SaedAmer Posted June 18, 2016 Share Posted June 18, 2016 السلام عليكم كود التوب بار شات كان شغال تمام مرة واحدة ما شتغل الي يشتغل لما يقول افتح لوحة الادمن من P التوب بار شات تمام بأسمه و كل شئ --[[********************************** * * Multi Theft Auto - Admin Panel * * admin_server.lua * * Original File by lil_Toady * **************************************]] _root = getRootElement() _types = { "player", "team", "vehicle", "resource", "bans", "server", "admin" } _settings = nil aPlayers = {} aLogMessages = {} aInteriors = {} aStats = {} aReports = {} aWeathers = {} aNickChangeTime = {} local aUnmuteTimerList = {} Groups = { "Admin", } function notifyPlayerLoggedIn(player) exports["vMZ-TopBar"]:sendClientMessage ( "Press 'p' to open your admin panel", player ) local unread = 0 for _, msg in ipairs ( aReports ) do unread = unread + ( and 0 or 1 ) end if unread > 0 then exports["vMZ-TopBar"]:sendClientMessage( unread .. " unread Admin message" .. ( unread==1 and "" or "s" ), player, 255, 0, 0 ) end end addEventHandler ( "onResourceStart", _root, function ( resource ) if ( resource ~= getThisResource() ) then for id, player in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do if ( hasObjectPermissionTo ( player, "general.tab_resources" ) ) then triggerClientEvent ( player, "aClientResourceStart", _root, getResourceName ( resource ) ) end end return end _settings = xmlLoadFile ( "conf\\settings.xml" ) if ( not _settings ) then _settings = xmlCreateFile ( "conf\\settings.xml", "main" ) xmlSaveFile ( _settings ) end aSetupACL() aSetupCommands() for id, player in ipairs ( getElementsByType ( "player" ) ) do aPlayerInitialize ( player ) if ( hasObjectPermissionTo ( player, "general.adminpanel" ) ) then notifyPlayerLoggedIn(player) end end local node = xmlLoadFile ( "conf\\interiors.xml" ) if ( node ) then local interiors = 0 while ( xmlFindChild ( node, "interior", interiors ) ) do local interior = xmlFindChild ( node, "interior", interiors ) interiors = interiors + 1 aInteriors[interiors] = {} aInteriors[interiors]["world"] = tonumber ( xmlNodeGetAttribute ( interior, "world" ) ) aInteriors[interiors]["id"] = xmlNodeGetAttribute ( interior, "id" ) aInteriors[interiors]["x"] = xmlNodeGetAttribute ( interior, "posX" ) aInteriors[interiors]["y"] = xmlNodeGetAttribute ( interior, "posY" ) aInteriors[interiors]["z"] = xmlNodeGetAttribute ( interior, "posZ" ) aInteriors[interiors]["r"] = xmlNodeGetAttribute ( interior, "rot" ) end xmlUnloadFile ( node ) end local node = xmlLoadFile ( "conf\\stats.xml" ) if ( node ) then local stats = 0 while ( xmlFindChild ( node, "stat", stats ) ) do local stat = xmlFindChild ( node, "stat", stats ) local id = tonumber ( xmlNodeGetAttribute ( stat, "id" ) ) local name = xmlNodeGetAttribute ( stat, "name" ) aStats[id] = name stats = stats + 1 end xmlUnloadFile ( node ) end local node = xmlLoadFile ( "conf\\weathers.xml" ) if ( node ) then local weathers = 0 while ( xmlFindChild ( node, "weather", weathers ) ~= false ) do local weather = xmlFindChild ( node, "weather", weathers ) local id = tonumber ( xmlNodeGetAttribute ( weather, "id" ) ) local name = xmlNodeGetAttribute ( weather, "name" ) aWeathers[id] = name weathers = weathers + 1 end xmlUnloadFile ( node ) end local node = xmlLoadFile ( "conf\\eports.xml" ) if ( node ) then local messages = 0 while ( xmlFindChild ( node, "message", messages ) ) do subnode = xmlFindChild ( node, "message", messages ) local author = xmlFindChild ( subnode, "author", 0 ) local subject = xmlFindChild ( subnode, "subject", 0 ) local category = xmlFindChild ( subnode, "category", 0 ) local text = xmlFindChild ( subnode, "text", 0 ) local time = xmlFindChild ( subnode, "time", 0 ) local read = ( xmlFindChild ( subnode, "read", 0 ) ~= false ) local id = #aReports + 1 aReports[id] = {} if ( author ) then aReports[id].author = xmlNodeGetValue ( author ) else aReports[id].author = "" end if ( category ) then aReports[id].category = xmlNodeGetValue ( category ) else aReports[id].category = "" end if ( subject ) then aReports[id].subject = xmlNodeGetValue ( subject ) else aReports[id].subject = "" end if ( text ) then aReports[id].text = xmlNodeGetValue ( text ) else aReports[id].text = "" end if ( time ) then aReports[id].time = xmlNodeGetValue ( time ) else aReports[id].time = "" end aReports[id].read = read messages = messages + 1 end -- Remove duplicates local a = 1 while a <= #aReports do local b = a + 1 while b <= #aReports do if table.cmp( aReports[a], aReports[b] ) then table.remove( aReports, b ) b = b - 1 end b = b + 1 end a = a + 1 end -- Upgrade time from '4/9 5:9' to '2009-09-04 05:09' for id, rep in ipairs ( aReports ) do if string.find( rep.time, "/" ) then local monthday, month, hour, minute = string.match( rep.time, "^(.-)/(.-) (.-).-)$" ) rep.time = string.format( '%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d', 2009, month + 1, monthday, hour, minute ) end end -- Sort messages by time table.sort(aReports, function(a,b) return(a.time < b.time) end) -- Limit number of messages while #aReports > g_Prefs.maxmsgs do table.remove( aReports, 1 ) end xmlUnloadFile ( node ) end local node = xmlLoadFile ( "conf\\messages.xml" ) if ( node ) then for id, type in ipairs ( _types ) do local subnode = xmlFindChild ( node, type, 0 ) if ( subnode ) then aLogMessages[type] = {} local groups = 0 while ( xmlFindChild ( subnode, "group", groups ) ) do local group = xmlFindChild ( subnode, "group", groups ) local action = xmlNodeGetAttribute ( group, "action" ) local r = tonumber ( xmlNodeGetAttribute ( group, "r" ) ) local g = tonumber ( xmlNodeGetAttribute ( group, "g" ) ) local b = tonumber ( xmlNodeGetAttribute ( group, "b" ) ) aLogMessages[type][action] = {} aLogMessages[type][action]["r"] = r or 0 aLogMessages[type][action]["g"] = g or 255 aLogMessages[type][action]["b"] = b or 0 if ( xmlFindChild ( group, "all", 0 ) ) then aLogMessages[type][action]["all"] = xmlNodeGetValue ( xmlFindChild ( group, "all", 0 ) ) end if ( xmlFindChild ( group, "admin", 0 ) ) then aLogMessages[type][action]["admin"] = xmlNodeGetValue ( xmlFindChild ( group, "admin", 0 ) ) end if ( xmlFindChild ( group, "player", 0 ) ) then aLogMessages[type][action]["player"] = xmlNodeGetValue ( xmlFindChild ( group, "player", 0 ) ) end if ( xmlFindChild ( group, "log", 0 ) ) then aLogMessages[type][action]["log"] = xmlNodeGetValue ( xmlFindChild ( group, "log", 0 ) ) end groups = groups + 1 end end end xmlUnloadFile ( node ) end end ) addEventHandler ( "onResourceStop", _root, function ( resource ) -- Incase the resource being stopped has been deleted local stillExists = false for i, res in ipairs(getResources()) do if res == resource then stillExists = true break end end if not stillExists then return