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~~ [Introducing] !!Two Countries ROLEPLAY!! łv0.9.8 BETAł ~~

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Introducing Two Countries Roleplay

Hi guys! My name is Kunsay Peter alias !Alonso, i'm the owner and lead developer of Two Countries Roleplay. Today i'm going to show you our creation. This server is a roleplay server, where we have two countries(Russia, USA) wehere you can live in game. KEEP IN MIND THAT THIS SERVER IS IN BETA DEVELOPMENT, SO IT MAY COUNTAION PROBLEMS, BOTH IN GAME AND WEBSITE!

Intruducing Pictures

-Main menu(this countains the account system too!)

-Animation system

-Scoreboard, infobox(right)

-Car radio, speedo meter(work in progress)

-Inventory and action bar

-Bank system

-LumberJack job



-Chat, nametag

Full list of features(systems)

Phone system - Iphone 6, Sony Xperia, Nokian 6300

Police system - Trafipax, cuffing etc...

Admin system - Admin commands, admin jail etc...

Animation system - Animation aplier

Bank system - Bank(npc), Atm, Robbery

Blur - Self explaning

Chat - /me, /do, /s, /m, /b commands for shouting etc...

Death system - In that case, you have to wait 15 minutes until you respawn at the hospital(or a paramedic can review you)

Faction - You can be in 3 factions if you want

Hearth - Main menu and login

Hud - Shows your hp, armor, food and drink level

Infobox - Popps up with a message

Interior - Houses what you can buy

Items - Inventory system with action bar and item dropping

Jobs - Jobs including lumberjack, street cleaner, containercarrier, forklift

Modloader - You can trun off and on skin and car mods

Nametag - Shows the player names abov there head

Radio - Car radio

Shop - Funtional shop with npcs

Transport - You can travel between the Two Countries

.... And there are some more unintresting features

So this is Two Countries Roleplay. Our server is opening very soon! If you have any questions, feel free to ask it!

I was !Alonso, thanks for your attention, and sorry if i had some mistakes in my english(not my home languege)

(Its not opened yet - we need 1 or 2 week to finish it)

TC - RP website: http://tc-rp.com/

And If you like our server please leave a like at https://www.facebook.com/TwoCountriesRoleplay/

Sorry for the size of the pictures, but i tested the topic in our forum

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