thegost Posted May 1, 2016 Share Posted May 1, 2016 Hello Guys I have problem in my BR script!. In Br The Official Gang Start Br Open Doors ... and in zone take money , the people in gang create Br Take Money But the people in Br Criminals and other offiical Gangs not take money! The Money Take All to the people in The Gang Rob Bank The Others not take can help me ?? in put all can take money? SFbankrobLevel = 0 -- you must be a trusted gang with a level of "number" to start robbing ( /rm for admins) numberOfPolice = 0 -- PLAYERS THAT HAVE TO BE IN THE POLICETEAM or you cant start hack the doors criminalTeams = { ["Official Gangs"] = true,["Criminals"] = true} cs1 = createColRectangle(350, 370, 90, 60 ) setElementInterior(cs1, 3) setElementDimension(cs1, 2) function SFrespawnOutside() local players = getElementsByType("player") for i, getOut in pairs (players) do if getElementDimension(getOut) == 2 and getElementInterior(getOut) == 3 and isElementWithinColShape(getOut, cs1) then local x, y, z = getElementPosition(getOut) if z >= 969 and z <= 982 then local x = math.random(400,400.5) local y = math.random(384,384.5) setElementPosition(getOut, x, y, 981.6) exports.RPGcommands:sendMessage("*San FierroBank Robbery Reset*", 200,0,0, getOut) triggerClientEvent("closeKeyPad", getRootElement(), getOut) end end end end function SFstartBankrob() SFplayerName1 = nil SFbanktimer = nil SFbanktimer1 = nil SFgang = "" if SFDoor1 then destroyElement(SFDoor1) SFDoor1 = nil end if SFDoor2 then destroyElement(SFDoor2) SFDoor2 = nil end if SFDoor3 then destroyElement(SFDoor3) SFDoor3 = nil end if SFmarkerDoor1 then destroyElement(SFmarkerDoor1) SFmarkerDoor1 = nil end if SFmarkerDoor2 then destroyElement(SFmarkerDoor2) SFmarkerDoor2 = nil end if SFmarkerDoor3 then destroyElement(SFmarkerDoor3) SFmarkerDoor3 = nil end if SFmarkerSafe1 then destroyElement(SFmarkerSafe1) SFmarkerSafe1 = nil end if SFmarkerSafe2 then destroyElement(SFmarkerSafe2) SFmarkerSafe2 = nil end if SFmarkerSafe3 then destroyElement(SFmarkerSafe3) SFmarkerSafe3 = nil end if SFmarkerSafe4 then destroyElement(SFmarkerSafe4) SFmarkerSafe4 = nil end if SFmarkerSafe5 then destroyElement(SFmarkerSafe4) SFmarkerSafe5 = nil end if SFmarkerSafe6 then destroyElement(SFmarkerSafe4) SFmarkerSafe6 = nil end if SFmarkerSafe7 then destroyElement(SFmarkerSafe4) SFmarkerSafe7 = nil end if SFmarkerSafe8 then destroyElement(SFmarkerSafe4) SFmarkerSafe8 = nil end SFDoor1 = createObject(2634, 401, 380.6, 982, 0, 0, 0) setElementInterior(SFDoor1, 3) setElementDimension(SFDoor1, 2) SFDoor2 = createObject(2634, 364.5, 350.70001, 975.70001, 0, 0, 270) setElementInterior(SFDoor2, 3) setElementDimension(SFDoor2, 2) SFDoor3 = createObject(2634, 382.29999, 371.5, 969.59998, 0, 0, 90) setElementInterior(SFDoor3, 3) setElementDimension(SFDoor3, 2) SFrespawnOutside() end function SFstartBankrob2() SFsecurity1 = 0 SFsecurity2 = 0 SFsecurity3 = 0 SFsecurity4 = 0 SFsecurity5 = 0 SFsecurity6 = 0 SFsecurity7 = 0 SFsecurity8 = 0 SFgang = "" outputDebugString("new bankrob approved at SAN FIERRO") if SFmarkerDoor1 then destroyElement(SFmarkerDoor1) SFmarkerDoor1 = nil end if SFmarkerDoor2 then destroyElement(SFmarkerDoor2) SFmarkerDoor2 = nil end if SFmarkerDoor3 then destroyElement(SFmarkerDoor3) SFmarkerDoor3 = nil end if SFmarkerSafe1 then destroyElement(SFmarkerSafe1) SFmarkerSafe1 = nil end if SFmarkerSafe2 then destroyElement(SFmarkerSafe2) SFmarkerSafe2 = nil end if SFmarkerSafe3 then destroyElement(SFmarkerSafe3) SFmarkerSafe3 = nil end if SFmarkerSafe4 then destroyElement(SFmarkerSafe4) SFmarkerSafe4 = nil end if SFmarkerSafe5 then