Maksoud Posted June 27, 2016 Share Posted June 27, 2016 السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته بغيت اسوى يوم انزل سيارة يضيف سهم فوقها بس السهم بيكون جواها الكود المستخدم : Vehicle1 = createVehicle ( getCarID, x+2, y, z + 2 ) local VehPosX , VehPosX, VehPosZ = getElementPosition(Vehicle1) ArrowMido = createObject ( 1318, VehPosX , VehPosX, VehPosZ + 3 ) attachElementToElement ( ArrowMido, Vehicle1, 0, 0, 0 ) Link to comment
Nothing Posted June 27, 2016 Share Posted June 27, 2016 (edited) attachElements ( ArrowMido, Vehicle1, 0, 0, 5 ) شكرا تنطيل ما انتبهت Edited June 27, 2016 by Guest Link to comment
</Mr.Tn6eL> Posted June 27, 2016 Share Posted June 27, 2016 This function is deprecated. This means that its use is discouraged and that it might not exist in future versions.Please use attachElements instead. Link to comment
Maksoud Posted June 27, 2016 Author Share Posted June 27, 2016 attachElementToElement ( ArrowMido, Vehicle1, 0, 0, 5 ) اختفى !! Link to comment
Nothing Posted June 27, 2016 Share Posted June 27, 2016 attachElementToElement ( ArrowMido, Vehicle1, 0, 0, 5 ) اختفى !! نزل ال5 ال 4 او 3 Link to comment
Maksoud Posted June 27, 2016 Author Share Posted June 27, 2016 This function is deprecated. This means that its use is discouraged and that it might not exist in future versions.Please use attachElements instead. مشكوور Link to comment
Maksoud Posted June 27, 2016 Author Share Posted June 27, 2016 ممكن فنكشن يخليني اضيف كلام فوق اللاعب ؟ Link to comment
Maksoud Posted June 27, 2016 Author Share Posted June 27, 2016 function dxDrawTextOnElement(TheElement,text,height,distance,R,G,B,alpha,size,font,checkBuildings,checkVehicles,checkPeds,checkDummies,seeThroughStuff,ignoreSomeObjectsForCamera,ignoredElement) plr = localPlayer local x, y, z = getElementPosition(TheElement) local x2, y2, z2 = getElementPosition(plr) local distance = distance or 20 local height = height or 1 local checkBuildings = checkBuildings or true local checkVehicles = checkVehicles or false local checkPeds = checkPeds or false local checkObjects = checkObjects or true local checkDummies = checkDummies or true local seeThroughStuff = seeThroughStuff or false local ignoreSomeObjectsForCamera = ignoreSomeObjectsForCamera or false local ignoredElement = ignoredElement or nil if (isLineOfSightClear(x, y, z, x2, y2, z2, checkBuildings, checkVehicles, checkPeds , checkObjects,checkDummies,seeThroughStuff,ignoreSomeObjectsForCamera,ignoredElement)) then local sx, sy = getScreenFromWorldPosition(x, y, z+height) if(sx) and (sy) then local distanceBetweenPoints = getDistanceBetweenPoints3D(x, y, z, x2, y2, z2) if(distanceBetweenPoints < distance) then dxDrawText(MyText, sx+2, sy+2, sx, sy, tocolor(R or 255, G or 255, B or 255, alpha or 255), (size or 1)-(distanceBetweenPoints / distance), font or "arial", "center", "center") end end end end وش الخطأ ؟؟ ما يحط كلام فوق اللاعب Link to comment
#Soking Posted June 27, 2016 Share Posted June 27, 2016 انت حاط الفنكشن وين المحاوله حقتك ؟ Link to comment
Maksoud Posted June 28, 2016 Author Share Posted June 28, 2016 انت حاط الفنكشن وين المحاوله حقتك ؟ ههه ما فهمت اى شئ من الفنكشن اساسا Link to comment
