of the 10th part of a second, and MTA: SA database scripting functions can be made asynchronous, so the impact is almost always neglible. You just need to make sure that you are not doing useless queries too often and you will be fine.

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