destroyElement(SFmarkerSafe4) SFmarkerSafe4 = nil end if SFmarkerSafe6 then destroyElement(SFmarkerSafe4) SFmarkerSafe4 = nil end if SFmarkerSafe7 then destroyElement(SFmarkerSafe4) SFmarkerSafe4 = nil end if SFmarkerSafe8 then destroyElement(SFmarkerSafe4) SFmarkerSafe4 = nil end SFmarkerDoor1 = createMarker(402.02828979492, 381.04418182373,982.73931884766, "arrow", 0.7, 0, 162, 232, 200) setElementInterior(SFmarkerDoor1, 3) setElementDimension(SFmarkerDoor1, 2) SFmarkerDoor2 = createMarker(366.6608581543,350.06567382813,976, "arrow", 0.7, 0, 162, 232, 200) setElementInterior(SFmarkerDoor2, 3) setElementDimension(SFmarkerDoor2, 2) SFmarkerDoor3 = createMarker(380.62088012695,399.0364685058,969.6, "arrow", 0.7, 0, 162, 232, 200) setElementInterior(SFmarkerDoor3, 3) setElementDimension(SFmarkerDoor3, 2) SFmarkerSafe1 = createMarker(393.3, 409, 969.6, "arrow", 0.8, 0, 162, 232, 200) setElementInterior(SFmarkerSafe1, 3) setElementDimension(SFmarkerSafe1, 2) SFmarkerSafe2 = createMarker(393.3, 412.69999694824, 969.6, "arrow", 0.8, 0, 162, 232, 200) setElementInterior(SFmarkerSafe2, 3) setElementDimension(SFmarkerSafe2, 2) SFmarkerSafe3 = createMarker(399.29998779297, 412.5, 969.59997558594, "arrow", 0.8, 0, 162, 232, 200) setElementInterior(SFmarkerSafe3, 3) setElementDimension(SFmarkerSafe3, 2) SFmarkerSafe4 = createMarker(393.3, 417, 969.6, "arrow", 0.8, 0, 162, 232, 200) setElementInterior(SFmarkerSafe4, 3) setElementDimension(SFmarkerSafe4, 2) SFmarkerSafe5 = createMarker(393.3, 405.4, 969.6, "arrow", 0.8, 0, 162, 232, 200) setElementInterior(SFmarkerSafe5, 3) setElementDimension(SFmarkerSafe5, 2) SFmarkerSafe6 = createMarker(399.29998779297, 417, 969.6, "arrow", 0.8, 0, 162, 232, 200) setElementInterior(SFmarkerSafe6, 3) setElementDimension(SFmarkerSafe6, 2) SFmarkerSafe7 = createMarker(399.29998779297, 409, 969.6, "arrow", 0.8, 0, 162, 232, 200) setElementInterior(SFmarkerSafe7, 3) setElementDimension(SFmarkerSafe7, 2) SFmarkerSafe8 = createMarker(399.29998779297, 405.4, 969.6, "arrow", 0.8, 0, 162, 232, 200) setElementInterior(SFmarkerSafe8, 3) setElementDimension(SFmarkerSafe8, 2) addEventHandler("onMarkerHit", SFmarkerDoor1, SFbankDoorGUI) addEventHandler("onMarkerHit", SFmarkerDoor2, SFbankDoorGUI) addEventHandler("onMarkerHit", SFmarkerDoor3, SFbankDoorGUI) addEventHandler("onMarkerHit", SFmarkerSafe1, SFbankDoorGUI) addEventHandler("onMarkerHit", SFmarkerSafe2, SFbankDoorGUI) addEventHandler("onMarkerHit", SFmarkerSafe3, SFbankDoorGUI) addEventHandler("onMarkerHit", SFmarkerSafe4, SFbankDoorGUI) addEventHandler("onMarkerHit", SFmarkerSafe5, SFbankDoorGUI) addEventHandler("onMarkerHit", SFmarkerSafe6, SFbankDoorGUI) addEventHandler("onMarkerHit", SFmarkerSafe7, SFbankDoorGUI) addEventHandler("onMarkerHit", SFmarkerSafe8, SFbankDoorGUI) SFrespawnOutside() end function SFbankDoorGUI(hitElement, matchingDimension) if getElementType(hitElement) == "player" and matchingDimension then if criminalTeams[getTeamName(getPlayerTeam(hitElement))] then if countPlayersInTeam(getTeamFromName("Police")) + countPlayersInTeam(getTeamFromName("Official Squads")) >= numberOfPolice then if source == SFmarkerDoor1 and SFsecurity1 ~= 1 then if criminalTeams[getTeamName(getPlayerTeam(hitElement))] then if SFdisable ~= 1 then local wl = exports.ITWpolice:getWantedLevel(hitElement) local wl = wl + 5 if wl > 36 then wl = 36 end exports.ITWpolice:setWantedLevel(hitElement, wl) triggerClientEvent("MARKERDOOR", getRootElement(), hitElement, "Door1") else outputChatBox("robbing is disabled currently, come back later.", hitElement) end else outputChatBox("Only 'trusted' gangs may