end if ( resource ~= getThisResource() ) then for id, player in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do if ( hasObjectPermissionTo ( player, "general.tab_resources" ) ) then triggerClientEvent ( player, "aClientResourceStop", _root, getResourceName ( resource ) ) end end else local node = xmlLoadFile ( "conf\\eports.xml" ) if ( node ) then while ( xmlFindChild ( node, "message", 0 ) ~= false ) do local subnode = xmlFindChild ( node, "message", 0 ) xmlDestroyNode ( subnode ) end else node = xmlCreateFile ( "conf\\eports.xml", "messages" ) end for id, message in ipairs ( aReports ) do local subnode = xmlCreateChild ( node, "message" ) for key, value in pairs ( message ) do if ( value ) then xmlNodeSetValue ( xmlCreateChild ( subnode, key ), tostring ( value ) ) end end end xmlSaveFile ( node ) xmlUnloadFile ( node ) -- Unmute anybody muted by admin for i, player in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do local serial = getPlayerSerial( player ) if (aUnmuteTimerList[serial]) then aUnmuteTimerList[serial] = nil setPlayerMuted(player, false) end end end aclSave () end ) function aGetSetting ( setting ) local result = xmlFindChild ( _settings, tostring ( setting ), 0 ) if ( result ) then result = xmlNodeGetValue ( result ) if ( result == "true" ) then return true elseif ( result == "false" ) then return false else return result end end return false end function aSetSetting ( setting, value ) local node = xmlFindChild ( _settings, tostring ( setting ), 0 ) if ( not node ) then node = xmlCreateChild ( _settings, tostring ( setting ) ) end Link to comment
SaedAmer Posted June 18, 2016 Author Share Posted June 18, 2016 ده الي يظهر فقط exports["vMZ-TopBar"]:sendClientMessage ( "Press 'p' to open your admin panel", player ) Link to comment
SaedAmer Posted June 18, 2016 Author Share Posted June 18, 2016 اطرح كود التوب بار شات كلنت ------------------------------------------ -- TopBarChat -- ------------------------------------------ -- Developer: Braydon Davis -- -- File: c.lua -- -- Copyright 2013 (C) Braydon Davis -- -- All rights reserved. -- ------------------------------------------ -- Script Version: 1.4 -- ------------------------------------------ local maxMessages = 5; -- The max messages that will show (on each bar) local DefaultTime = 8; -- The max time each message will show if time isn't defined. ------------------------------------------ -- For scripters only -- ------------------------------------------ local sx_, sy_ = guiGetScreenSize ( ) local sx, sy = sx_/1280, sy_/720 -- you got xXMADEXx's resolution :3 plz no hak mi local DefaultPos = true; local messages_top = { } local messages_btm = { } function sendClientMessage ( msg, r, g, b, pos, time ) -- Msg: String -- R: Int (0-255) -- G: Int (0-255) -- B: Int (0-255) -- Pos: Boolean -- Time: Int if ( not msg ) then return false end if ( pos == nil ) then pos = DefaultPos end local r, g, b = r or 255, g or 255, b or 255 local time = tonumber ( time ) or DefaultTime local data = { message = msg, r = r, g = g, b = b, alpha=0, locked=true, rTick = getTickCount ( ) + (time*1000) } --> Scripters note: --> The remove and intro fades are handled in the render event if ( pos == true or pos == "top" ) then table.insert ( messages_top, data ) return true elseif ( pos == false or pos == "bottom" ) then table.insert ( messages_btm, data ) return true