Wleed1998 Posted June 9, 2016 Share Posted June 9, 2016 السلام عليكم ورحمة الله و بركاته انا جديد بي المنتدى بس اعرف افتح موضوع انا مبرمج متوسط بس سويت مود اعلى تواجد كل شي تمام حتى الديبوق مايظهر فيه شي كلنت local rankTable = {} local oldTick = 0 local timeToUpdate = 3000 GUIEditor = { gridlist = {}, window = {}, label = {} } addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", resourceRoot, function() GUIEditor.window[1] = guiCreateWindow(215, 117, 460, 403, "اعلى 30 تواجد في السـيـرفـر", false) guiWindowSetSizable(GUIEditor.window[1], false) guiSetAlpha(GUIEditor.window[1], 1.00) guiSetProperty(GUIEditor.window[1], "CaptionColour", "FF01FAB6") Gridilist = guiCreateGridList(10, 54, 436, 324, false, GUIEditor.window[1]) guiGridListAddColumn(Gridilist, "playerName", 0.5) guiGridListAddColumn(Gridilist, "PlayTime", 0.5) GUIEditor.label[1] = guiCreateLabel(-7, -45, 453, 40, "", false, GUIEditor.gridlist[1]) end ) function on() local currentTick = getTickCount() if(currentTick-oldTick>=timeToUpdate)then oldTick = currentTick triggerServerEvent("onTopPlayerListRequest",localPlayer,text) end end addEvent("onClientReceiveTopListTable",true) addEventHandler("onClientReceiveTopListTable",root, function(t) rankTable = t UpdateTopList() end) function UpdateTopList() guiGridListClear(Gridilist) for k,v in ipairs(rankTable) do local row = guiGridListAddRow(Gridilist) guiGridListSetItemText(Gridilist,row,1,v["playerName"],false,false) guiGridListSetItemText(Gridilist,row,2,v["PlayTime"],false,false) end end function TopGui() local guiS = guiGetVisible(GUIEditor.window[1]) guiSetVisible(GUIEditor.window[1],not guiS) showCursor(not guiS) guiSetInputEnabled(not guiS) end bindKey("F12","down",TopGui) سيرفر local playTime = {} function onLogin(old,current) if(current and not isGuestAccount(current))then local timeHour = tonumber(getAccountData(current,"hour"))or 0 local timeMinute = tonumber(getAccountData(current,"minute"))or 0 local timeSecond = tonumber(getAccountData(current,"second"))or 0 if(not playTime[source])then playTime[source] = { ["hour"] = 0, ["min"] = 0, ["sec"] = 0 } end playTime[source]["hour"] = timeHour playTime[source]["min"] = timeMinute playTime[source]["sec"] = timeSecond end end addEventHandler("onPlayerLogin",root,onLogin) function onQuit() local acc = getPlayerAccount(source) if(acc and not isGuestAccount(acc))then local timeHour = playTime[source]["hour"] or 0 local timeMin = playTime[source]["min"] or 0 local timeSec = playTime[source]["sec"] or 0 local name = getPlayerName(source) local nickAcc = string.gsub(name,"#%x%x%x%x%x%x","") setAccountData(acc,"hour",timeHour) setAccountData(acc,"minute",timeMin) setAccountData(acc,"second",timeSec) setAccountData(acc,"PlayerName",nickAcc) playTime[source] = nil end end addEventHandler("onPlayerQuit",root,onQuit) addEvent("onTopPlayerListRequest",true) addEventHandler("onTopPlayerListRequest",root, function(text) local allAccounts = getAccounts() local sendTable = {} local data = 0 for k,v in ipairs(allAccounts) do local name = getAccountName(v) local dataHour = tonumber(getAccountData(v,"hour")) or 0 local dataMin = tonumber(getAccountData(v,"minute")) or 0 local dataSec = tonumber(getAccountData(v,"second")) or 0 if(text == "Play Time")then data = dataHour+DividiveIfMoreZero(dataMin,60)+DividiveIfMoreZero(dataSec,3600) else data = tonumber(getAccountData(v,text) or 0)or 0 end if(data>0)then table.insert(sendTable,{["playerName"] = name,["PlayTime"] = data}) end end table.sort(sendTable,function(a,b) return tonumber(a["PlayTime"] or 0)>tonumber(b["PlayTime"] or 0) end) table.setMaxIndex(sendTable,10) if(text == "Play Time")then for i=1,#sendTable do local timeString = "" local nAcc = getAccount(sendTable[i]["playerName"]) local hourS = getAccountData(nAcc,"hour") or 0 local minS = getAccountData(nAcc,"minute") or 0 local secS = getAccountData(nAcc,"second") or 0 hourS = tostring(hourS) minS = tostring(minS) secS = tostring(secS) timeString = hourS..":"..minS..":"..secS sendTable[i]["PlayTime"] = timeString end end for i=1,#sendTable do local acc = getAccount(sendTable[i]["playerName"]) local accRealName = getAccountData(acc,"PlayerName") if(accRealName and tostring(accRealName)~="false")then sendTable[i]["playerName"] = accRealName end end triggerClientEvent(client,"onClientReceiveTopListTable",client,sendTable) end) function table.setMaxIndex(t,n) if(#t>n)then while(#t>n)do table.remove(t) end end end function DividiveIfMoreZero(v,d) if(v>0)then return (v/d) end return 0 end function SavePlayTime() local players = getElementsByType("player") for k,v in ipairs(players) do if(not playTime[v]) then playTime[v] = { ["hour"] = 0, ["min"] = 0, ["sec"] = 0 } end playTime[v]["sec"] = tonumber(playTime[v]["sec"]+1) convertTime(v,playTime[v]["min"],playTime[v]["sec"]) local hour = playTime[v]["hour"] local min = playTime[v]["min"] local sec = playTime[v]["sec"] local acc = getPlayerAccount(v) if(acc and isGuestAccount(acc)==false)then setAccountData(acc,"hour",hour) setAccountData(acc,"minute",min) setAccountData(acc,"second",sec) end end setTimer(SavePlayTime,1000,1) end setTimer(SavePlayTime,1000,1) function ResetTopPlayers() local allAccounts = getAccounts() for k,v in ipairs(allAccounts) do setAccountData(v,"hour",0) setAccountData(v,"minute",0) setAccountData(v,"second",0) end outputChatBox("تم تحديث اعلى تواجد") end function resetConsoleTop(p) local accName = getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(p)) if(isObjectInACLGroup("user." .. accName, aclGetGroup("Console")))then ResetTopPlayers() else outputChatBox("هذا الخاصيه فقط لـ الكونسل",p) end end addCommandHandler("CL1",resetConsoleTop) function convertTime(source,m,s) if(s>=60)then playTime[source]["min"] = tonumber(playTime[source]["min"]+1) playTime[source]["sec"] = 0 end if(m>=60)then playTime[source]["hour"] = tonumber(playTime[source]["hour"]+1) playTime[source]["min"] = 0 end end Link to comment
