SaedAmer Posted June 12, 2016 Share Posted June 12, 2016 السلام عليكم ايه الخطأ هنا ؟ exports.topbarchat:sendClientMessage(ADMIN: $admin has muted $player $data $data2) Link to comment
Ahmed Ly Posted June 12, 2016 Share Posted June 12, 2016 exports.topbarchat:sendClientMessage("ADMIN: $admin has muted $player $data $data2",source,0,255,0) Link to comment
^iiEcoo'x_) Posted June 12, 2016 Share Posted June 12, 2016 addEventHandler("onPlayerMute",root, function() local name = getPlayerName(source) exports["TopBarChat"]:sendClientMessage("Admin Has Been muted ".. name ..",root,255,0,0) end ) تبي كذا ؟ Link to comment
SycroX Posted June 12, 2016 Share Posted June 12, 2016 غلط غلط اصلن انتا تعدل علي ملف messages.xml -__- روح ملف سيرفر الأساسي وشيل outputChatBox و حط بدلها exports["TopBarChat"]:sendClientMessage Link to comment
SaedAmer Posted June 12, 2016 Author Share Posted June 12, 2016 تمام دلوقتي ده التوب بار شات ازاي اتحكم في حجمه و مكانه ؟ عاوز يكون اخر يمين الشاشة و يصغر شوي ------------------------------------------ -- TopBarChat -- ------------------------------------------ -- Developer: Braydon Davis -- -- File: c.lua -- -- Copyright 2013 (C) Braydon Davis -- -- All rights reserved. -- ------------------------------------------ -- Script Version: 1.4 -- ------------------------------------------ local maxMessages = 5; -- The max messages that will show (on each bar) local DefaultTime = 8; -- The max time each message will show if time isn't defined. ------------------------------------------ -- For scripters only -- ------------------------------------------ local sx_, sy_ = guiGetScreenSize ( ) local sx, sy = sx_/1280, sy_/720 -- you got xXMADEXx's resolution :3 plz no hak mi local DefaultPos = true; local messages_top = { } local messages_btm = { } function sendClientMessage ( msg, r, g, b, pos, time ) -- Msg: String -- R: Int (0-255) -- G: Int (0-255) -- B: Int (0-255) -- Pos: Boolean -- Time: Int if ( not msg ) then return false end if ( pos == nil ) then pos = DefaultPos end local r, g, b = r or 255, g or 255, b or 255 local time = tonumber ( time ) or DefaultTime local data = { message = msg, r = r, g = g, b = b, alpha=0, locked=true, rTick = getTickCount ( ) + (time*1000) } --> Scripters note: --> The remove and intro fades are handled in the render event if ( pos == true or pos == "top" ) then table.insert ( messages_top, data ) return true elseif ( pos == false or pos == "bottom" ) then table.insert ( messages_btm, data ) return true end return false end addEvent ( getResourceName ( getThisResource ( ) )..":sendClientMessage", true ) addEventHandler ( getResourceName ( getThisResource ( ) )..":sendClientMessage", root, sendClientMessage ) function dxDrawNotificationBar ( ) local doRemove = { top = { }, bottom = { } } -- This is used so it prevents the next message from flashing -- Top Message Bar for i, v in pairs ( messages_top ) do local i = i - 1 if ( not v.locked ) then v.alpha = v.alpha - 3 if ( v.alpha <= 20 ) then table.insert (, i+1 ) end messages_top[i+1].alpha = v.alpha else if ( v.alpha < 160 ) then v.alpha = v.alpha + 1 messages_top[i+1].alpha = v.alpha end if ( v.rTick <= getTickCount ( ) ) then v.locked = false messages_top[i+1].locked=false end end dxDrawRectangle ( (sx_/2-530/2), i*25, 530, 25, tocolor ( 0, 0, 0, v.alpha ) ) dxDrawText ( tostring ( v.message ), 0, i*25, sx_, (i+1)*25, tocolor ( v.r, v.g, v.b, v.alpha*1.59375 ), sy*1, "default-bold", "center", "center") end if ( #messages_top > maxMessages and messages_top[1].locked ) then messages_top[1].locked = false end -- Bottom Message Bar for i, v in pairs ( messages_btm ) do if ( not v.locked ) then v.alpha = v.alpha - 3 if ( v.alpha <= 20 ) then table.insert ( doRemove.bottom, i ) end messages_btm[i].alpha = v.alpha else if ( v.alpha < 160 ) then v.alpha = v.alpha + 1 messages_btm[i].alpha = v.alpha end if ( v.rTick <= getTickCount ( ) ) then v.locked = false messages_btm[i].locked=false end end dxDrawRectangle ( (sx_/2-530/2), sy_-(i*25), 530, 25, tocolor ( 0, 0, 0, v.alpha ) ) dxDrawText ( tostring ( v.message ), 0, sy_-(i*25), sx_, sy_-((i-1)*25), tocolor ( v.r, v.g, v.b, v.alpha*1.59375 ), sy*1, "default-bold", "center", "center") end if ( #messages_btm > maxMessages and messages_btm[1].locked ) then messages_btm[1].locked = false end -- handle message removes if ( > 0 )then for i, v in pairs ( ) do table.remove ( messages_top, v ) end end if ( #doRemove.bottom > 0 ) then for i, v in pairs ( doRemove.bottom ) do table.remove ( messages_btm, v ) end end end addEventHandler ( "onClientRender", root, dxDrawNotificationBar ) ------------------------------ -- For development -- ------------------------------ addCommandHandler ( 'rt', function ( ) for i=1, 5 do sendClientMessage ( "Testing - Index ".. tostring ( i ), 255, 255, 255, false ) sendClientMessage ( "Testing - Index ".. tostring ( i ), 255, 255, 255, true ) end end ) ------------------------------------------ -- TopBarChat -- ------------------------------------------ -- Developer: Braydon Davis -- -- File: s.lua -- -- Copyright 2013 (C) Braydon Davis -- -- All rights reserved. -- ------------------------------------------ local rName = getResourceName ( getThisResource ( ) ) function sendClientMessage ( msg, who, r, g, b, pos, time ) if ( msg and who ) then if ( isElement ( who ) ) then triggerClientEvent ( who, rName..":sendClientMessage", who, msg, r, g, b, pos, time ) return true else return false end else return false end end addEventHandler ( "onPlayerJoin", root, function ( ) sendClientMessage ( '* '..getPlayerName ( source )..' has joined!', root, 255, 100, 100, false ) end ) addEventHandler ( 'onPlayerQuit', root, function ( tp, reason, respons ) if ( tp == 'Kicked' or tp == 'Banned' ) then msg = '['' - '..respons..'] ('..reason..')' else msg = '['']' end sendClientMessage ( "* "..getPlayerName ( source ).." has quit. "..msg, root, 255, 100, 100, false ) end ) Link to comment
</Mr.Tn6eL> Posted June 12, 2016 Share Posted June 12, 2016 هات ملف admin_server.lua موجود في مود الادمن Link to comment
SaedAmer Posted June 12, 2016 Author Share Posted June 12, 2016 خلاص عملتها اخي خليتها تظهر في التوب بار شات من admin_server.lua شوف ده تمامدلوقتي ده التوب بار شات ازاي اتحكم في حجمه و مكانه ؟ عاوز يكون اخر يمين الشاشة و يصغر شوي ------------------------------------------ -- TopBarChat -- ------------------------------------------ -- Developer: Braydon Davis -- -- File: c.lua -- -- Copyright 2013 (C) Braydon Davis -- -- All rights reserved. -- ------------------------------------------ -- Script Version: 1.4 -- ------------------------------------------ local maxMessages = 5; -- The max messages that will show (on each bar) local DefaultTime = 8; -- The max time each message will show if time isn't defined. ------------------------------------------ -- For scripters only -- ------------------------------------------ local sx_, sy_ = guiGetScreenSize ( ) local sx, sy = sx_/1280, sy_/720 -- you got xXMADEXx's resolution :3 plz no hak mi local DefaultPos = true; local messages_top = { } local messages_btm = { } function sendClientMessage ( msg, r, g, b, pos, time ) -- Msg: String -- R: Int (0-255) -- G: Int (0-255) -- B: Int (0-255) -- Pos: Boolean -- Time: Int if ( not msg ) then return false end if ( pos == nil ) then pos = DefaultPos end local r, g, b = r or 255, g or 255, b or 255 local time = tonumber ( time ) or DefaultTime local data = { message = msg, r = r, g = g, b = b, alpha=0, locked=true, rTick = getTickCount ( ) + (time*1000) } --> Scripters note: --> The remove and intro fades are handled in the render event if ( pos == true or pos == "top" ) then table.insert ( messages_top, data ) return true elseif ( pos == false or pos == "bottom" ) then table.insert ( messages_btm, data ) return true end return false end addEvent ( getResourceName ( getThisResource ( ) )..":sendClientMessage", true ) addEventHandler ( getResourceName ( getThisResource ( ) )..":sendClientMessage", root, sendClientMessage ) function dxDrawNotificationBar ( ) local doRemove = { top = { }, bottom = { } } -- This is used so it prevents the next message from flashing -- Top Message Bar for i, v in pairs ( messages_top ) do local i = i - 1 if ( not v.locked ) then v.alpha = v.alpha - 3 if ( v.alpha <= 20 ) then table.insert (, i+1 ) end messages_top[i+1].alpha = v.alpha else if ( v.alpha < 160 ) then v.alpha = v.alpha + 1 messages_top[i+1].alpha = v.alpha end if ( v.rTick <= getTickCount ( ) ) then v.locked = false messages_top[i+1].locked=false end end dxDrawRectangle ( (sx_/2-530/2), i*25, 530, 25, tocolor ( 0, 0, 0, v.alpha ) ) dxDrawText ( tostring ( v.message ), 0, i*25, sx_, (i+1)*25, tocolor ( v.r, v.g, v.b, v.alpha*1.59375 ), sy*1, "default-bold", "center", "center") end if ( #messages_top > maxMessages and messages_top[1].locked ) then messages_top[1].locked = false end -- Bottom Message Bar for i, v in pairs ( messages_btm ) do if ( not v.locked ) then v.alpha = v.alpha - 3 if ( v.alpha <= 20 ) then table.insert ( doRemove.bottom, i ) end messages_btm[i].alpha = v.alpha else if ( v.alpha < 160 ) then v.alpha = v.alpha + 1 messages_btm[i].alpha = v.alpha end if ( v.rTick <= getTickCount ( ) ) then v.locked = false messages_btm[i].locked=false end end dxDrawRectangle ( (sx_/2-530/2), sy_-(i*25), 530, 25, tocolor ( 0, 0, 0, v.alpha ) ) dxDrawText ( tostring ( v.message ), 0, sy_-(i*25), sx_, sy_-((i-1)*25), tocolor ( v.r, v.g, v.b, v.alpha*1.59375 ), sy*1, "default-bold", "center", "center") end if ( #messages_btm > maxMessages and messages_btm[1].locked ) then messages_btm[1].locked = false end -- handle message removes if ( > 0 )then for i, v in pairs ( ) do table.remove ( messages_top, v ) end end if ( #doRemove.bottom > 0 ) then for i, v in pairs ( doRemove.bottom ) do table.remove ( messages_btm, v ) end end end addEventHandler ( "onClientRender", root, dxDrawNotificationBar ) ------------------------------ -- For development -- ------------------------------ addCommandHandler ( 'rt', function ( ) for i=1, 5 do sendClientMessage ( "Testing - Index ".. tostring ( i ), 255, 255, 255, false ) sendClientMessage ( "Testing - Index ".. tostring ( i ), 255, 255, 255, true ) end end ) ------------------------------------------ -- TopBarChat -- ------------------------------------------ -- Developer: Braydon Davis -- -- File: s.lua -- -- Copyright 2013 (C) Braydon Davis -- -- All rights reserved. -- ------------------------------------------ local rName = getResourceName ( getThisResource ( ) ) function sendClientMessage ( msg, who, r, g, b, pos, time ) if ( msg and who ) then if ( isElement ( who ) ) then triggerClientEvent ( who, rName..":sendClientMessage", who, msg, r, g, b, pos, time ) return true else return false end else return false end end addEventHandler ( "onPlayerJoin", root, function ( ) sendClientMessage ( '* '..getPlayerName ( source )..' has joined!', root, 255, 100, 100, false ) end ) addEventHandler ( 'onPlayerQuit', root, function ( tp, reason, respons ) if ( tp == 'Kicked' or tp == 'Banned' ) then msg = '['' - '..respons..'] ('..reason..')' else msg = '['']' end sendClientMessage ( "* "..getPlayerName ( source ).." has quit. "..msg, root, 255, 100, 100, false ) end ) Link to comment
Vunili Posted June 12, 2016 Share Posted June 12, 2016 rt جرب اكتب في اف 8 يطلع لك لوحتين فوق وتحت dx DrawRectangle ( (sx_/2-530/2), sy_-(i*25), 530, 25, tocolor ( 0, 0, 0, v.alpha ) ) dxDrawText ( tostring ( v.message ), 0, sy_-(i*25), sx_, sy_-((i-1)*25), tocolor ( v.r, v.g, v.b, v.alpha*1.59375 ), sy*1, "default-bold", "center", "center") end *اللوحة اللي فوق dxDrawRectangle ( (sx_/2-530/2), i*25, 530, 25, tocolor ( 0, 0, 0, v.alpha ) ) dxDrawText ( tostring ( v.message ), 0, i*25, sx_, (i+1)*25, tocolor ( v.r, v.g, v.b, v.alpha*1.59375 ), sy*1, "default-bold", "center", "center") end if ( #messages_top > maxMessages and messages_top[1].locked ) then messages_top[1].locked = false end واللي تحت ^ Link to comment
Vunili Posted June 12, 2016 Share Posted June 12, 2016 كيف اتحكم فيهم !؟ غير الإحداثيات dxDrawRectangle ( (sx_/2-530/2), i*25, 530, 25, tocolor ( 0, 0, 0, v.alpha ) ) dxDrawText ( tostring ( v.message ), 0, i*25, sx_, (i+1)*25, tocolor ( v.r, v.g, :] Link to comment
SaedAmer Posted June 13, 2016 Author Share Posted June 13, 2016 طيب دلوقتي انا حركت dxDrawRectangle بس الكلام مش عارف احركه يمين و يسار !! dxDrawText Link to comment
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