rob a bank", hitElement, 200,0,0) end end if source == SFmarkerDoor2 and SFsecurity2 ~= 1 then if SFgang == getElementData(hitElement, "gang") then --if SFplayerName1 ~= getPlayerName(hitElement) then local wl = exports.ITWpolice:getWantedLevel(hitElement) local wl = wl + 5 if wl > 36 then wl = 36 end exports.ITWpolice:setWantedLevel(hitElement, wl) triggerClientEvent("MARKERDOOR", getRootElement(), hitElement, "Door2") --else --outputChatBox("You may not disable this System! Search for a second Player!", hitElement, 255, 0, 0) end else outputChatBox(SFgang.." is currently robbing the bank.", hitElement, 200,0,0) end end if source == SFmarkerDoor3 and SFsecurity3 ~= 1 then if SFgang == getElementData(hitElement, "gang") then local wl = exports.ITWpolice:getWantedLevel(hitElement) local wl = wl + 5 if wl > 36 then wl = 36 end exports.ITWpolice:setWantedLevel(hitElement, wl) triggerClientEvent("MARKERDOOR", getRootElement(), hitElement, "Door3") else outputChatBox(SFgang.." is currently robbing the bank.", hitElement, 200,0,0) end end if source == SFmarkerSafe1 and SFsecurity5 ~= 1 then if SFgang == getElementData(hitElement, "gang") then if SFsecurity1 == 1 and SFsecurity2 == 1 and SFsecurity3 == 1 then local wl = exports.ITWpolice:getWantedLevel(hitElement) local wl = wl + 5 if wl > 36 then wl = 36 end exports.ITWpolice:setWantedLevel(hitElement, wl) triggerClientEvent("MARKERDOOR", getRootElement(), hitElement, "Safe1") else playername = getPlayerName(hitElement) SFbankWatcher(playername) end else outputChatBox(SFgang.." is currently robbing the bank.", hitElement, 200,0,0) end end if source == SFmarkerSafe2 and SFsecurity6 ~= 1 then if SFgang == getElementData(hitElement, "gang") then if SFsecurity1 == 1 and SFsecurity2 == 1 and SFsecurity3 == 1 then local wl = exports.ITWpolice:getWantedLevel(hitElement) local wl = wl + 5 if wl > 36 then wl = 36 end exports.ITWpolice:setWantedLevel(hitElement, wl) triggerClientEvent("MARKERDOOR", getRootElement(), hitElement, "Safe2") else playername = getPlayerName(hitElement) SFbankWatcher(playername) end else outputChatBox(SFgang.." is currently robbing the bank.", hitElement, 200,0,0) end end if source == SFmarkerSafe3 and SFsecurity7 ~= 1 then if SFgang == getElementData(hitElement, "gang") then if SFsecurity1 == 1 and SFsecurity2 == 1 and SFsecurity3 == 1 then local wl = exports.ITWpolice:getWantedLevel(hitElement) local wl = wl + 5 if wl > 36 then wl = 36 end exports.ITWpolice:setWantedLevel(hitElement, wl) triggerClientEvent("MARKERDOOR", getRootElement(), hitElement, "Safe3") else playername = getPlayerName(hitElement) SFbankWatcher(playername) end else outputChatBox(SFgang.." is currently robbing the bank.", hitElement, 200,0,0) end end if source == SFmarkerSafe4 and SFsecurity8 ~= 1 then if SFgang == getElementData(hitElement, "gang") then if SFsecurity1 == 1 and SFsecurity2 == 1 and SFsecurity3 == 1 then local wl = exports.ITWpolice:getWantedLevel(hitElement) local wl = wl + 5 if wl > 36 then wl = 36 end exports.ITWpolice:setWantedLevel(hitElement, wl) triggerClientEvent("MARKERDOOR", getRootElement(), hitElement, "Safe4") else playername = getPlayerName(hitElement) SFbankWatcher(playername) end else outputChatBox(SFgang.." is currently robbing the bank.", hitElement, 200,0,0) end end if source == SFmarkerSafe5 and SFsecurity9 ~= 1 then if SFgang == getElementData(hitElement, "gang") then if SFsecurity1 == 1 and SFsecurity2 == 1 and SFsecurity3 == 1 then local wl = exports.ITWpolice:getWantedLevel(hitElement) local wl = wl + 5 if wl > 36 then wl = 36 end