Mr.CoR Posted June 9, 2016 Share Posted June 9, 2016 انت ما ذكرت اساساً المشكلة الي واجهتك !! ء Link to comment
s7BaT Posted June 9, 2016 Share Posted June 9, 2016 السلام عليكم ورحمة الله و بركاته انا جديد بي المنتدى بس اعرف افتح موضوع انا مبرمج متوسط بس سويت مود اعلى تواجد كل شي تمام حتى الديبوق مايظهر فيه شي كلنت local rankTable = {} local oldTick = 0 local timeToUpdate = 3000 GUIEditor = { gridlist = {}, window = {}, label = {} } addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", resourceRoot, function() GUIEditor.window[1] = guiCreateWindow(215, 117, 460, 403, "اعلى 30 تواجد في السـيـرفـر", false) guiWindowSetSizable(GUIEditor.window[1], false) guiSetAlpha(GUIEditor.window[1], 1.00) guiSetProperty(GUIEditor.window[1], "CaptionColour", "FF01FAB6") Gridilist = guiCreateGridList(10, 54, 436, 324, false, GUIEditor.window[1]) guiGridListAddColumn(Gridilist, "playerName", 0.5) guiGridListAddColumn(Gridilist, "PlayTime", 0.5) GUIEditor.label[1] = guiCreateLabel(-7, -45, 453, 40, "", false, GUIEditor.gridlist[1]) end ) function on() local currentTick = getTickCount() if(currentTick-oldTick>=timeToUpdate)then oldTick = currentTick triggerServerEvent("onTopPlayerListRequest",localPlayer,text) end end addEvent("onClientReceiveTopListTable",true) addEventHandler("onClientReceiveTopListTable",root, function(t) rankTable = t UpdateTopList() end) function UpdateTopList() guiGridListClear(Gridilist) for k,v in ipairs(rankTable) do local row = guiGridListAddRow(Gridilist) guiGridListSetItemText(Gridilist,row,1,v["playerName"],false,false) guiGridListSetItemText(Gridilist,row,2,v["PlayTime"],false,false) end end function TopGui() local guiS = guiGetVisible(GUIEditor.window[1]) guiSetVisible(GUIEditor.window[1],not guiS) showCursor(not guiS) guiSetInputEnabled(not guiS) end bindKey("F12","down",TopGui) سيرفر local playTime = {} function onLogin(old,current) if(current and not isGuestAccount(current))then local timeHour = tonumber(getAccountData(current,"hour"))or 0 local timeMinute = tonumber(getAccountData(current,"minute"))or 0 local timeSecond = tonumber(getAccountData(current,"second"))or 0 if(not playTime[source])then playTime[source] = { ["hour"] = 0, ["min"] = 0, ["sec"] = 0 } end playTime[source]["hour"] = timeHour playTime[source]["min"] = timeMinute playTime[source]["sec"] = timeSecond end end addEventHandler("onPlayerLogin",root,onLogin) function onQuit() local acc = getPlayerAccount(source) if(acc and not isGuestAccount(acc))then local timeHour = playTime[source]["hour"] or 0 local timeMin = playTime[source]["min"] or 0 local timeSec = playTime[source]["sec"] or 0 local name = getPlayerName(source) local nickAcc = string.gsub(name,"#%x%x%x%x%x%x","") setAccountData(acc,"hour",timeHour) setAccountData(acc,"minute",timeMin) setAccountData(acc,"second",timeSec) setAccountData(acc,"PlayerName",nickAcc) playTime[source] = nil end end addEventHandler("onPlayerQuit",root,onQuit) addEvent("onTopPlayerListRequest",true) addEventHandler("onTopPlayerListRequest",root, function(text) local allAccounts = getAccounts() local sendTable = {} local data = 0 for k,v in ipairs(allAccounts) do local name = getAccountName(v) local dataHour = tonumber(getAccountData(v,"hour")) or 0 local dataMin = tonumber(getAccountData(v,"minute")) or 0 local dataSec = tonumber(getAccountData(v,"second")) or 0 if(text == "Play Time")then data = dataHour+DividiveIfMoreZero(dataMin,60)+DividiveIfMoreZero(dataSec,3600) else data = tonumber(getAccountData(v,text) or 0)or 0 end if(data>0)then table.insert(sendTable,{["playerName"] = name,["PlayTime"] = data}) end end table.sort(sendTable,function(a,b) return tonumber(a["PlayTime"] or 0)>tonumber(b["PlayTime"] or 0) end) table.setMaxIndex(sendTable,10) if(text == "Play Time")then for i=1,#sendTable do local timeString = "" local nAcc = getAccount(sendTable[i]["playerName"]) local hourS = getAccountData(nAcc,"hour") or 0 local minS = getAccountData(nAcc,"minute") or 0 local secS = getAccountData(nAcc,"second") or 0 hourS = tostring(hourS) minS = tostring(minS) secS = tostring(secS) timeString = hourS..":"..minS..":"..secS sendTable[i]["PlayTime"] = timeString end end for i=1,#sendTable do local acc = getAccount(sendTable[i]["playerName"]) local accRealName = getAccountData(acc,"PlayerName") if(accRealName and tostring(accRealName)~="false")then sendTable[i]["playerName"] = accRealName end end triggerClientEvent(client,"onClientReceiveTopListTable",client,sendTable) end) function table.setMaxIndex(t,n) if(#t>n)then while(#t>n)do table.remove(t) end end end function DividiveIfMoreZero(v,d) if(v>0)then return (v/d) end return 0 end function SavePlayTime() local players = getElementsByType("player") for k,v in ipairs(players) do if(not playTime[v]) then playTime[v] = { ["hour"] = 0, ["min"] = 0, ["sec"] = 0 } end playTime[v]["sec"] = tonumber(playTime[v]["sec"]+1) convertTime(v,playTime[v]["min"],playTime[v]["sec"]) local hour = playTime[v]["hour"] local min = playTime[v]["min"] local sec = playTime[v]["sec"] local acc = getPlayerAccount(v) if(acc and