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[HELP]Trigging Problem to Kick Player.


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Full Script:

-- Client Side Script. 
        addEventHandler ( 'onClientGUIClick', root, 
    function () 
        if (source == kickSubmitBtn) then 
        local reason = guiGetText(Kickreason) 
                player = guiGridListGetItemText ( playersGrid, guiGridListGetSelectedItem ( playersGrid ), 1 ) 
        triggerServerEvent("ERP.staff:kickPlayer", resourceRoot, player, reason) 
-- Server Sided Script 
function kickPlrFromAdminPanel(thePlayer, reason) 
plr = getPlayerFromName(thePlayer) 
outputChatBox("User: "..plr.." has been kicked from the server. ("..reason..")", root) 
kickPlayer(plr, reason) 
addEvent("ERP.staff:kickPlayer", true) 
addEventHandler("ERP.staff:kickPlayer", resourceRoot, kickPlrFromAdminPanel) 

There are no debug errors, i have no idea why. When i click "Kick player Button", it dosnt trigger, but if i output the value of player and reason vars, they work.

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You say that there are no errors, do you mean just errors? Because if there was an issue with permissions it would throw a warning saying that access was denied. It would also throw a warning if 'plr' variable wasn't a player. It has to output something, use debugscript 3. Also, the outputChatBox should throw an error, because 'plr' is either a player element (if the player was found by getPlayerFromName) or false. In both cases it would be an error if you don't use tostring.

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