exports.ITWpolice:setWantedLevel(hitElement, wl) triggerClientEvent("MARKERDOOR", getRootElement(), hitElement, "Safe5") else playername = getPlayerName(hitElement) SFbankWatcher(playername) end else outputChatBox(SFgang.." is currently robbing the bank.", hitElement, 200,0,0) end end if source == SFmarkerSafe6 and SFsecurity10 ~= 1 then if SFgang == getElementData(hitElement, "gang") then if SFsecurity1 == 1 and SFsecurity2 == 1 and SFsecurity3 == 1 then local wl = exports.ITWpolice:getWantedLevel(hitElement) local wl = wl + 5 if wl > 36 then wl = 36 end exports.ITWpolice:setWantedLevel(hitElement, wl) triggerClientEvent("MARKERDOOR", getRootElement(), hitElement, "Safe6") else playername = getPlayerName(hitElement) SFbankWatcher(playername) end else outputChatBox(SFgang.." is currently robbing the bank.", hitElement, 200,0,0) end end if source == SFmarkerSafe7 and SFsecurity11 ~= 1 then if SFgang == getElementData(hitElement, "gang") then if SFsecurity1 == 1 and SFsecurity2 == 1 and SFsecurity3 == 1 then local wl = exports.ITWpolice:getWantedLevel(hitElement) local wl = wl + 5 if wl > 36 then wl = 36 end exports.ITWpolice:setWantedLevel(hitElement, wl) triggerClientEvent("MARKERDOOR", getRootElement(), hitElement, "Safe7") else playername = getPlayerName(hitElement) SFbankWatcher(playername) end else outputChatBox(SFgang.." is currently robbing the bank.", hitElement, 200,0,0) end end if source == SFmarkerSafe8 and SFsecurity12 ~= 1 then if SFgang == getElementData(hitElement, "gang") then if SFsecurity1 == 1 and SFsecurity2 == 1 and SFsecurity3 == 1 then local wl = exports.ITWpolice:getWantedLevel(hitElement) local wl = wl + 5 if wl > 36 then wl = 36 end exports.ITWpolice:setWantedLevel(hitElement, wl) triggerClientEvent("MARKERDOOR", getRootElement(), hitElement, "Safe8") else playername = getPlayerName(hitElement) SFbankWatcher(playername) end else outputChatBox(SFgang.." is currently robbing the bank.", hitElement, 200,0,0) end end else outputChatBox("There are not enough cops on the server/you are not in official gangs. Access denied!",hitElement,255,255,255) end end end function SFbankWatcher(playername) local players = getElementsByType("player") for i, subAdmin in pairs (players) do if exports.ITWacl:isPlayerInGroup(subAdmin, "subadmin") then exports.RPGcommands:sendMessage("*Buguser/Cheater AT SF-BANK: " .. playername, 255, 0, 0, subAdmin) end end end function SFdisableDoor(doorname) if doorname == "Door1" and SFmarkerDoor1 and SFsecurity1 == 0 then SFgang = Link to comment
Walid Posted May 1, 2016 Share Posted May 1, 2016 Sorry i don't undrestand your english. anyways try to remove this line : if SFgang == getElementData(robber, "gang") then should be like this : function SFshareMoney(robbers) local players = getElementsByType("player") local maxmoney = robbers * 250000 local money = math.floor(math.random(maxmoney /2 , maxmoney)) local money = money / robbers for i, robber in pairs (players) do if getElementDimension(robber) == 2 and getElementInterior(robber) == 3 and criminalTeams[getTeamName(getPlayerTeam(robber))] and isPedDead(robber) == false then exports.RPGcommands:giveMoney(robber, money) outputChatBox("You received ".. money .. "$ from robbery", robber) setElementData(robber, "robbedBank", "true", false) end end end Link to comment
thegost Posted May 1, 2016 Author Share Posted May 1, 2016 what I meant was , the official gangs when rob the bank the money from the robbery so goes the officiais they did to others so that everyone in the bank will not receive any , criminal and other officiais Sorry my bad english Link to comment
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