isGuestAccount(acc)==false)then setAccountData(acc,"hour",hour) setAccountData(acc,"minute",min) setAccountData(acc,"second",sec) end end setTimer(SavePlayTime,1000,1) end setTimer(SavePlayTime,1000,1) function ResetTopPlayers() local allAccounts = getAccounts() for k,v in ipairs(allAccounts) do setAccountData(v,"hour",0) setAccountData(v,"minute",0) setAccountData(v,"second",0) end outputChatBox("تم تحديث اعلى تواجد") end function resetConsoleTop(p) local accName = getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(p)) if(isObjectInACLGroup("user." .. accName, aclGetGroup("Console")))then ResetTopPlayers() else outputChatBox("هذا الخاصيه فقط لـ الكونسل",p) end end addCommandHandler("CL1",resetConsoleTop) function convertTime(source,m,s) if(s>=60)then playTime[source]["min"] = tonumber(playTime[source]["min"]+1) playTime[source]["sec"] = 0 end if(m>=60)then playTime[source]["hour"] = tonumber(playTime[source]["hour"]+1) playTime[source]["min"] = 0 end end وش المشكلة؟ Link to comment
Wleed1998 Posted June 9, 2016 Author Share Posted June 9, 2016 السلام عليكم ورحمة الله و بركاته انا جديد بي المنتدى بس اعرف افتح موضوع انا مبرمج متوسط بس سويت مود اعلى تواجد كل شي تمام حتى الديبوق مايظهر فيه شي كلنت local rankTable = {} local oldTick = 0 local timeToUpdate = 3000 GUIEditor = { gridlist = {}, window = {}, label = {} } addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", resourceRoot, function() GUIEditor.window[1] = guiCreateWindow(215, 117, 460, 403, "اعلى 30 تواجد في السـيـرفـر", false) guiWindowSetSizable(GUIEditor.window[1], false) guiSetAlpha(GUIEditor.window[1], 1.00) guiSetProperty(GUIEditor.window[1], "CaptionColour", "FF01FAB6") Gridilist = guiCreateGridList(10, 54, 436, 324, false, GUIEditor.window[1]) guiGridListAddColumn(Gridilist, "playerName", 0.5) guiGridListAddColumn(Gridilist, "PlayTime", 0.5) GUIEditor.label[1] = guiCreateLabel(-7, -45, 453, 40, "", false, GUIEditor.gridlist[1]) end ) function on() local currentTick = getTickCount() if(currentTick-oldTick>=timeToUpdate)then oldTick = currentTick triggerServerEvent("onTopPlayerListRequest",localPlayer,text) end end addEvent("onClientReceiveTopListTable",true) addEventHandler("onClientReceiveTopListTable",root, function(t) rankTable = t UpdateTopList() end) function UpdateTopList() guiGridListClear(Gridilist) for k,v in ipairs(rankTable) do local row = guiGridListAddRow(Gridilist) guiGridListSetItemText(Gridilist,row,1,v["playerName"],false,false) guiGridListSetItemText(Gridilist,row,2,v["PlayTime"],false,false) end end function TopGui() local guiS = guiGetVisible(GUIEditor.window[1]) guiSetVisible(GUIEditor.window[1],not guiS) showCursor(not guiS) guiSetInputEnabled(not guiS) end bindKey("F12","down",TopGui) سيرفر local playTime = {} function onLogin(old,current) if(current and not isGuestAccount(current))then local timeHour = tonumber(getAccountData(current,"hour"))or 0 local timeMinute = tonumber(getAccountData(current,"minute"))or 0 local timeSecond = tonumber(getAccountData(current,"second"))or 0 if(not playTime[source])then playTime[source] = { ["hour"] = 0, ["min"] = 0, ["sec"] = 0 } end playTime[source]["hour"] = timeHour playTime[source]["min"] = timeMinute playTime[source]["sec"] = timeSecond end end addEventHandler("onPlayerLogin",root,onLogin) function onQuit() local acc = getPlayerAccount(source) if(acc and not isGuestAccount(acc))then local timeHour = playTime[source]["hour"] or 0 local timeMin = playTime[source]["min"] or 0 local timeSec = playTime[source]["sec"] or 0 local name = getPlayerName(source) local nickAcc = string.gsub(name,"#%x%x%x%x%x%x","") setAccountData(acc,"hour",timeHour) setAccountData(acc,"minute",timeMin) setAccountData(acc,"second",timeSec) setAccountData(acc,"PlayerName",nickAcc) playTime[source] = nil end end addEventHandler("onPlayerQuit",root,onQuit) addEvent("onTopPlayerListRequest",true) addEventHandler("onTopPlayerListRequest",root, function(text) local allAccounts = getAccounts() local sendTable = {} local data = 0 for k,v in ipairs(allAccounts) do local name = getAccountName(v) local dataHour = tonumber(getAccountData(v,"hour")) or 0 local dataMin = tonumber(getAccountData(v,"minute")) or 0 local dataSec = tonumber(getAccountData(v,"second")) or 0 if(text == "Play Time")then data = dataHour+DividiveIfMoreZero(dataMin,60)+DividiveIfMoreZero(dataSec,3600) else data = tonumber(getAccountData(v,text) or 0)or 0 end if(data>0)then table.insert(sendTable,{["playerName"] = name,["PlayTime"] = data}) end end table.sort(sendTable,function(a,b) return tonumber(a["PlayTime"] or 0)>tonumber(b["PlayTime"] or 0) end) table.setMaxIndex(sendTable,10) if(text == "Play Time")then for i=1,#sendTable do local timeString = "" local nAcc = getAccount(sendTable[i]["playerName"]) local hourS = getAccountData(nAcc,"hour") or 0 local minS = getAccountData(nAcc,"minute") or 0 local secS = getAccountData(nAcc,"second") or 0 hourS = tostring(hourS) minS = tostring(minS) secS = tostring(secS) timeString = hourS..":"..minS..":"..secS sendTable[i]["PlayTime"] = timeString end end for i=1,#sendTable do local acc = getAccount(sendTable[i]["playerName"]) local accRealName = getAccountData(acc,"PlayerName") if(accRealName and tostring(accRealName)~="false")then sendTable[i]["playerName"] = accRealName end end triggerClientEvent(client,"onClientReceiveTopListTable",client,sendTable) end) function table.setMaxIndex(t,n) if(#t>n)then while(#t>n)do table.remove(t) end end end function DividiveIfMoreZero(v,d) if(v>0)then return (v/d) end