#Soking Posted June 28, 2016 Share Posted June 28, 2016 Ped_ = createPed(ID_ , xPos , yPos , zPos ) setPedRotation(Ped_ , Rotation ) addEventHandler("onClientRender", getRootElement(), function ( ) local x, y, z = getElementPosition(Ped_) local x2, y2, z2 = getElementPosition(localPlayer) if ( isLineOfSightClear(x, y, z, x2, y2, z2, true, true, false, true) ) then local sx, sy = getScreenFromWorldPosition(x, y, z+1.3) if ( sx ) and ( sy ) then if ( getDistanceBetweenPoints3D(x, y, z, x2, y2, z2) < 30 ) then dxDrawText("Test", sx+2, sy+2, sx, sy, tocolor(0,0,0), 2-(distance/20), "arial", "center", "center") dxDrawText("Test", sx, sy, sx, sy, tocolor(255,255,0), 2-(distance/20), "arial", "center", "center") end end end end ) Link to comment
Maksoud Posted June 28, 2016 Author Share Posted June 28, 2016 Ped_ = createPed(ID_ , xPos , yPos , zPos ) setPedRotation(Ped_ , Rotation ) addEventHandler("onClientRender", getRootElement(), function ( ) local x, y, z = getElementPosition(Ped_) local x2, y2, z2 = getElementPosition(localPlayer) if ( isLineOfSightClear(x, y, z, x2, y2, z2, true, true, false, true) ) then local sx, sy = getScreenFromWorldPosition(x, y, z+1.3) if ( sx ) and ( sy ) then if ( getDistanceBetweenPoints3D(x, y, z, x2, y2, z2) < 30 ) then dxDrawText("Test", sx+2, sy+2, sx, sy, tocolor(0,0,0), 2-(distance/20), "arial", "center", "center") dxDrawText("Test", sx, sy, sx, sy, tocolor(255,255,0), 2-(distance/20), "arial", "center", "center") end end end end ) المفروض اعدل شئ ؟ Link to comment
#Soking Posted June 28, 2016 Share Posted June 28, 2016 Ped_ = createPed(ID_ , xPos , yPos , zPos ) setPedRotation(Ped_ , Rotation ) Link to comment
N3xT Posted June 28, 2016 Share Posted June 28, 2016 عدل سطر 28 للـ الكلام اللي تبيه function dxDrawTextOnElement(TheElement,text,height,distance,R,G,B,alpha,size,font,checkBuildings,checkVehicles,checkPeds,checkDummies,seeThroughStuff,ignoreSomeObjectsForCamera,ignoredElement) local x, y, z = getElementPosition(TheElement) local x2, y2, z2 = getElementPosition(localPlayer) local distance = distance or 20 local height = height or 1 local checkBuildings = checkBuildings or true local checkVehicles = checkVehicles or false local checkPeds = checkPeds or false local checkObjects = checkObjects or true local checkDummies = checkDummies or true local seeThroughStuff = seeThroughStuff or false local ignoreSomeObjectsForCamera = ignoreSomeObjectsForCamera or false local ignoredElement = ignoredElement or nil if (isLineOfSightClear(x, y, z, x2, y2, z2, checkBuildings, checkVehicles, checkPeds , checkObjects,checkDummies,seeThroughStuff,ignoreSomeObjectsForCamera,ignoredElement)) then local sx, sy = getScreenFromWorldPosition(x, y, z+height) if(sx) and (sy) then local distanceBetweenPoints = getDistanceBetweenPoints3D(x, y, z, x2, y2, z2) if(distanceBetweenPoints < distance) then dxDrawText(text, sx+2, sy+2, sx, sy, tocolor(R or 255, G or 255, B or 255, alpha or 255), (size or 1)-(distanceBetweenPoints / distance), font or "arial", "center", "center") end end end end addEventHandler("onClientRender", getRootElement(), function () for k,v in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do dxDrawTextOnElement(v,"الكلام اللي تبيه",1,20,0,0,255,255,1,"arial") end end) Link to comment
Maksoud Posted June 28, 2016 Author Share Posted June 28, 2016 مشكور بس بدى طلب اخر بدى الكلام يظهر فوق رتب معينة يعنى لو انا كونسول انا فقط اليظهر فوقى هذا الكلام Link to comment
N3xT Posted June 28, 2016 Share Posted June 28, 2016 (edited) Bad thing. Edited June 28, 2016 by Guest Link to comment
