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Object damage proof?


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Hi, Im editing haystack resource.

The hays are breakable, I want to know how can i like set it not to break if it got hit by bullets but it will only break by rocks.

Basically i have players trying to destroy hays by going on top of building and shoot it by sniper.

The hays and rocks are in marker if that can help for exception.

Ps. Hay objects are servrr side

Thank you.

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The answer to this is setObjectBreakable.

However, as you said, the hay objects are server-sided. That makes it slightly trickier. We do know that most elements created server-side sync client-side. Which means we're in luck. Try putting all the hay objects into a table, sending this table client-side, and looping through each object and setting it to not breakable.

From there, you can use breakObject in conjunction with onClientPlayerWeaponFire to break the object (use hitElement). Though that will only work for one client at a time. So you will need to trigger an event on the server which breaks it for all connected clients (which alsoo means another client event).

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addEventHandler("onClientObjectDamage", root, function( _, attacker) 
if getElementModel(source) == id then 
    if attacker then 

So object is not gonna break by bullets but still breakable by rocks.

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