return 0 end function SavePlayTime() local players = getElementsByType("player") for k,v in ipairs(players) do if(not playTime[v]) then playTime[v] = { ["hour"] = 0, ["min"] = 0, ["sec"] = 0 } end playTime[v]["sec"] = tonumber(playTime[v]["sec"]+1) convertTime(v,playTime[v]["min"],playTime[v]["sec"]) local hour = playTime[v]["hour"] local min = playTime[v]["min"] local sec = playTime[v]["sec"] local acc = getPlayerAccount(v) if(acc and isGuestAccount(acc)==false)then setAccountData(acc,"hour",hour) setAccountData(acc,"minute",min) setAccountData(acc,"second",sec) end end setTimer(SavePlayTime,1000,1) end setTimer(SavePlayTime,1000,1) function ResetTopPlayers() local allAccounts = getAccounts() for k,v in ipairs(allAccounts) do setAccountData(v,"hour",0) setAccountData(v,"minute",0) setAccountData(v,"second",0) end outputChatBox("تم تحديث اعلى تواجد") end function resetConsoleTop(p) local accName = getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(p)) if(isObjectInACLGroup("user." .. accName, aclGetGroup("Console")))then ResetTopPlayers() else outputChatBox("هذا الخاصيه فقط لـ الكونسل",p) end end addCommandHandler("CL1",resetConsoleTop) function convertTime(source,m,s) if(s>=60)then playTime[source]["min"] = tonumber(playTime[source]["min"]+1) playTime[source]["sec"] = 0 end if(m>=60)then playTime[source]["hour"] = tonumber(playTime[source]["hour"]+1) playTime[source]["min"] = 0 end end وش المشكلة؟ المشكله مايظهر شيء بي القريد لست Link to comment
Abdul KariM Posted June 9, 2016 Share Posted June 9, 2016 اذا السكربت حقك يطلع الوقت بالتاب استخدم الالمنت داتا سوي لوب لجميع الاعبين بالكلنت وجيب الداتا , وحطهم في تيبل مع الوقت ومن بعدها سوي لوب على التيبل وحطهم في القريد وان كنت تبي ترتبهم استخدم table.sort getElementsByType -- for i , v ... getElementData table.insert -- for - Table -- لوب على التيبل Link to comment
Wleed1998 Posted June 9, 2016 Author Share Posted June 9, 2016 اذا السكربت حقك يطلع الوقت بالتاب استخدم الالمنت داتا سوي لوب لجميع الاعبين بالكلنت وجيب الداتا , وحطهم في تيبل مع الوقت ومن بعدها سوي لوب على التيبل وحطهم في القريد وان كنت تبي ترتبهم استخدم table.sort getElementsByType -- for i , v ... getElementData table.insert -- for - Table -- لوب على التيبل لا انا ابي الترتيب حسبب الاكثر ساعات موب يجي في التاب في التاب يكفي مود الساعات Link to comment
Wleed1998 Posted June 9, 2016 Author Share Posted June 9, 2016 طيب انا وش قلت <> انا ابي اعرف ليه مو راضي تطلع لا اسماء العيبه ولا ساعتهم ليه ماتطلع في القريد لست Link to comment
Wleed1998 Posted June 10, 2016 Author Share Posted June 10, 2016 طيب انا وش قلت <> انا ابي اعرف ليه مو راضي تطلع لا اسماء العيبه ولا ساعتهم ليه ماتطلع في القريد لست ارجوو الرد يا شباب Link to comment
iMr.WiFi..! Posted June 10, 2016 Share Posted June 10, 2016 اذا السكربت حقك يطلع الوقت بالتاب استخدم الالمنت داتا سوي لوب لجميع الاعبين بالكلنت وجيب الداتا , وحطهم في تيبل مع الوقت ومن بعدها سوي لوب على التيبل وحطهم في القريد وان كنت تبي ترتبهم استخدم table.sort getElementsByType -- for i , v ... getElementData table.insert -- for - Table -- لوب على التيبل مافي غير ذا الرد سوي الي قالك اياه , واذا انت منت مبرمج متوسط بطل الفكرة وسويلك مود اسهل من كذا Link to comment
Wleed1998 Posted June 10, 2016 Author Share Posted June 10, 2016 اذا السكربت حقك يطلع الوقت بالتاب استخدم الالمنت داتا سوي لوب لجميع الاعبين بالكلنت وجيب الداتا , وحطهم في تيبل مع الوقت ومن بعدها سوي لوب على التيبل وحطهم في القريد وان كنت تبي ترتبهم استخدم table.sort getElementsByType -- for i , v ... getElementData table.insert -- for - Table -- لوب على التيبل مافي غير ذا الرد سوي الي قالك اياه , واذا انت منت مبرمج متوسط بطل الفكرة وسويلك مود اسهل من كذا لا اعرف بس ي اخوي يعني لو اسوي ذي بتطلع كل شيء بي القريد لست Link to comment
iMr.WiFi..! Posted June 10, 2016 Share Posted June 10, 2016 تقدر توقف القيمة لين 30 الكود for i ,v in ipairs ( TableName ) do for i == 30 do break end end Link to comment
Wleed1998 Posted June 10, 2016 Author Share Posted June 10, 2016 اذا السكربت حقك يطلع الوقت بالتاب استخدم الالمنت داتا سوي لوب لجميع الاعبين بالكلنت وجيب الداتا , وحطهم في تيبل مع الوقت ومن بعدها سوي لوب على التيبل وحطهم في القريد وان كنت تبي ترتبهم استخدم table.sort getElementsByType -- for i , v ... getElementData table.insert -- for - Table -- لوب على التيبل مافي غير ذا الرد سوي الي قالك اياه , واذا انت منت مبرمج متوسط بطل الفكرة وسويلك مود اسهل من كذا لا اعرف بس ي اخوي يعني لو اسوي ذي بتطلع كل شيء بي القريد لست function getPlayersSortByaTime( ) local TopTimer = { } -- ضفنآه ل جدول for _, playerw in next, getElementsByType 'player' do -- هذا الوب حق لاعبين Time = getElementData ( playerw, 'Time' ) or "0:0:0" -- هنا حطينا دآتآ local h, m, s = unpack ( split ( Time, ":" ) ) table.insert ( TopTimer, { player = playerw, Time = Time, Sorttime = ( tonumber ( h ) * 3600000 + tonumber ( m ) * 60000 + tonumber ( s ) * 1000 ) } ) end table.sort ( TopTimer, function ( a, b ) return ( tonumber ( a.Sorttime ) or 0 ) > ( tonumber ( b.Sorttime ) or 0 ) end ) return TopTimer end Link to comment
فاّرس Posted June 10, 2016 Share Posted June 10, 2016 تقدر توقف القيمة لين 30الكود for i ,v in ipairs ( TableName ) do for i == 30 do break end end غلط حبيبي, ليه اللوب الثاني؟ حط شرط بداله ! @ صاحب الموضوع انت مسوي فنكشن ومو مستخدمه اساساً, سوي كذا addEvent("onClientReceiveTopListTable",true) addEventHandler("onClientReceiveTopListTable",root, function(t) UpdateTopList(t) end) function UpdateTopList(t) guiGridListClear(Gridilist) for k,v in ipairs(t) do local row = guiGridListAddRow(Gridilist) guiGridListSetItemText(Gridilist,row,1,v["playerName"],false,false) guiGridListSetItemText(Gridilist,row,2,v["PlayTime"],false,false) end end وحط الحدث : function on(state) if state and not tonumber ( state ) and type (state) == 'boolean' then if state == true then triggerServerEvent("onTopPlayerListRequest",localPlayer,"Play Time") else return end end end addEventHandler( 'onClientResourceStart', resourceRoot,function() on(true) end) عشان تحدث الجريد بالتايمر او اي شي بهذي الطريقه on وتقدر تستخدم الفنكشن on(true) ..عشان ترتب الجدول table.sort واستخدم Link to comment