end return false end addEvent ( getResourceName ( getThisResource ( ) )..":sendClientMessage", true ) addEventHandler ( getResourceName ( getThisResource ( ) )..":sendClientMessage", root, sendClientMessage ) function dxDrawNotificationBar ( ) local doRemove = { top = { }, bottom = { } } -- This is used so it prevents the next message from flashing -- Top Message Bar for i, v in pairs ( messages_top ) do local i = i - 1 if ( not v.locked ) then v.alpha = v.alpha - 3 if ( v.alpha <= 20 ) then table.insert (, i+1 ) end messages_top[i+1].alpha = v.alpha else if ( v.alpha < 160 ) then v.alpha = v.alpha + 1 messages_top[i+1].alpha = v.alpha end if ( v.rTick <= getTickCount ( ) ) then v.locked = false messages_top[i+1].locked=false end end dxDrawRectangle ( (sx_/2-530/2), i*25, 530, 25, tocolor ( 0, 0, 0, v.alpha ) ) dxDrawText ( tostring ( v.message ), 0, i*25, sx_, (i+1)*25, tocolor ( v.r, v.g, v.b, v.alpha*1.59375 ), sy*1, "default-bold", "center", "center") end if ( #messages_top > maxMessages and messages_top[1].locked ) then messages_top[1].locked = false end -- Bottom Message Bar for i, v in pairs ( messages_btm ) do if ( not v.locked ) then v.alpha = v.alpha - 3 if ( v.alpha <= 20 ) then table.insert ( doRemove.bottom, i ) end messages_btm[i].alpha = v.alpha else if ( v.alpha < 160 ) then v.alpha = v.alpha + 1 messages_btm[i].alpha = v.alpha end if ( v.rTick <= getTickCount ( ) ) then v.locked = false messages_btm[i].locked=false end end dxDrawRectangle ( (sx_/2-530/2), sy_-(i*25), 530, 25, tocolor ( 0, 0, 0, v.alpha ) ) dxDrawText ( tostring ( v.message ), 0, sy_-(i*25), sx_, sy_-((i-1)*25), tocolor ( v.r, v.g, v.b, v.alpha*1.59375 ), sy*1, "default-bold", "center", "center") end if ( #messages_btm > maxMessages and messages_btm[1].locked ) then messages_btm[1].locked = false end -- handle message removes if ( > 0 )then for i, v in pairs ( ) do table.remove ( messages_top, v ) end end if ( #doRemove.bottom > 0 ) then for i, v in pairs ( doRemove.bottom ) do table.remove ( messages_btm, v ) end end end addEventHandler ( "onClientRender", root, dxDrawNotificationBar ) ------------------------------ -- For development -- ------------------------------ addCommandHandler ( 'rt', function ( ) for i=1, 5 do sendClientMessage ( "Testing - Index ".. tostring ( i ), 255, 255, 255, false ) sendClientMessage ( "Testing - Index ".. tostring ( i ), 255, 255, 255, true ) end end ) سيرفر ------------------------------------------ -- TopBarChat -- ------------------------------------------ -- Developer: Braydon Davis -- -- File: s.lua -- -- Copyright 2013 (C) Braydon Davis -- -- All rights reserved. -- ------------------------------------------ local rName = getResourceName ( getThisResource ( ) ) function sendClientMessage ( msg, who, r, g, b, pos, time ) if ( msg and who ) then if ( isElement ( who ) ) then triggerClientEvent ( who, rName..":sendClientMessage", who, msg, r, g, b, pos, time ) return true else return false end else return false end end Link to comment
w7sH Posted June 19, 2016 Share Posted June 19, 2016 الكود سليم بس تاكد انك حاط الاسم صحيح topbarchat وضيف الكود كذا exports["topbarchat"]:sendClientMessage Link to comment
N3xT Posted June 19, 2016 Share Posted June 19, 2016 أنت بالكود الأول عرفت الإلمنت اللي هو " بلاير " عشان يطلع بالتوبار exports["vMZ-TopBar"]:sendClientMessage ( "Press 'p' to open your admin panel", player ) لكن بالباقية م عرفت الإلمنت ؟ exports["vMZ-TopBar"]:sendClientMessage ( "ERROR: "..getPlayerName ( player ).." - Invalid Serial." ) Link to comment
