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[ SOLVED ] DestroyElement


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Sorry my bad english :oops:

Guys is this, I'm kind of horrible mess with tables as there are always mistakes: lol:

So wanted to make the player caught the vehicle, typing the command / trabalharaqui, and goes toward another marker after getting it the vehicle destroys, but if two players, if you get to the marker, will destroy your and the other player ..

I'm debating about that a long time, someone could help?

local marker = createMarker (2211, -2506, 12.8, "cylinder", 1, 255,0,0,255) 
local mark2 = createMarker (667, -615, 16, "cylinder", 4, 255,0,0,255) 
local blip = createBlip(667, -615, 17, 0) 
createBlip (2211, -2506, 12.8, 51) 
setElementVisibleTo(mark2, root, false) 
setElementVisibleTo(blip, root, false) 
veh = {} 
function entrarmarker(Jogador) 
   if(isElement(Jogador)) and (getElementType(Jogador) == "player") then 
     if (not isPedInVehicle(Jogador)) then 
         if veh[Jogador] and isElement(veh[Jogador]) then 
            veh[Jogador] = nil 
         veh[Jogador] = createVehicle ( 408, 2200, -2509, 12.5 + 10 ) 
addEventHandler("onMarkerHit", marker, entrarmarker) 
function commandMarker(Jogador) 
   if isElementWithinMarker(Jogador, marker) then 
      setElementData(Jogador, "trab", true) 
      warpPedIntoVehicle(Jogador, veh[Jogador]) 
      setElementVisibleTo(mark2, Jogador, true) 
      setElementVisibleTo(blip, Jogador, true) 
addCommandHandler("trabalharaqui", commandMarker) 
function des (Jogador) 
    if(isElement(Jogador)) and (getElementType(Jogador) == "player") then 
      if getElementData(Jogador, "trab") then 
         if veh[Jogador] and isElement(veh[Jogador]) then 
            destroyElement (veh[Jogador]) 
         setElementVisibleTo(mark2, Jogador, false) 
         outputChatBox ( "#ff0000PARAB?NS VOC? TERMINOU A ENTREGA DE LIXO E GANHOU 500$ !", source, 255,255,255, true) 
         givePlayerMoney ( Jogador, 500) 
         removeElementData(Jogador, "trab") 
         setTimer(function() restartResource(getThisResource()) end, 100, 1) 
addEventHandler( "onMarkerHit", mark2, des) 

And I'd like someone to explain, why create something on the table with the player element, you can use another name? example:

veh = {} 
veh["veiculo"] = createVehicle...; 

Edited by Guest
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--1 - make tabel 
veh = {} 
veh["veiculo"] = {}  
--2 - add pLAYER TO TABEL 
veh["veiculo"][Player] = createVehicle... 
--3- for destroyElement 
if veh["veiculo"][Player] and isElement( veh["veiculo"][Player] ) then 
    veh["veiculo"][Player] = nil 

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--1 - make tabel 
veh = {} 
veh["veiculo"] = {}  
--2 - add pLAYER TO TABEL 
veh["veiculo"][Player] = createVehicle... 
--3- for destroyElement 
if veh["veiculo"][Player] and isElement( veh["veiculo"][Player] ) then 
    veh["veiculo"][Player] = nil 

is not resolved :(

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local marker = createMarker (2211, -2506, 12.8, "cylinder", 1, 255,0,0,255) 
local mark2 = createMarker (667, -615, 16, "cylinder", 4, 255,0,0,255) 
local blip = createBlip(667, -615, 17, 0) 
createBlip (2211, -2506, 12.8, 51) 
setElementVisibleTo(mark2, root, false) 
setElementVisibleTo(blip, root, false) 
veh = {} 
function entrarmarker(Jogador) 
   if(isElement(Jogador)) and (getElementType(Jogador) == "player") then 
      if veh[Jogador] and isElement(veh[Jogador]) then 
         veh[Jogador] = nil 
     if (not isPedInVehicle(Jogador)) then 
         veh[Jogador] = createVehicle ( 408, 2200, -2509, 12.5 + 10 ) 
         outputChatBox ( "#ff0000use  /trabalharaqui", Jogador, 255,255,255, true) 
addEventHandler("onMarkerHit", marker, entrarmarker) 
function commandMarker(Jogador) 
   if isElementWithinMarker(Jogador, marker) then 
      setElementData(Jogador, "trab", true) 
      warpPedIntoVehicle(Jogador, veh[Jogador]) 
      setElementVisibleTo(mark2, Jogador, true) 
      setElementVisibleTo(blip, Jogador, true) 
addCommandHandler("trabalharaqui", commandMarker) 
function des (Jogador) 
    if(isElement(Jogador)) and (getElementType(Jogador) == "player") then 
      if getElementData(Jogador, "trab") then 
         if veh[Jogador] and isElement(veh[Jogador]) then 
            destroyElement (veh[Jogador]) 
            veh[Jogador] = nil 
         setElementVisibleTo(marker, Jogador, false)          
         setElementVisibleTo(mark2, Jogador, false) 
         outputChatBox ( "#ff0000PARAB?NS VOC? TERMINOU A ENTREGA DE LIXO E GANHOU 500$ !", Jogador, 255,255,255, true) 
         givePlayerMoney ( Jogador, 500) 
         removeElementData(Jogador, "trab") 
         setTimer(function() restartResource(getThisResource()) end, 100, 1) 
addEventHandler( "onMarkerHit", mark2, des) 