Wleed1998 Posted June 10, 2016 Author Share Posted June 10, 2016 تقدر توقف القيمة لين 30الكود for i ,v in ipairs ( TableName ) do for i == 30 do break end end غلط حبيبي, ليه اللوب الثاني؟ حط شرط بداله ! @ صاحب الموضوع انت مسوي فنكشن ومو مستخدمه اساساً, سوي كذا addEvent("onClientReceiveTopListTable",true) addEventHandler("onClientReceiveTopListTable",root, function(t) UpdateTopList(t) end) function UpdateTopList(t) guiGridListClear(Gridilist) for k,v in ipairs(t) do local row = guiGridListAddRow(Gridilist) guiGridListSetItemText(Gridilist,row,1,v["playerName"],false,false) guiGridListSetItemText(Gridilist,row,2,v["PlayTime"],false,false) end end وحط الحدث : function on(state) if state and not tonumber ( state ) and type (state) == 'boolean' then if state == true then triggerServerEvent("onTopPlayerListRequest",localPlayer,"Play Time") else return end end end addEventHandler( 'onClientResourceStart', resourceRoot,function() on(true) end) عشان تحدث الجريد بالتايمر او اي شي بهذي الطريقه on وتقدر تستخدم الفنكشن on(true) ..عشان ترتب الجدول table.sort واستخدم data = tonumber(getAccountData(v,text) or 0)or 0 end if(data>0)then table.insert(sendTable,{["playerName"] = name,["PlayTime"] = data}) end end table.sort(sendTable,function(a,b) return tonumber(a["PlayTime"] or 0)>tonumber(b["PlayTime"] or 0) end) table.setMaxIndex(sendTable,10) مسوي كل شيء وش الفانكشن تقصد الفانكشن الثاني الي بي الكلنت يبي له حدث؟ هذا الي فوق مو ترتيب؟؟؟ Link to comment
فاّرس Posted June 10, 2016 Share Posted June 10, 2016 اكواد الكلينت اللي حطيتها لك بدلها باللي عندك . Link to comment
Wleed1998 Posted June 10, 2016 Author Share Posted June 10, 2016 اكواد الكلينت اللي حطيتها لك بدلها باللي عندك . اوكك Link to comment
Wleed1998 Posted June 10, 2016 Author Share Posted June 10, 2016 اكواد الكلينت اللي حطيتها لك بدلها باللي عندك . اوكك -- سويت كل شي قلت عليه و ماظهرت لا الاسماء ولا الساعات - الخطا: [18:09:09] SCRIPT ERROR: SAE\s.lua:2: '=' expected near 'local' [18:09:09] ERROR: Loading script failed: SAE\s.lua:2: '=' expected near 'local' [18:09:09] ERROR: Client () triggered serverside event onTopPlayerListRequest, but event is not added serverside ------------------------------------------ local playTime = {} function onLogin(old,current) if(current and not isGuestAccount(current))then local timeHour = tonumber(getAccountData(current,"hour"))or 0 local timeMinute = tonumber(getAccountData(current,"minute"))or 0 local timeSecond = tonumber(getAccountData(current,"second"))or 0 if(not playTime[source])then playTime[source] = { ["hour"] = 0, ["min"] = 0, ["sec"] = 0 } end playTime[source]["hour"] = timeHour playTime[source]["min"] = timeMinute playTime[source]["sec"] = timeSecond end end addEventHandler("onPlayerLogin",root,onLogin) function onQuit() local acc = getPlayerAccount(source) if(acc and not isGuestAccount(acc))then local timeHour = playTime[source]["hour"] or 0 local timeMin = playTime[source]["min"] or 0 local timeSec = playTime[source]["sec"] or 0 local name = getPlayerName(source) local nickAcc = string.gsub(name,"#%x%x%x%x%x%x","") setAccountData(acc,"hour",timeHour) setAccountData(acc,"minute",timeMin) setAccountData(acc,"second",timeSec) setAccountData(acc,"PlayerName",nickAcc) playTime[source] = nil end end addEventHandler("onPlayerQuit",root,onQuit) addEvent("onTopPlayerListRequest",true) addEventHandler("onTopPlayerListRequest",root, function(text) local allAccounts = getAccounts() local sendTable = {} local data = 0 for k,v in ipairs(allAccounts) do local name = getAccountName(v) local dataHour = tonumber(getAccountData(v,"hour")) or 0 local dataMin = tonumber(getAccountData(v,"minute")) or 0 local dataSec = tonumber(getAccountData(v,"second")) or 0 if(text == "Play Time")then data = dataHour+DividiveIfMoreZero(dataMin,60)+DividiveIfMoreZero(dataSec,3600) else data = tonumber(getAccountData(v,text) or 0)or 0 end if(data>0)then table.insert(sendTable,{["playerName"] = name,["PlayTime"] = data}) end end table.sort(sendTable,function(a,b) return tonumber(a["PlayTime"] or 0)>tonumber(b["PlayTime"] or 0) end) table.setMaxIndex(sendTable,10) if(text == "Play Time")then for i=1,#sendTable do local timeString = "" local nAcc = getAccount(sendTable[i]["playerName"]) local hourS = getAccountData(nAcc,"hour") or 0 local minS = getAccountData(nAcc,"minute") or 0 local secS = getAccountData(nAcc,"second") or 0 hourS = tostring(hourS) minS = tostring(minS) secS = tostring(secS) timeString = hourS..":"..minS..":"..secS sendTable[i]["PlayTime"] = timeString end end for i=1,#sendTable do local acc = getAccount(sendTable[i]["playerName"]) local accRealName = getAccountData(acc,"PlayerName") if(accRealName and tostring(accRealName)~="false")then sendTable[i]["playerName"] = accRealName end end triggerClientEvent(client,"onClientReceiveTopListTable",client,sendTable) end) function table.setMaxIndex(t,n) if(#t>n)then while(#t>n)do table.remove(t) end end end function DividiveIfMoreZero(v,d) if(v>0)then return (v/d) end return 0 end function SavePlayTime() local players = getElementsByType("player") for k,v in ipairs(players) do if(not playTime[v]) then playTime[v] = { ["hour"] = 0, ["min"] = 0, ["sec"] = 0 } end playTime[v]["sec"] = tonumber(playTime[v]["sec"]+1) convertTime(v,playTime[v]["min"],playTime[v]["sec"]) local hour = playTime[v]["hour"] local min = playTime[v]["min"] local sec = playTime[v]["sec"] local acc = getPlayerAccount(v) if(acc and isGuestAccount(acc)==false)then setAccountData(acc,"hour",hour) setAccountData(acc,"minute",min) setAccountData(acc,"second",sec) end end setTimer(SavePlayTime,1000,1) end setTimer(SavePlayTime,1000,1) function ResetTopPlayers() local allAccounts = getAccounts() for k,v in ipairs(allAccounts) do setAccountData(v,"hour",0) setAccountData(v,"minute",0) setAccountData(v,"second",0) end outputChatBox("[server]: Clear Top 10 list!") end function resetConsoleTop(p) local accName = getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(p)) if(isObjectInACLGroup("user." .. accName, aclGetGroup("Console")))then ResetTopPlayers() else outputChatBox("Only console can clear Top 10 list!",p) end end addCommandHandler("rplayer",resetConsoleTop) function convertTime(source,m,s) if(s>=60)then playTime[source]["min"] = tonumber(playTime[source]["min"]+1) playTime[source]["sec"] = 0 end if(m>=60)then playTime[source]["hour"] = tonumber(playTime[source]["hour"]+1) playTime[source]["min"] = 0 end end Link to comment
فاّرس Posted June 10, 2016 Share Posted June 10, 2016 جرب كذا : --Client side # GUIEditor = { gridlist = {}, window = {}, label = {} } addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", resourceRoot, function() GUIEditor.window[1] = guiCreateWindow(215, 117, 460, 403, "اعلى 30 تواجد في السـيـرفـر", false) guiWindowSetSizable(GUIEditor.window[1], false) guiSetAlpha(GUIEditor.window[1], 1.00) guiSetVisible ( GUIEditor.window[1], false ) guiSetProperty(GUIEditor.window[1], "CaptionColour", "FF01FAB6") Gridilist = guiCreateGridList(10, 54, 436, 324, false, GUIEditor.window[1]) guiGridListAddColumn(Gridilist, "playerName", 0.5) guiGridListAddColumn(Gridilist, "PlayTime", 0.5) GUIEditor.label[1] = guiCreateLabel(-7, -45, 453, 40, "", false, GUIEditor.gridlist[1]) end ) function on(state) if state and not tonumber ( state ) and type (state) == 'boolean' then if state == true then triggerServerEvent("onTopPlayerListRequest",localPlayer,"Play Time") else return end end end addEventHandler( 'onClientResourceStart', resourceRoot,function() on(true) end) function UpdateTopList(t) guiGridListClear(Gridilist) for k,v in ipairs(t) do local row = guiGridListAddRow(Gridilist) guiGridListSetItemText(Gridilist,row,1,v["playerName"],false,false) guiGridListSetItemText(Gridilist,row,2,v["PlayTime"],false,false) end end addEvent("onClientReceiveTopListTable",true) addEventHandler("onClientReceiveTopListTable",root, function(t) UpdateTopList(t) end) function TopGui() local guiS = guiGetVisible(GUIEditor.window[1]) guiSetVisible(GUIEditor.window[1],not guiS) showCursor(not guiS) guiSetInputEnabled(not guiS) on (guiS) end bindKey("F12","down",TopGui) -- Server side # local playTime = {} function onLogin(old,current) if(current and not isGuestAccount(current))then local timeHour = tonumber(getAccountData(current,"hour"))or 0 local timeMinute = tonumber(getAccountData(current,"minute"))or 0 local timeSecond = tonumber(getAccountData(current,"second"))or 0 if(not playTime[source])then playTime[source] = { ["hour"] = 0, ["min"] = 0, ["sec"] = 0 } end playTime[source]["hour"] = timeHour playTime[source]["min"] = timeMinute playTime[source]["sec"] = timeSecond end end addEventHandler("onPlayerLogin",root,onLogin) addEventHandler ( 'onResourceStop', resourceRoot, function() for k,v in ipairs ( getElementsByType ('player') ) do local acc = getPlayerAccount(v) if(acc and not isGuestAccount(acc))then local timeHour = playTime[v]["hour"] or 0 local timeMin = playTime[v]["min"] or 0 local timeSec = playTime[v]["sec"] or 0 local name = getPlayerName(v) local nickAcc = string.gsub(name,"#%x%x%x%x%x%x","") setAccountData(acc,"hour",timeHour) setAccountData(acc,"minute",timeMin) setAccountData(acc,"second",timeSec) setAccountData(acc,"PlayerName",nickAcc) playTime[v] = nil end end end) addEventHandler ( 'onResourceStart', resourceRoot, function() for k,v in ipairs ( getElementsByType ('player') ) do local acc = getPlayerAccount ( v ) if( acc and not isGuestAccount(acc))then local timeHour = tonumber(getAccountData(acc,"hour"))or 0 local timeMinute = tonumber(getAccountData(acc,"minute"))or 0 local timeSecond = tonumber(getAccountData(acc,"second"))or 0 if(not playTime[v])then playTime[v] = { ["hour"] = 0, ["min"] = 0, ["sec"] = 0 } end playTime[v]["hour"] = timeHour playTime[v]["min"] = timeMinute playTime[v]["sec"] = timeSecond end end end) function onQuit() local acc = getPlayerAccount(source) if(acc and not isGuestAccount(acc))then local timeHour = playTime[source]["hour"] or 0 local timeMin = playTime[source]["min"] or 0 local timeSec = playTime[source]["sec"] or 0 local name = getPlayerName(source) local nickAcc = string.gsub(name,"#%x%x%x%x%x%x","") setAccountData(acc,"hour",timeHour) setAccountData(acc,"minute",timeMin) setAccountData(acc,"second",timeSec) setAccountData(acc,"PlayerName",nickAcc) playTime[source] = nil end end addEventHandler("onPlayerQuit",root,onQuit) addEvent("onTopPlayerListRequest",true) addEventHandler("onTopPlayerListRequest",root, function(text) local allAccounts = getAccounts() local sendTable = {} local data = 0 for k,v in ipairs(allAccounts) do local name = getAccountName(v) local dataHour = tonumber(getAccountData(v,"hour")) or 0 local dataMin = tonumber(getAccountData(v,"minute")) or 0 local dataSec = tonumber(getAccountData(v,"second")) or 0 if(text == "Play Time")then data = dataHour+DividiveIfMoreZero(dataMin,60)+DividiveIfMoreZero(dataSec,3600) else data = tonumber(getAccountData(v,text) or 0)or 0 end if(data>0)then table.insert(sendTable,{["playerName"] = name,["PlayTime"] = data}) end end table.sort(sendTable,function(a,b) return tonumber(a["PlayTime"] or 0)>tonumber(b["PlayTime"] or 0) end) table.setMaxIndex(sendTable,10) if(text == "Play Time")then for i=1,#sendTable do local timeString = "" local nAcc = getAccount(sendTable[i]["playerName"]) local hourS = getAccountData(nAcc,"hour") or 0 local minS = getAccountData(nAcc,"minute") or 0 local secS = getAccountData(nAcc,"second") or 0 hourS = tostring(hourS) minS = tostring(minS) secS = tostring(secS) timeString = hourS..":"..minS..":"..secS sendTable[i]["PlayTime"] = timeString end end for i=1,#sendTable do local acc = getAccount(sendTable[i]["playerName"]) local accRealName = getAccountData(acc,"PlayerName") if(accRealName and tostring(accRealName)~="false")then sendTable[i]["playerName"] = accRealName end end triggerClientEvent(client,"onClientReceiveTopListTable",client,sendTable) end) function table.setMaxIndex(t,n) if(#t>n)then while(#t>n)do table.remove(t) end end end function DividiveIfMoreZero(v,d) if(v>0)then return (v/d) end return 0 end function SavePlayTime() local players = getElementsByType("player") for k,v in ipairs(players) do if(not playTime[v]) then playTime[v] = { ["hour"] = 0, ["min"] = 0, ["sec"] = 0 } end playTime[v]["sec"] = tonumber(playTime[v]["sec"]+1) convertTime(v,playTime[v]["min"],playTime[v]["sec"]) local hour = playTime[v]["hour"] local min = playTime[v]["min"] local sec = playTime[v]["sec"] local acc = getPlayerAccount(v) if(acc and isGuestAccount(acc)==false)then setAccountData(acc,"hour",hour) setAccountData(acc,"minute",min) setAccountData(acc,"second",sec) end end setTimer(SavePlayTime,1000,1) end setTimer(SavePlayTime,1000,1) function ResetTopPlayers() local allAccounts = getAccounts() for k,v in ipairs(allAccounts) do setAccountData(v,"hour",0) setAccountData(v,"minute",0) setAccountData(v,"second",0) end outputChatBox("تم تحديث اعلى تواجد") end function resetConsoleTop(p) local accName = getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(p)) if(isObjectInACLGroup("user." .. accName, aclGetGroup("Console")))then ResetTopPlayers() else outputChatBox("هذا الخاصيه فقط لـ الكونسل",p) end end addCommandHandler("CL1",resetConsoleTop) function convertTime(source,m,s) if(s>=60)then playTime[source]["min"] = tonumber(playTime[source]["min"]+1) playTime[source]["sec"] = 0 end if(m>=60)then playTime[source]["hour"] = tonumber(playTime[source]["hour"]+1) playTime[source]["min"] = 0 end end وللمعلوميه ما بيتحدث الوقت الا كل ما تفتح اللوحه اف12, تقدر تسوي تايمر او اي شي اذا تبيه يحدث على طول .. Link to comment
Wleed1998 Posted June 10, 2016 Author Share Posted June 10, 2016 جرب كذا : --Client side # GUIEditor = { gridlist = {}, window = {}, label = {} } addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", resourceRoot, function() GUIEditor.window[1] = guiCreateWindow(215, 117, 460, 403, "اعلى 30 تواجد في السـيـرفـر", false) guiWindowSetSizable(GUIEditor.window[1], false) guiSetAlpha(GUIEditor.window[1], 1.00) guiSetVisible ( GUIEditor.window[1], false ) guiSetProperty(GUIEditor.window[1], "CaptionColour", "FF01FAB6") Gridilist = guiCreateGridList(10, 54, 436, 324, false, GUIEditor.window[1]) guiGridListAddColumn(Gridilist, "playerName", 0.5) guiGridListAddColumn(Gridilist, "PlayTime", 0.5) GUIEditor.label[1] = guiCreateLabel(-7, -45, 453, 40, "", false, GUIEditor.gridlist[1]) end ) function on(state) if state and not tonumber ( state ) and type (state) == 'boolean' then if state == true then triggerServerEvent("onTopPlayerListRequest",localPlayer,"Play Time") else return end end end addEventHandler( 'onClientResourceStart', resourceRoot,function() on(true) end) function UpdateTopList(t) guiGridListClear(Gridilist) for k,v in ipairs(t) do local row = guiGridListAddRow(Gridilist) guiGridListSetItemText(Gridilist,row,1,v["playerName"],false,false) guiGridListSetItemText(Gridilist,row,2,v["PlayTime"],false,false) end end addEvent("onClientReceiveTopListTable",true) addEventHandler("onClientReceiveTopListTable",root, function(t) UpdateTopList(t) end) function TopGui() local guiS = guiGetVisible(GUIEditor.window[1]) guiSetVisible(GUIEditor.window[1],not guiS) showCursor(not guiS) guiSetInputEnabled(not guiS) on (guiS) end bindKey("F12","down",TopGui) -- Server side # local playTime = {} function onLogin(old,current) if(current and not isGuestAccount(current))then local timeHour = tonumber(getAccountData(current,"hour"))or 0 local timeMinute = tonumber(getAccountData(current,"minute"))or 0 local timeSecond = tonumber(getAccountData(current,"second"))or 0 if(not playTime[source])then playTime[source] = { ["hour"] = 0, ["min"] = 0, ["sec"] = 0 } end playTime[source]["hour"] = timeHour playTime[source]["min"] = timeMinute playTime[source]["sec"] = timeSecond end end addEventHandler("onPlayerLogin",root,onLogin) addEventHandler ( 'onResourceStop', resourceRoot, function() for k,v in ipairs ( getElementsByType ('player') ) do local acc = getPlayerAccount(v) if(acc and not