SaedAmer Posted June 19, 2016 Author Share Posted June 19, 2016 أنت بالكود الأول عرفت الإلمنت اللي هو " بلاير " عشان يطلع بالتوبار exports["vMZ-TopBar"]:sendClientMessage ( "Press 'p' to open your admin panel", player ) لكن بالباقية م عرفت الإلمنت ؟ exports["vMZ-TopBar"]:sendClientMessage ( "ERROR: "..getPlayerName ( player ).." - Invalid Serial." ) ما فهمت وضح اكتر Link to comment
N3xT Posted June 19, 2016 Share Posted June 19, 2016 إنسخ ذا الكود exports["vMZ-TopBar"]:sendClientMessage ( "Press 'p' to open your admin panel", player ) وركبه ع الباقية كلها عشان يرجع يشتغل Link to comment
SaedAmer Posted June 19, 2016 Author Share Posted June 19, 2016 طيب و الكلام الي داخله Link to comment
^iiEcoo'x_) Posted June 19, 2016 Share Posted June 19, 2016 انسخ بس ذا exports["vMZ-TopBar"]:sendClientMessage Link to comment
Me[Z]oO Posted June 19, 2016 Share Posted June 19, 2016 طيب و الكلام الي داخله إنسخ ذا الكود exports["vMZ-TopBar"]:sendClientMessage ( "Press 'p' to open your admin panel", player ) وركبه ع الباقية كلها عشان يرجع يشتغل بلاك نكست يقصد حط الكود ذا مكان اكواد الشات وبدل الي بداخل السترنج للكلام الي كانت بالشات بوكس exports["vMZ-TopBar"]:sendClientMessage ( "هنا النص حقك", player ) Link to comment
SaedAmer Posted June 19, 2016 Author Share Posted June 19, 2016 و الميوت و كده كلو نفس الكلام ؟ Link to comment
Me[Z]oO Posted June 19, 2016 Share Posted June 19, 2016 و الميوت و كده كلو نفس الكلام ؟ يب بس الاول شوف الالمنت الي انرسل له الرسالة بفنكشن outputChatBox لو source بدل الplayer بكود بلاك نكست فوق ب source والعكس Link to comment
SaedAmer Posted June 19, 2016 Author Share Posted June 19, 2016 طيب يا اخي انا رجعتها مثل ما كانت تطلع في الشات عادي بس نفس الشئ ما شتغلت في عيب تاني !! --[[********************************** * * Multi Theft Auto - Admin Panel * * admin_server.lua * * Original File by lil_Toady * **************************************]] _root = getRootElement() _types = { "player", "team", "vehicle", "resource", "bans", "server", "admin" } _settings = nil aPlayers = {} aLogMessages = {} aInteriors = {} aStats = {} aReports = {} aWeathers = {} aNickChangeTime = {} local aUnmuteTimerList = {} function notifyPlayerLoggedIn(player) outputChatBox ( "Press 'p' to open your admin panel", player ) local unread = 0 for _, msg in ipairs ( aReports ) do unread = unread + ( and 0 or 1 ) end if unread > 0 then outputChatBox( unread .. " unread Admin message" .. ( unread==1 and "" or "s" ), player, 255, 0, 0 ) end end addEventHandler ( "onResourceStart", _root, function ( resource ) if ( resource ~= getThisResource() ) then for id, player in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do if ( hasObjectPermissionTo ( player, "general.tab_resources" ) ) then triggerClientEvent ( player, "aClientResourceStart", _root, getResourceName ( resource ) ) end end return end _settings = xmlLoadFile ( "conf\\settings.xml" ) if ( not _settings ) then _settings = xmlCreateFile ( "conf\\settings.xml", "main" ) xmlSaveFile ( _settings ) end aSetupACL() aSetupCommands() for id, player in ipairs ( getElementsByType ( "player" ) ) do aPlayerInitialize ( player ) if ( hasObjectPermissionTo ( player, "general.adminpanel" ) ) then notifyPlayerLoggedIn(player) end end local