Monsthers Posted April 5, 2016 Share Posted April 5, 2016 Hola tengo este trabajo para mi server RPG de trucker! pues el trabajo deberia funcionar! su funcion seria esta! El jugador hace spawn en la clase camionero! y al subirse a un camion le deben salir varios blip en el mapa! donde podra ir a cojer una carga! una vez llegado al blip estara un marke pero ni salen los blips ni los marke... ¿Cual es el problema? truckstation = {} truckstation[1]={2035.5, -2220.3, 12, 8, "Los Santos Airport"} -- LSA TRUCKPOINT truckstation[2]={2275.7, 30.6, 25.5, 8, "Palomino Creek"} -- PALOMINO CREEK TRUCKPOINT truckstation[3]={1349.8, 360.5, 18.5, 8, "Montgomery"} -- MONTGOMERY TRUCKPOINT truckstation[4]={-128.3, -360.9, 0.5, 8, "Blueberry"} -- BLUEBERRY TRUCKPOINT truckstation[5]={796.7, -606.6, 15.5, 8, "Dillimore"} -- DILLIMORE TRUCKPOINT truckstation[6]={-2476.22, 786.53, 34, 8, "SupaSave - San Fierro"} -- SUPASAVE IN SF TRUCKPOINT truckstation[7]={-1650.54,44.54,2, 8, "San Fierro Harbor"} -- SF TRUCKPOINT truckstation[8]={-2265.2, 2316.1, 3.8, 8, "Bayside"} -- BAYSIDE TRUCKPOINT truckstation[9]={-1264.1, 2701.7, 49.0, 8, "El Quebrados"} -- EL QUEBRADOS TRUCKPOINT truckstation[10]={-221.3, 2601.5, 61.7, 8, "Las Payasadas"} -- LAS PAYASADAS TRUCKPOINT truckstation[11]={-369.5, 2222.7, 41.5, 8, "E. C. Del Diablo"} -- EL CASTILLO DEL DIABLO TRUCKPOINT truckstation[12]={-859.4, 1556.3, 23.0, 8, "Las Barrancas"} -- LAS BARRANCAS TRUCKPOINT truckstation[13]={-33.8, 1174.9, 18.3, 8, "Fort Carson"} -- FORT CARSON TRUCKPOINT truckstation[14]={270.9, 1411.2, 9.5, 8, "F.C. Oil Refinery"} -- FORT CARSON OILRAFFENERY TRUCKPOINT truckstation[15]={829.7, 851.5, 11.0, 8, "Las Venturas Mine"} -- LV MINE TRUCKPOINT truckstation[16]={-559.77, -78.13, 62, 8, "The Panopticon"} -- The Panopticon TRUCKPOINT truckstation[17]={-1238.86, 17.28, 13, 8, "Easterbay Airport S.F."} -- SF AIRPORT TRUCKPOINT truckstation[18]={-1904.44, -1718.3, 20, 8, "Angel Pine Junkyard"} -- ANGEL PINE JUNKYARD TRUCKPOINT truckstation[19]={-1966.51, -2436.94, 29, 8, "Angel Pine Sawmill"} -- ANGEL PINE SAWMILL TRUCKPOINT truckstation[20]={-2316.96,-1633.2, 482, 8, "Mount Chilliad"} -- Mount Chilliad Truckpoint truckstation[21]={-1137.8, -1042.4, 127, 8, "The Truths Farm"} -- The Truths Farm Truckpoint truckstation[22]={1367.25, -1637.54, 12, 8, "Commerce"} -- Commerce Truckpoint truckstation[23]={2197.68, -2647.74, 13, 8, "Los Santos Docks"} -- LS Docks truckpoint truckstation[24]={2773.09, -1609.98, 9, 8, "East Beach"} -- East Beach truckpoint truckstation[25]={2819.34, 956.77, 9, 8, "Linden Side"} -- Linden side truckpoint -- truckstation[26]={2789.12, 2598.15, 9, 8, "Creek"} -- Creek truckpoint(Removed due to it being in GJMC base) truckstation[26]={1746.27, 2224.24, 9, 8, "Redsands West"} -- redsands west truckpoint truckstation[27]={1074.25, 1877.63, 9, 8, "Whitewood Estates"} -- whitewood estates truckpoint truckstation[28]={1419.32, 1053.19, 9, 8, "LVA Freight Depot"} -- LVA Depot truckpoint truckstation[29]={-1285.53, 2494.01, 87.06, 8, "Aldea Malvada"} -- Teirra Roboda truckpoint local trucks = {[403]=true,[514]=true,[515]=true} transportation = {} transportation[1] = {"Automobiles"} transportation[2] = {"Food"} transportation[3] = {"Drugs"} transportation[4] = {"Parts"} transportation[5] = {"Groceries"} transportation[6] = {"Parcels"} transportation[7] = {"Meat Products"} transportation[8] = {"Stone"} transportation[9] = {"Gravel"} transportation[10] = {"Toys"} transportation[11] = {"Clothing"} transportation[12] = {"Immigrants"} transportation[13] = {"Electronics"} transportation[14] = {"Frozen Food"} transportation[15] = {"Boxes"} transportation[16] = {"Steel Cables"} transportation[17] = {"Pallets"} transportation[18] = {"Recycled Goods"} transportation[19] = {"Woodchip"} transportation[20] = {"Food For Jolardy"} local trucker_save = 0 local truckAbleData = {["Camionero"]=true, ["All Load Trucking"]=true, ["Trucker"]=true} local mission = 0 -- === TRUCKERGUI truckerGUI = guiCreateWindow(0.2242,0.3369,0.5461,0.3594,"Estacion de Entregas - Panel",true) guiSetAlpha(truckerGUI,1) guiWindowSetSizable(truckerGUI,false) truckergridlist = guiCreateGridList(0.0129,0.0734,0.9742,0.7908,true,truckerGUI) guiGridListSetSelectionMode(truckergridlist,0) trucker_freight = guiGridListAddColumn(truckergridlist,"Carga",0.2) trucker_destination = guiGridListAddColumn(truckergridlist,"Destino",0.2) trucker_distance = guiGridListAddColumn(truckergridlist,"Distancia",0.2) trucker_money = guiGridListAddColumn(truckergridlist,"Dinero",0.2) trucker_illegal = guiGridListAddColumn(truckergridlist,"Ilegal",0.1) trucker_acceptBTN = guiCreateButton(0.0157,0.8859,0.2804,0.0842,"Aceptar",true,truckerGUI) trucker_closeBTN = guiCreateButton(0.7053,0.8859,0.2804,0.0842,"Cerrar",true,truckerGUI) guiSetVisible(truckerGUI, false) function truckerFunctions() if source == trucker_acceptBTN then local selected = guiGridListGetSelectedItem(truckergridlist) hideTruckStations() if selected >= 0 then local destination = guiGridListGetItemText(truckergridlist, selected, trucker_destination) local truckM = guiGridListGetItemText(truckergridlist, selected, trucker_money) local illegal = guiGridListGetItemText(truckergridlist, selected, trucker_illegal) if destination and destination ~= "" and truckM and truckM ~= "" then trucker_save = tonumber(truckM) for i, v in pairs(truckstation) do if truckstation[i][5] == destination then local marker = createMarker(truckstation[i][1], truckstation[i][2], truckstation[i][3], "cylinder", truckstation[i][4], 255, 100, 100, 30) setElementData(marker, "trucker", true) if isPedInVehicle(getLocalPlayer()) then addEventHandler("onClientMarkerHit", marker, showTruckerGUI) createBlipAttachedTo(marker, 42, 1) triggerServerEvent("attachTrailerNow", getPedOccupiedVehicle(getLocalPlayer()), getLocalPlayer()) guiSetVisible(truckerGUI, false) showCursor(false) if illegal == "Yes" then triggerServerEvent("setTruckerWanted", getLocalPlayer(), getLocalPlayer()) end break end end end end end end if source == trucker_closeBTN then guiSetVisible(truckerGUI, false) showCursor(false) showTruckStations() end end addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", trucker_acceptBTN, truckerFunctions) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", trucker_closeBTN, truckerFunctions) -- === addEventHandler("onClientPlayerVehicleExit", getLocalPlayer(), function(vehicle, seat) if truckAbleData[getElementData(source, "class")] then if (mission == 1) then if not isElement(colExitTruck) then local x,y,z = getElementPosition(vehicle) colExitTruck = createColTube(x, y, z-5, 50.0, 50.0) outputChatBox("Oh, Se a desprendido tu carga! no te alejes mucho o la perderas!", 0, 200, 0) colSaveTruck = createColTube(x, y, z-1.5, 1.53, 2.5) attachElements(colSaveTruck, vehicle, 0, 1.5, -1) end else hideTruckStations() end end end) addEventHandler("onClientPlayerVehicleEnter", getLocalPlayer(), function(vehicle, seat) if truckAbleData[getElementData(source, "class")] then if trucks[getElementModel(vehicle)] and seat == 0 then if (mission == 1) then if isElement(colExitTruck) and (trailerIsLost == false) then if isElementWithinColShape(vehicle, colSaveTruck) then destroyElement(colExitTruck) destroyElement(colSaveTruck) outputChatBox("Tu carga se perdera vuelva rapido!", 255, 255, 0) else abortMission() destroyElement(colSaveTruck) destroyElement(colExitTruck) outputChatBox("Usted no está en el vehículo original en el que empezó. Misión abortada!", 255, 255, 0) end end --hideTruckStations() else showTruckStations() end end end end) -- addEventHandler("onClientColShapeHit", getLocalPlayer(), function() -- if (colSaveTruck) then -- if (mission == 1) then -- destroyElement(colSaveTruck) -- end -- else -- abortMission() -- destroyElement(colSaveTruck) -- outputChatBox("You changed trucks! Mission aborted!", 255, 255, 0) -- end -- end) addEventHandler("onClientPlayerWasted", getLocalPlayer(), function() hideTruckStations() guiSetVisible(truckerGUI, false) showCursor(false) if save_trailer then triggerServerEvent("killTrailer", save_trailer, localPlayer) save_trailer = nil end if mission == 1 then abortMission() end hideTruckStations() end) addEventHandler("onClientPlayerQuit", getLocalPlayer(), function() if save_trailer then triggerServerEvent("killTrailer", save_trailer, localPlayer) save_trailer = nil end end) --=========== FUNCTIONS function showTruckerGUI(trucker, dimension) if trucker == getLocalPlayer() and isPedInVehicle(getLocalPlayer()) and trucks[getElementModel(getPedOccupiedVehicle(getLocalPlayer()))] then trailer = nil local trailer = getVehicleTowedByVehicle(getPedOccupiedVehicle(getLocalPlayer())) if isPedInVehicle(localPlayer) then if mission == 1 and not trailer then if isElement(save_trailer) then triggerServerEvent("destroyTrailerNow",save_trailer,localPlayer) save_trailer = nil showTruckStations() end end if trailer and trailer == save_trailer then setTimer(fadeScreenOut, 2000, 1) fadeCamera(false,1) outputChatBox("Has entregado correctamente la entrega y que ganó $"..trucker_save, 255,255,255) exports.SAcommands:giveMoney(getLocalPlayer(),trucker_save) mission = 0 elseif trailer then triggerServerEvent("destroyTrailerNow",trailer,localPlayer) elseif mission == 0 then triggerEvent("onClientGUIRequest",resourceRoot,"trucker.truckergui","Estacion de Entregas - Panel") end trucker_save = 0 else outputChatBox("Debe estar en su camión para abrir el menú!", 0, 200, 0) end end end function fadeScreenOut() showTruckStations() triggerServerEvent("destroyTrailerNow",save_trailer,localPlayer) save_trailer = nil fadeCamera(true, 1) triggerEvent("onClientGUIRequest",resourceRoot,"trucker.truckergui","Estacion de Entregas - Panel") end function showActualTruckerGUI (id) if isPedInVehicle(localPlayer) then if id == "trucker.truckergui" then fillTruckerList() guiSetVisible(truckerGUI, true) showCursor(true) setTimer(setElementFrozen, 500, 1, getPedOccupiedVehicle(getLocalPlayer()),true) setTimer(setElementFrozen, 1500, 1, getPedOccupiedVehicle(getLocalPlayer()),false) end end end addEventHandler("onClientGUIShow",resourceRoot,showActualTruckerGUI) function fillTruckerList() guiGridListClear(truckergridlist) for i, place in pairs(truckstation) do local x, y, z = getElementPosition(getLocalPlayer()) local distance = getDistanceBetweenPoints3D(x, y, z, truckstation[i][1], truckstation[i][2], truckstation[i][3]) if distance > 50 then local distance = math.round(distance, 0, "ceil") local row = guiGridListAddRow(truckergridlist) if getDistanceBetweenPoints3D(x, y, z, truckstation[17][1], truckstation[17][2], truckstation[17][3]) < 20 then freight = "Drugs" else local number = math.random(1,20) freight = transportation[number][1] Link to comment
Bc# Posted April 8, 2016 Share Posted April 8, 2016 Con 400 lineas de código, solo con el cliente, con tan pocos detalles del error y sin saber que arroja el debugscript es bastante complicado encontrar el bug. Yo por mas que lo miro no encuentro nada fuera de orden, sin contar la inmensidad de variables con la que funciona un trabajo. Por lo general yo hago una depuración del código haciendo salidas de texto para ver si una linea de código entra a una función cuando debería hacerlo, y desde ahí veo que hacer para solucionarlo. Link to comment
Bc# Posted April 8, 2016 Share Posted April 8, 2016 Con 400 lineas de código, solo con el cliente, con tan pocos detalles del error y sin saber que arroja el debugscript es bastante complicado encontrar el bug. Yo por mas que lo miro no encuentro nada fuera de orden, sin contar la inmensidad de variables con la que funciona un trabajo. Por lo general yo hago una depuración del código haciendo salidas de texto para ver si una linea de código entra a una función cuando debería hacerlo, y desde ahí veo que hacer para solucionarlo. Link to comment
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