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local marker = createMarker (2211, -2506, 12.8, "cylinder", 1, 255,0,0,255) 
local mark2 = createMarker (667, -615, 16, "cylinder", 4, 255,0,0,255) 
local blip = createBlip(667, -615, 17, 0) 
createBlip (2211, -2506, 12.8, 51) 
setElementVisibleTo(mark2, root, false) 
setElementVisibleTo(blip, root, false) 
veh = {} 
function entrarmarker(Jogador) 
   if(isElement(Jogador)) and (getElementType(Jogador) == "player") then 
      if veh[Jogador] and isElement(veh[Jogador]) then 
         veh[Jogador] = nil 
     if (not isPedInVehicle(Jogador)) then 
         veh[Jogador] = createVehicle ( 408, 2200, -2509, 12.5 + 10 ) 
         outputChatBox ( "#ff0000use  /trabalharaqui", Jogador, 255,255,255, true) 
addEventHandler("onMarkerHit", marker, entrarmarker) 
function commandMarker(Jogador) 
   if isElementWithinMarker(Jogador, marker) then 
      setElementData(Jogador, "trab", true) 
      warpPedIntoVehicle(Jogador, veh[Jogador]) 
      setElementVisibleTo(mark2, Jogador, true) 
      setElementVisibleTo(blip, Jogador, true) 
addCommandHandler("trabalharaqui", commandMarker) 
function des (Jogador) 
    if(isElement(Jogador)) and (getElementType(Jogador) == "player") then 
      if getElementData(Jogador, "trab") then 
         if veh[Jogador] and isElement(veh[Jogador]) then 
            destroyElement (veh[Jogador]) 
            veh[Jogador] = nil 
         setElementVisibleTo(marker, Jogador, false)          
         setElementVisibleTo(mark2, Jogador, false) 
         outputChatBox ( "#ff0000PARAB?NS VOC? TERMINOU A ENTREGA DE LIXO E GANHOU 500$ !", Jogador, 255,255,255, true) 
         givePlayerMoney ( Jogador, 500) 
         removeElementData(Jogador, "trab") 
         setTimer(function() restartResource(getThisResource()) end, 100, 1) 
addEventHandler( "onMarkerHit", mark2, des) 

Friend, you edited a part that does not matter in this topic.

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Sorry, but I did n't understand what you want !

why you use


use this

      setElementVisibleTo(marker, Jogador, false)   

this code for restart resource

         setTimer(function() restartResource(getThisResource()) end, 100, 1) 


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When two players enter, and go to the mark2 as a result was to destroy the vehicle of those in marker, but when two players, destroy the two vehicles


so, you need destroy two vehicles.

when tow player hit mark2?

not, it destroys, but it was only to destroy those who enter the marker, not everyone who took the vehicle

but already decided, the script is not mine, I tested because my friend was in trouble ..

I realize when, who was destroying was restartResource :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

I am a very sluggish person :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

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When two players enter, and go to the mark2 as a result was to destroy the vehicle of those in marker, but when two players, destroy the two vehicles


so, you need destroy two vehicles.

when tow player hit mark2?

not, it destroys, but it was only to destroy those who enter the marker, not everyone who took the vehicle

but already decided, the script is not mine, I tested because my friend was in trouble ..

I realize when, who was destroying was restartResource :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

I am a very sluggish person :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

yes, I said why use restart :lol:

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