node = xmlLoadFile ( "conf\\interiors.xml" ) if ( node ) then local interiors = 0 while ( xmlFindChild ( node, "interior", interiors ) ) do local interior = xmlFindChild ( node, "interior", interiors ) interiors = interiors + 1 aInteriors[interiors] = {} aInteriors[interiors]["world"] = tonumber ( xmlNodeGetAttribute ( interior, "world" ) ) aInteriors[interiors]["id"] = xmlNodeGetAttribute ( interior, "id" ) aInteriors[interiors]["x"] = xmlNodeGetAttribute ( interior, "posX" ) aInteriors[interiors]["y"] = xmlNodeGetAttribute ( interior, "posY" ) aInteriors[interiors]["z"] = xmlNodeGetAttribute ( interior, "posZ" ) aInteriors[interiors]["r"] = xmlNodeGetAttribute ( interior, "rot" ) end xmlUnloadFile ( node ) end local node = xmlLoadFile ( "conf\\stats.xml" ) if ( node ) then local stats = 0 while ( xmlFindChild ( node, "stat", stats ) ) do local stat = xmlFindChild ( node, "stat", stats ) local id = tonumber ( xmlNodeGetAttribute ( stat, "id" ) ) local name = xmlNodeGetAttribute ( stat, "name" ) aStats[id] = name stats = stats + 1 end xmlUnloadFile ( node ) end local node = xmlLoadFile ( "conf\\weathers.xml" ) if ( node ) then local weathers = 0 while ( xmlFindChild ( node, "weather", weathers ) ~= false ) do local weather = xmlFindChild ( node, "weather", weathers ) local id = tonumber ( xmlNodeGetAttribute ( weather, "id" ) ) local name = xmlNodeGetAttribute ( weather, "name" ) aWeathers[id] = name weathers = weathers + 1 end xmlUnloadFile ( node ) end local node = xmlLoadFile ( "conf\\reports.xml" ) if ( node ) then local messages = 0 while ( xmlFindChild ( node, "message", messages ) ) do subnode = xmlFindChild ( node, "message", messages ) local author = xmlFindChild ( subnode, "author", 0 ) local subject = xmlFindChild ( subnode, "subject", 0 ) local category = xmlFindChild ( subnode, "category", 0 ) local text = xmlFindChild ( subnode, "text", 0 ) local time = xmlFindChild ( subnode, "time", 0 ) local read = ( xmlFindChild ( subnode, "read", 0 ) ~= false ) local id = #aReports + 1 aReports[id] = {} if ( author ) then aReports[id].author = xmlNodeGetValue ( author ) else aReports[id].author = "" end if ( category ) then aReports[id].category = xmlNodeGetValue ( category ) else aReports[id].category = "" end if ( subject ) then aReports[id].subject = xmlNodeGetValue ( subject ) else aReports[id].subject = "" end if ( text ) then aReports[id].text = xmlNodeGetValue ( text ) else aReports[id].text = "" end if ( time ) then aReports[id].time = xmlNodeGetValue ( time ) else aReports[id].time = "" end aReports[id].read = read messages = messages + 1 end -- Remove duplicates local a = 1 while a <= #aReports do local b = a + 1 while b <= #aReports do if table.cmp( aReports[a], aReports[b] ) then table.remove( aReports, b ) b = b - 1 end b = b + 1 end a = a + 1 end -- Upgrade time from '4/9 5:9' to '2009-09-04 05:09' for id, rep in ipairs ( aReports ) do if string.find( rep.time, "/" ) then local monthday, month, hour, minute = string.match( rep.time, "^(.-)/(.-) (.-).