Me[Z]oO Posted June 28, 2016 Share Posted June 28, 2016 addEventHandler("onPlayerChat", root, function (text) for k,v in ipairs (ahanh) do if string.find(text,v) then cancelEvent() name = getPlayerName( source ) for k,v in ipairs ( getElementsByType("player") ) do local acc = getPlayerAccount(v) if acc and not isGuestAccount(acc) then local accName = getAccountName(acc) local isAdmin = isObjectInACLGroup("user."..accName,aclGetGroup("Admin")) if isAdmin then outputChatBox(""" : لقد اهان احد من اعضاء السيرفر ",v,255,255,255,true) end end end end end end) function dxDrawTextOnElement(TheElement,text,height,distance,R,G,B,alpha,size,font,checkBuildings,checkVehicles,checkPeds,checkDummies,seeThroughStuff,ignoreSomeObjectsForCamera,ignoredElement) local x, y, z = getElementPosition(TheElement) local x2, y2, z2 = getElementPosition(localPlayer) local distance = distance or 20 local height = height or 1 local checkBuildings = checkBuildings or true local checkVehicles = checkVehicles or false local checkPeds = checkPeds or false local checkObjects = checkObjects or true local checkDummies = checkDummies or true local seeThroughStuff = seeThroughStuff or false local ignoreSomeObjectsForCamera = ignoreSomeObjectsForCamera or false local ignoredElement = ignoredElement or nil if (isLineOfSightClear(x, y, z, x2, y2, z2, checkBuildings, checkVehicles, checkPeds , checkObjects,checkDummies,seeThroughStuff,ignoreSomeObjectsForCamera,ignoredElement)) then local sx, sy = getScreenFromWorldPosition(x, y, z+height) if(sx) and (sy) then local distanceBetweenPoints = getDistanceBetweenPoints3D(x, y, z, x2, y2, z2) if(distanceBetweenPoints < distance) then dxDrawText(text, sx+2, sy+2, sx, sy, tocolor(R or 255, G or 255, B or 255, alpha or 255), (size or 1)-(distanceBetweenPoints / distance), font or "arial", "center", "center") end end end end addEventHandler("onClientRender", getRootElement(), function () for k,v in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do local accName = getAccountName ( getPlayerAccount ( v ) ) if accName and not isGuestAccount(accName) then if isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..accName, aclGetGroup ( "Console" ) ) then dxDrawTextOnElement(v,"الكلام اللي تبيه",1,20,0,0,255,255,1,"arial") end end end end) نكست انصك بانك لا تساعد بدون م تنام كويس ض Link to comment
N3xT Posted June 28, 2016 Share Posted June 28, 2016 , صدق خلاص من بعد الساعة 6 أضيع كل حاجة ، برب نوم Link to comment
Me[Z]oO Posted June 28, 2016 Share Posted June 28, 2016 , صدق خلاص من بعد الساعة 6 أضيع كل حاجة ، برب نوم تيت Link to comment
N3xT Posted June 29, 2016 Share Posted June 29, 2016 (edited) function dxDrawTextOnElement(TheElement,text,height,distance,R,G,B,alpha,size,font,checkBuildings,checkVehicles,checkPeds,checkDummies,seeThroughStuff,ignoreSomeObjectsForCamera,ignoredElement) local x, y, z = getElementPosition(TheElement) local x2, y2, z2 = getElementPosition(localPlayer) local distance = distance or 20 local height = height or 1 local checkBuildings = checkBuildings or true local checkVehicles = checkVehicles or false local checkPeds = checkPeds or false local checkObjects = checkObjects or true local checkDummies = checkDummies or true local seeThroughStuff = seeThroughStuff or false local ignoreSomeObjectsForCamera = ignoreSomeObjectsForCamera or false local ignoredElement = ignoredElement or nil if (isLineOfSightClear(x, y, z, x2, y2, z2, checkBuildings, checkVehicles, checkPeds , checkObjects,checkDummies,seeThroughStuff,ignoreSomeObjectsForCamera,ignoredElement)) then local sx, sy = getScreenFromWorldPosition(x, y, z+height) if(sx) and (sy) then local distanceBetweenPoints = getDistanceBetweenPoints3D(x, y, z, x2, y2, z2) if(distanceBetweenPoints < distance) then dxDrawText(text, sx+2, sy+2, sx, sy, tocolor(R or 255, G or 255, B or 255, alpha or 255), (size or 1)-(distanceBetweenPoints / distance), font or "arial", "center", "center") end end end end addEventHandler("onClientRender", getRootElement(), function () setTimer ( function() for k,v in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do if getElementData(v, "checks") == "true" then dxDrawTextOnElement(v,"Console",1,20,255,0,0,255,3,"arial-bold") end end end, 20000, 0 ) end) function check() setTimer ( function() for index, thePlayer in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do local accName = getAccountName ( getPlayerAccount ( v ) ) if accName and not isGuestAccount(accName) then if isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..accName, aclGetGroup ( "Console" ) ) then setElementData(v, "checks") == "true" end end end end, 15000, 0 ) end Edited June 29, 2016 by Guest Link to comment
Maksoud Posted June 29, 2016 Author Share Posted June 29, 2016 function dxDrawTextOnElement(TheElement,text,height,distance,R,G,B,alpha,size,font,checkBuildings,checkVehicles,checkPeds,checkDummies,seeThroughStuff,ignoreSomeObjectsForCamera,ignoredElement) local x, y, z = getElementPosition(TheElement) local x2, y2, z2 = getElementPosition(localPlayer) local distance = distance or 20 local height = height or 1 local checkBuildings = checkBuildings or true local checkVehicles = checkVehicles or false local checkPeds = checkPeds or false local checkObjects = checkObjects or true local checkDummies = checkDummies or true local seeThroughStuff = seeThroughStuff or false local ignoreSomeObjectsForCamera = ignoreSomeObjectsForCamera or false local ignoredElement = ignoredElement or nil if (isLineOfSightClear(x, y, z, x2, y2, z2, checkBuildings, checkVehicles, checkPeds , checkObjects,checkDummies,seeThroughStuff,ignoreSomeObjectsForCamera,ignoredElement)) then local sx, sy = getScreenFromWorldPosition(x, y, z+height) if(sx) and (sy) then local distanceBetweenPoints = getDistanceBetweenPoints3D(x, y, z, x2, y2, z2) if(distanceBetweenPoints < distance) then dxDrawText(text, sx+2, sy+2, sx, sy, tocolor(R or 255, G or 255, B or 255, alpha or 255), (size or 1)-(distanceBetweenPoints / distance), font or "arial", "center", "center") end end end end addEventHandler("onClientRender", getRootElement(), function () setTimer ( function() for k,v in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do if getElementData(v, "checks") == "true" then dxDrawTextOnElement(v,"Console",1,20,255,0,0,255,3,"arial-bold") end end end, 20000, 0 ) end) function check() setTimer ( function() for index, thePlayer in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do local accName = getAccountName ( getPlayerAccount ( v ) ) if accName and not isGuestAccount(accName) then if isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..accName, aclGetGroup ( "Console" ) ) then setElementData(v, "checks") == "true" end end end end, 15000, 0 ) end setElementData(v, "checks") == "true" ؟؟ Link to comment
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