isGuestAccount(acc))then local timeHour = playTime[v]["hour"] or 0 local timeMin = playTime[v]["min"] or 0 local timeSec = playTime[v]["sec"] or 0 local name = getPlayerName(v) local nickAcc = string.gsub(name,"#%x%x%x%x%x%x","") setAccountData(acc,"hour",timeHour) setAccountData(acc,"minute",timeMin) setAccountData(acc,"second",timeSec) setAccountData(acc,"PlayerName",nickAcc) playTime[v] = nil end end end) addEventHandler ( 'onResourceStart', resourceRoot, function() for k,v in ipairs ( getElementsByType ('player') ) do local acc = getPlayerAccount ( v ) if( acc and not isGuestAccount(acc))then local timeHour = tonumber(getAccountData(acc,"hour"))or 0 local timeMinute = tonumber(getAccountData(acc,"minute"))or 0 local timeSecond = tonumber(getAccountData(acc,"second"))or 0 if(not playTime[v])then playTime[v] = { ["hour"] = 0, ["min"] = 0, ["sec"] = 0 } end playTime[v]["hour"] = timeHour playTime[v]["min"] = timeMinute playTime[v]["sec"] = timeSecond end end end) function onQuit() local acc = getPlayerAccount(source) if(acc and not isGuestAccount(acc))then local timeHour = playTime[source]["hour"] or 0 local timeMin = playTime[source]["min"] or 0 local timeSec = playTime[source]["sec"] or 0 local name = getPlayerName(source) local nickAcc = string.gsub(name,"#%x%x%x%x%x%x","") setAccountData(acc,"hour",timeHour) setAccountData(acc,"minute",timeMin) setAccountData(acc,"second",timeSec) setAccountData(acc,"PlayerName",nickAcc) playTime[source] = nil end end addEventHandler("onPlayerQuit",root,onQuit) addEvent("onTopPlayerListRequest",true) addEventHandler("onTopPlayerListRequest",root, function(text) local allAccounts = getAccounts() local sendTable = {} local data = 0 for k,v in ipairs(allAccounts) do local name = getAccountName(v) local dataHour = tonumber(getAccountData(v,"hour")) or 0 local dataMin = tonumber(getAccountData(v,"minute")) or 0 local dataSec = tonumber(getAccountData(v,"second")) or 0 if(text == "Play Time")then data = dataHour+DividiveIfMoreZero(dataMin,60)+DividiveIfMoreZero(dataSec,3600) else data = tonumber(getAccountData(v,text) or 0)or 0 end if(data>0)then table.insert(sendTable,{["playerName"] = name,["PlayTime"] = data}) end end table.sort(sendTable,function(a,b) return tonumber(a["PlayTime"] or 0)>tonumber(b["PlayTime"] or 0) end) table.setMaxIndex(sendTable,10) if(text == "Play Time")then for i=1,#sendTable do local timeString = "" local nAcc = getAccount(sendTable[i]["playerName"]) local hourS = getAccountData(nAcc,"hour") or 0 local minS = getAccountData(nAcc,"minute") or 0 local secS = getAccountData(nAcc,"second") or 0 hourS = tostring(hourS) minS = tostring(minS) secS = tostring(secS) timeString = hourS..":"..minS..":"..secS sendTable[i]["PlayTime"] = timeString end end for i=1,#sendTable do local acc = getAccount(sendTable[i]["playerName"]) local accRealName = getAccountData(acc,"PlayerName") if(accRealName and tostring(accRealName)~="false")then sendTable[i]["playerName"] = accRealName end end triggerClientEvent(client,"onClientReceiveTopListTable",client,sendTable) end) function table.setMaxIndex(t,n) if(#t>n)then while(#t>n)do table.remove(t) end end end function DividiveIfMoreZero(v,d) if(v>0)then return (v/d) end return 0 end function SavePlayTime() local players = getElementsByType("player") for k,v in ipairs(players) do if(not playTime[v]) then playTime[v] = { ["hour"] = 0, ["min"] = 0, ["sec"] = 0 } end playTime[v]["sec"] = tonumber(playTime[v]["sec"]+1) convertTime(v,playTime[v]["min"],playTime[v]["sec"]) local hour = playTime[v]["hour"] local min = playTime[v]["min"] local sec = playTime[v]["sec"] local acc = getPlayerAccount(v) if(acc and isGuestAccount(acc)==false)then setAccountData(acc,"hour",hour) setAccountData(acc,"minute",min) setAccountData(acc,"second",sec) end end setTimer(SavePlayTime,1000,1) end setTimer(SavePlayTime,1000,1) function ResetTopPlayers() local allAccounts = getAccounts() for k,v in ipairs(allAccounts) do setAccountData(v,"hour",0) setAccountData(v,"minute",0) setAccountData(v,"second",0) end outputChatBox("تم تحديث اعلى تواجد") end function resetConsoleTop(p) local accName = getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(p)) if(isObjectInACLGroup("user." .. accName, aclGetGroup("Console")))then ResetTopPlayers() else outputChatBox("هذا الخاصيه فقط لـ الكونسل",p) end end addCommandHandler("CL1",resetConsoleTop) function convertTime(source,m,s) if(s>=60)then playTime[source]["min"] = tonumber(playTime[source]["min"]+1) playTime[source]["sec"] = 0 end if(m>=60)then playTime[source]["hour"] = tonumber(playTime[source]["hour"]+1) playTime[source]["min"] = 0 end end وللمعلوميه ما بيتحدث الوقت الا كل ما تفتح اللوحه اف12, تقدر تسوي تايمر او اي شي اذا تبيه يحدث على طول .. مازبط الخطا [18:24:59] ERROR: Client () triggered serverside event onTopPlayerListRequest, but event is not added serverside [DUP x7] Link to comment
فاّرس Posted June 10, 2016 Share Posted June 10, 2016 متأكد انك مو حاط ملفات السيرفر بالكلينت او العكس؟ سويت ريستارت للمود؟ Link to comment
Wleed1998 Posted June 10, 2016 Author Share Posted June 10, 2016 اشوف الميتا؟ --- يمكن من اليبل لانه انا عملت واحد في القريد لست بي الغلط GUIEditor.label[1] = guiCreateLabel(-7, -45, 453, 40, "", false, GUIEditor.gridlist[1]) ----------------------- Link to comment
فاّرس Posted June 10, 2016 Share Posted June 10, 2016 send لا مو منه, انا مو شايف اي خطأ , جرب غير سطر 155 في الكلينت وسطر 148 و 149,حط بدالهم مثلاً Link to comment
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