-)$" ) rep.time = string.format( '%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d', 2009, month + 1, monthday, hour, minute ) end end -- Sort messages by time table.sort(aReports, function(a,b) return(a.time < b.time) end) -- Limit number of messages while #aReports > g_Prefs.maxmsgs do table.remove( aReports, 1 ) end xmlUnloadFile ( node ) end local node = xmlLoadFile ( "conf\\messages.xml" ) if ( node ) then for id, type in ipairs ( _types ) do local subnode = xmlFindChild ( node, type, 0 ) if ( subnode ) then aLogMessages[type] = {} local groups = 0 while ( xmlFindChild ( subnode, "group", groups ) ) do local group = xmlFindChild ( subnode, "group", groups ) local action = xmlNodeGetAttribute ( group, "action" ) local r = tonumber ( xmlNodeGetAttribute ( group, "r" ) ) local g = tonumber ( xmlNodeGetAttribute ( group, "g" ) ) local b = tonumber ( xmlNodeGetAttribute ( group, "b" ) ) aLogMessages[type][action] = {} aLogMessages[type][action]["r"] = r or 0 aLogMessages[type][action]["g"] = g or 255 aLogMessages[type][action]["b"] = b or 0 if ( xmlFindChild ( group, "all", 0 ) ) then aLogMessages[type][action]["all"] = xmlNodeGetValue ( xmlFindChild ( group, "all", 0 ) ) end if ( xmlFindChild ( group, "admin", 0 ) ) then aLogMessages[type][action]["admin"] = xmlNodeGetValue ( xmlFindChild ( group, "admin", 0 ) ) end if ( xmlFindChild ( group, "player", 0 ) ) then aLogMessages[type][action]["player"] = xmlNodeGetValue ( xmlFindChild ( group, "player", 0 ) ) end if ( xmlFindChild ( group, "log", 0 ) ) then aLogMessages[type][action]["log"] = xmlNodeGetValue ( xmlFindChild ( group, "log", 0 ) ) end groups = groups + 1 end end end xmlUnloadFile ( node ) end end ) addEventHandler ( "onResourceStop", _root, function ( resource ) -- Incase the resource being stopped has been deleted local stillExists = false for i, res in ipairs(getResources()) do if res == resource then stillExists = true break end end if not stillExists then return end if ( resource ~= getThisResource() ) then for id, player in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do if ( hasObjectPermissionTo ( player, "general.tab_resources" ) ) then triggerClientEvent ( player, "aClientResourceStop", _root, getResourceName ( resource ) ) end end else local node = xmlLoadFile ( "conf\\reports.xml" ) if ( node ) then while ( xmlFindChild ( node, "message", 0 ) ~= false ) do local subnode = xmlFindChild ( node, "message", 0 ) xmlDestroyNode ( subnode ) end else node = xmlCreateFile ( "conf\\reports.xml", "messages" ) end for id, message in ipairs ( aReports ) do local subnode = xmlCreateChild ( node, "message" ) for key, value in pairs ( message ) do if ( value ) then xmlNodeSetValue ( xmlCreateChild ( subnode, key ), tostring ( value ) ) end end end xmlSaveFile ( node ) xmlUnloadFile ( node ) -- Unmute anybody muted by admin for i, player in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do local serial = getPlayerSerial( player ) if (aUnmuteTimerList[serial]) then aUnmuteTimerList[serial] = nil setPlayerMuted(player, false) end end end aclSave () end ) function aGetSetting ( setting ) local result = xmlFindChild ( _settings, tostring ( setting ), 0 ) if ( result ) then result = xmlNodeGetValue ( result ) if ( result == "true" ) then return true elseif ( result == "false" ) then return false else return result end end return false end function aSetSetting ( setting, value ) local node = xmlFindChild ( _settings, tostring ( setting ), 0 ) if ( not node ) then node = xmlCreateChild ( _settings, tostring ( setting ) ) end xmlNodeSetValue ( node, tostring ( value ) ) xmlSaveFile ( _settings ) end function aRemoveSetting ( setting ) Link to comment
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