#TeKa Posted March 26, 2016 Share Posted March 26, 2016 السلام عليكم اليوم حاولت اني اسوي بنك بس ما يشتغل و ما اعرف ايش المشكله ممكن حل انا مسوي الماركرات في ملف Banks.xml فا انا راح احطو مع الكلينت و السيرفر اول شييء: Client Side addEventHandler ("onClientResourceStart",getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()), fuction () -- bank bankWindow = guiCreateWindow(201,104,290,287,"-- BANK NAME --",false) guiSetVisible (bankWindow,false) bankWindowDisplay = guiCreateEdit(0.0483,0.115,0.8897,0.108,"",true,bankWindow) guiEditSetReadOnly(bankWindowDisplay,true) bankWindow1 = guiCreateButton(0.0793,0.2404,0.1759,0.1638,"1",true,bankWindow) bankWindow2 = guiCreateButton(0.3,0.2404,0.1759,0.1638,"2",true,bankWindow) bankWindow3 = guiCreateButton(0.5241,0.2404,0.1759,0.1638,"3",true,bankWindow) bankWindow4 = guiCreateButton(0.0793,0.4425,0.1759,0.1638,"4",true,bankWindow) bankWindow5 = guiCreateButton(0.3,0.4425,0.1759,0.1638,"5",true,bankWindow) bankWindow6 = guiCreateButton(0.5241,0.4425,0.1759,0.1638,"6",true,bankWindow) bankWindow7 = guiCreateButton(0.0793,0.6481,0.1759,0.1638,"7",true,bankWindow) bankWindow8 = guiCreateButton(0.3034,0.6481,0.1759,0.1638,"8",true,bankWindow) bankWindow9 = guiCreateButton(0.5241,0.6481,0.1759,0.1638,"9",true,bankWindow) bankWindowClose = guiCreateButton(0.0793,0.8328,0.8448,0.0906,"Close",true,bankWindow) bankWindowStore = guiCreateButton(0.7448,0.2404,0.1759,0.1638,"Store",true,bankWindow) bankWindowWithdraw = guiCreateButton(0.7448,0.4425,0.1759,0.1638,"Withdraw",true,bankWindow) bankWindow0 = guiCreateButton(0.7448,0.6481,0.1759,0.1638,"0",true,bankWindow) enableWideScreen (getLocalPlayer()) elseif (source == bankWindow1) then addIntoBankEditDisplay ("1") elseif (source == bankWindow2) then addIntoBankEditDisplay ("2") elseif (source == bankWindow3) then addIntoBankEditDisplay ("3") elseif (source == bankWindow4) then addIntoBankEditDisplay ("4") elseif (source == bankWindow5) then addIntoBankEditDisplay ("5") elseif (source == bankWindow6) then addIntoBankEditDisplay ("6") elseif (source == bankWindow7) then addIntoBankEditDisplay ("7") elseif (source == bankWindow8) then addIntoBankEditDisplay ("8") elseif (source == bankWindow9) then addIntoBankEditDisplay ("9") elseif (source == bankWindow0) then addIntoBankEditDisplay ("0") elseif (source == bankWindowClose) then guiSetVisible (bankWindow,false) guiSetText (bankWindowDisplay,"") showCursor (false,false) elseif (source == bankWindowStore) then triggerServerEvent ("bankStoreMoney",getLocalPlayer(),tonumber(guiGetText(bankWindowDisplay))) elseif (source == bankWindowWithdraw) then triggerServerEvent ("bankWithdrawMoney",getLocalPlayer(),tonumber(guiGetText(bankWindowDisplay))) end end) ________________ Server Side addEventHandler("onResourceStart",getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()), function () bankr = xmlLoadFile("banks.xml"); addEventHandler("onResourceStop",getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()), function () xmlUnloadFile(bankr); end); -- BANK addEventHandler ("onResourceStart",getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()), function () local allBanks = xmlNodeGetChildren (bankr) for i,v in ipairs (allBanks) do local x = xmlNodeGetAttribute (v,"x") local y = xmlNodeGetAttribute (v,"y") local z = xmlNodeGetAttribute (v,"z") local bankname = xmlNodeGetValue (v) createBlip (x,y,z,52) local atmmarker = createMarker (x,y,z-1,"cylinder",2,0,255,0,100) local atm = createObject (2942,x,y+0.75,z-0.25) setElementData (atmmarker,"bank",bankname) end addEvent ("bankStoreMoney",true) addEventHandler ("bankStoreMoney",getRootElement(), function(amount) local playerMoney = getPlayerMoney (source) if (playerMoney < amount) then outputChatBox ("You Don't Have any Money in The Bank!!", source, 0, 255, 0, false) else local currentBank = xmlNodeGetAttribute (characterRoot,"bank") local newBank = tonumber (currentBank) + amount setPlayerMoney (source,getPlayerMoney (source) -amount) local bank = xmlNodeGetAttribute (characterRoot,"bank") triggerClientEvent (source,"lolmodRefreshBankInfoMenu",source,getPlayerMoney (source),bank) xmlSaveFile (root) end end end ) addEvent ("bankWithdrawMoney",true) addEventHandler ("bankWithdrawMoney",getRootElement(), function(amount) local charactername = getPlayerNametagText (source) local accountName = getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(source)) local characterindex = getCharacterIndexByCharacterName (accountName,charactername) if (characterindex) then local playerRoot = xmlFindChild (root,"player",findPlayerIndexByName (tostring(accountName))) local characterRoot = xmlNodeGetChildren (playerRoot,tonumber(characterindex)-1) if (characterRoot) then local currentBank = xmlNodeGetAttribute (characterRoot,"bank") if not (currentBank) then local currentBank = nil local currentBank = 0 end if (tonumber(currentBank) >= tonumber(amount)) then local newBank = tonumber (currentBank) - amount givePlayerMoney (source,amount) xmlNodeSetAttribute (characterRoot,"bank",newBank) outputChatBox ("You Money is Wathdraw!!", source, 0, 255, 0, false) local bank = xmlNodeGetAttribute (characterRoot,"bank") xmlSaveFile (root) else outputChatBox ("You Dont have any mone in the bank Him!!", source, 0, 255, 0, false) local cash = xmlNodeGetAttribute (characterRoot,"cash") local bank = xmlNodeGetAttribute (characterRoot,"bank") xmlSaveFile (root) end end end end) _______________________ Bank.xml "-2036.83" y="140.41" z="28.83">Trainstation ATM "-2675.41" y="634.08" z="14.45">SF Hospital ATM "-1955.3544287109" y="307.355223" z="35.461">Carshop ATM "2619.69" y="2344.76" z="10.8">vRock ATM "2589.14" y="1897.5" z="11">JobZone ATM اعتقد ان البنك ما فيه شييء صعب اصلا لني سويتو بي 30 دقيقه بظبط بس ما يشتغل ما اعرف وش الحل ارجوكم الرد سريع Link to comment
YourMind Posted March 26, 2016 Share Posted March 26, 2016 السلام عليكم اليوم حاولت اني اسوي بنك بس ما يشتغل و ما اعرف ايش المشكله ممكن حلانا مسوي الماركرات في ملف Banks.xml فا انا راح احطو مع الكلينت و السيرفر اول شييء: Client Side addEventHandler ("onClientResourceStart",getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()), fuction () -- bank bankWindow = guiCreateWindow(201,104,290,287,"-- BANK NAME --",false) guiSetVisible (bankWindow,false) bankWindowDisplay = guiCreateEdit(0.0483,0.115,0.8897,0.108,"",true,bankWindow) guiEditSetReadOnly(bankWindowDisplay,true) bankWindow1 = guiCreateButton(0.0793,0.2404,0.1759,0.1638,"1",true,bankWindow) bankWindow2 = guiCreateButton(0.3,0.2404,0.1759,0.1638,"2",true,bankWindow) bankWindow3 = guiCreateButton(0.5241,0.2404,0.1759,0.1638,"3",true,bankWindow) bankWindow4 = guiCreateButton(0.0793,0.4425,0.1759,0.1638,"4",true,bankWindow) bankWindow5 = guiCreateButton(0.3,0.4425,0.1759,0.1638,"5",true,bankWindow) bankWindow6 = guiCreateButton(0.5241,0.4425,0.1759,0.1638,"6",true,bankWindow) bankWindow7 = guiCreateButton(0.0793,0.6481,0.1759,0.1638,"7",true,bankWindow) bankWindow8 = guiCreateButton(0.3034,0.6481,0.1759,0.1638,"8",true,bankWindow) bankWindow9 = guiCreateButton(0.5241,0.6481,0.1759,0.1638,"9",true,bankWindow) bankWindowClose = guiCreateButton(0.0793,0.8328,0.8448,0.0906,"Close",true,bankWindow) bankWindowStore = guiCreateButton(0.7448,0.2404,0.1759,0.1638,"Store",true,bankWindow) bankWindowWithdraw = guiCreateButton(0.7448,0.4425,0.1759,0.1638,"Withdraw",true,bankWindow) bankWindow0 = guiCreateButton(0.7448,0.6481,0.1759,0.1638,"0",true,bankWindow) enableWideScreen (getLocalPlayer()) elseif (source == bankWindow1) then addIntoBankEditDisplay ("1") elseif (source == bankWindow2) then addIntoBankEditDisplay ("2") elseif (source == bankWindow3) then addIntoBankEditDisplay ("3") elseif (source == bankWindow4) then addIntoBankEditDisplay ("4") elseif (source == bankWindow5) then addIntoBankEditDisplay ("5") elseif (source == bankWindow6) then addIntoBankEditDisplay ("6") elseif (source == bankWindow7) then addIntoBankEditDisplay ("7") elseif (source == bankWindow8) then addIntoBankEditDisplay ("8") elseif (source == bankWindow9) then addIntoBankEditDisplay ("9") elseif (source == bankWindow0) then addIntoBankEditDisplay ("0") elseif (source == bankWindowClose) then guiSetVisible (bankWindow,false) guiSetText (bankWindowDisplay,"") showCursor (false,false) elseif (source == bankWindowStore) then triggerServerEvent ("bankStoreMoney",getLocalPlayer(),tonumber(guiGetText(bankWindowDisplay))) elseif (source == bankWindowWithdraw) then triggerServerEvent ("bankWithdrawMoney",getLocalPlayer(),tonumber(guiGetText(bankWindowDisplay))) end end) ________________ Server Side addEventHandler("onResourceStart",getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()), function () bankr = xmlLoadFile("banks.xml"); addEventHandler("onResourceStop",getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()), function () xmlUnloadFile(bankr); end); -- BANK addEventHandler ("onResourceStart",getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()), function () local allBanks = xmlNodeGetChildren (bankr) for i,v in ipairs (allBanks) do local x = xmlNodeGetAttribute (v,"x") local y = xmlNodeGetAttribute (v,"y") local z = xmlNodeGetAttribute (v,"z") local bankname = xmlNodeGetValue (v) createBlip (x,y,z,52) local atmmarker = createMarker (x,y,z-1,"cylinder",2,0,255,0,100) local atm = createObject (2942,x,y+0.75,z-0.25) setElementData (atmmarker,"bank",bankname) end addEvent ("bankStoreMoney",true) addEventHandler ("bankStoreMoney",getRootElement(), function(amount) local playerMoney = getPlayerMoney (source) if (playerMoney < amount) then outputChatBox ("You Don't Have any Money in The Bank!!", source, 0, 255, 0, false) else local currentBank = xmlNodeGetAttribute (characterRoot,"bank") local newBank = tonumber (currentBank) + amount setPlayerMoney (source,getPlayerMoney (source) -amount) local bank = xmlNodeGetAttribute (characterRoot,"bank") triggerClientEvent (source,"lolmodRefreshBankInfoMenu",source,getPlayerMoney (source),bank) xmlSaveFile (root) end end end ) addEvent ("bankWithdrawMoney",true) addEventHandler ("bankWithdrawMoney",getRootElement(), function(amount) local charactername = getPlayerNametagText (source) local accountName = getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(source)) local characterindex = getCharacterIndexByCharacterName (accountName,charactername) if (characterindex) then local playerRoot = xmlFindChild (root,"player",findPlayerIndexByName (tostring(accountName))) local characterRoot = xmlNodeGetChildren (playerRoot,tonumber(characterindex)-1) if (characterRoot) then local currentBank = xmlNodeGetAttribute (characterRoot,"bank") if not (currentBank) then local currentBank = nil local currentBank = 0 end if (tonumber(currentBank) >= tonumber(amount)) then local newBank = tonumber (currentBank) - amount givePlayerMoney (source,amount) xmlNodeSetAttribute (characterRoot,"bank",newBank) outputChatBox ("You Money is Wathdraw!!", source, 0, 255, 0, false) local bank = xmlNodeGetAttribute (characterRoot,"bank") xmlSaveFile (root) else outputChatBox ("You Dont have any mone in the bank Him!!", source, 0, 255, 0, false) local cash = xmlNodeGetAttribute (characterRoot,"cash") local bank = xmlNodeGetAttribute (characterRoot,"bank") xmlSaveFile (root) end end end end) _______________________ Bank.xml "-2036.83" y="140.41" z="28.83">Trainstation ATM "-2675.41" y="634.08" z="14.45">SF Hospital ATM "-1955.3544287109" y="307.355223" z="35.461">Carshop ATM "2619.69" y="2344.76" z="10.8">vRock ATM "2589.14" y="1897.5" z="11">JobZone ATM اعتقد ان البنك ما فيه شييء صعب اصلا لني سويتو بي 30 دقيقه بظبط بس ما يشتغل ما اعرف وش الحل ارجوكم الرد سريع ؟ account data او sql و ليه ماتعملوش بأستخدام يكون احسن و تقل الاخطاء Link to comment
#TeKa Posted March 26, 2016 Author Share Posted March 26, 2016 السلام عليكم اليوم حاولت اني اسوي بنك بس ما يشتغل و ما اعرف ايش المشكله ممكن حلانا مسوي الماركرات في ملف Banks.xml فا انا راح احطو مع الكلينت و السيرفر اول شييء: Client Side addEventHandler ("onClientResourceStart",getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()), fuction () -- bank bankWindow = guiCreateWindow(201,104,290,287,"-- BANK NAME --",false) guiSetVisible (bankWindow,false) bankWindowDisplay = guiCreateEdit(0.0483,0.115,0.8897,0.108,"",true,bankWindow) guiEditSetReadOnly(bankWindowDisplay,true) bankWindow1 = guiCreateButton(0.0793,0.2404,0.1759,0.1638,"1",true,bankWindow) bankWindow2 = guiCreateButton(0.3,0.2404,0.1759,0.1638,"2",true,bankWindow) bankWindow3 = guiCreateButton(0.5241,0.2404,0.1759,0.1638,"3",true,bankWindow) bankWindow4 = guiCreateButton(0.0793,0.4425,0.1759,0.1638,"4",true,bankWindow) bankWindow5 = guiCreateButton(0.3,0.4425,0.1759,0.1638,"5",true,bankWindow) bankWindow6 = guiCreateButton(0.5241,0.4425,0.1759,0.1638,"6",true,bankWindow) bankWindow7 = guiCreateButton(0.0793,0.6481,0.1759,0.1638,"7",true,bankWindow) bankWindow8 = guiCreateButton(0.3034,0.6481,0.1759,0.1638,"8",true,bankWindow) bankWindow9 = guiCreateButton(0.5241,0.6481,0.1759,0.1638,"9",true,bankWindow) bankWindowClose = guiCreateButton(0.0793,0.8328,0.8448,0.0906,"Close",true,bankWindow) bankWindowStore = guiCreateButton(0.7448,0.2404,0.1759,0.1638,"Store",true,bankWindow) bankWindowWithdraw = guiCreateButton(0.7448,0.4425,0.1759,0.1638,"Withdraw",true,bankWindow) bankWindow0 = guiCreateButton(0.7448,0.6481,0.1759,0.1638,"0",true,bankWindow) enableWideScreen (getLocalPlayer()) elseif (source == bankWindow1) then addIntoBankEditDisplay ("1") elseif (source == bankWindow2) then addIntoBankEditDisplay ("2") elseif (source == bankWindow3) then addIntoBankEditDisplay ("3") elseif (source == bankWindow4) then addIntoBankEditDisplay ("4") elseif (source == bankWindow5) then addIntoBankEditDisplay ("5") elseif (source == bankWindow6) then addIntoBankEditDisplay ("6") elseif (source == bankWindow7) then addIntoBankEditDisplay ("7") elseif (source == bankWindow8) then addIntoBankEditDisplay ("8") elseif (source == bankWindow9) then addIntoBankEditDisplay ("9") elseif (source == bankWindow0) then addIntoBankEditDisplay ("0") elseif (source == bankWindowClose) then guiSetVisible (bankWindow,false) guiSetText (bankWindowDisplay,"") showCursor (false,false) elseif (source == bankWindowStore) then triggerServerEvent ("bankStoreMoney",getLocalPlayer(),tonumber(guiGetText(bankWindowDisplay))) elseif (source == bankWindowWithdraw) then triggerServerEvent ("bankWithdrawMoney",getLocalPlayer(),tonumber(guiGetText(bankWindowDisplay))) end end) ________________ Server Side addEventHandler("onResourceStart",getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()), function () bankr = xmlLoadFile("banks.xml"); addEventHandler("onResourceStop",getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()), function () xmlUnloadFile(bankr); end); -- BANK addEventHandler ("onResourceStart",getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()), function () local allBanks = xmlNodeGetChildren (bankr) for i,v in ipairs (allBanks) do local x = xmlNodeGetAttribute (v,"x") local y = xmlNodeGetAttribute (v,"y") local z = xmlNodeGetAttribute (v,"z") local bankname = xmlNodeGetValue (v) createBlip (x,y,z,52) local atmmarker = createMarker (x,y,z-1,"cylinder",2,0,255,0,100) local atm = createObject (2942,x,y+0.75,z-0.25) setElementData (atmmarker,"bank",bankname) end addEvent ("bankStoreMoney",true) addEventHandler ("bankStoreMoney",getRootElement(), function(amount) local playerMoney = getPlayerMoney (source) if (playerMoney < amount) then outputChatBox ("You Don't Have any Money in The Bank!!", source, 0, 255, 0, false) else local currentBank = xmlNodeGetAttribute (characterRoot,"bank") local newBank = tonumber (currentBank) + amount setPlayerMoney (source,getPlayerMoney (source) -amount) local bank = xmlNodeGetAttribute (characterRoot,"bank") triggerClientEvent (source,"lolmodRefreshBankInfoMenu",source,getPlayerMoney (source),bank) xmlSaveFile (root) end end end ) addEvent ("bankWithdrawMoney",true) addEventHandler ("bankWithdrawMoney",getRootElement(), function(amount) local charactername = getPlayerNametagText (source) local accountName = getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(source)) local characterindex = getCharacterIndexByCharacterName (accountName,charactername) if (characterindex) then local playerRoot = xmlFindChild (root,"player",findPlayerIndexByName (tostring(accountName))) local characterRoot = xmlNodeGetChildren (playerRoot,tonumber(characterindex)-1) if (characterRoot) then local currentBank = xmlNodeGetAttribute (characterRoot,"bank") if not (currentBank) then local currentBank = nil local currentBank = 0 end if (tonumber(currentBank) >= tonumber(amount)) then local newBank = tonumber (currentBank) - amount givePlayerMoney (source,amount) xmlNodeSetAttribute (characterRoot,"bank",newBank) outputChatBox ("You Money is Wathdraw!!", source, 0, 255, 0, false) local bank = xmlNodeGetAttribute (characterRoot,"bank") xmlSaveFile (root) else outputChatBox ("You Dont have any mone in the bank Him!!", source, 0, 255, 0, false) local cash = xmlNodeGetAttribute (characterRoot,"cash") local bank = xmlNodeGetAttribute (characterRoot,"bank") xmlSaveFile (root) end end end end) _______________________ Bank.xml "-2036.83" y="140.41" z="28.83">Trainstation ATM "-2675.41" y="634.08" z="14.45">SF Hospital ATM "-1955.3544287109" y="307.355223" z="35.461">Carshop ATM "2619.69" y="2344.76" z="10.8">vRock ATM "2589.14" y="1897.5" z="11">JobZone ATM اعتقد ان البنك ما فيه شييء صعب اصلا لني سويتو بي 30 دقيقه بظبط بس ما يشتغل ما اعرف وش الحل ارجوكم الرد سريع ؟ account data او sql و ليه ماتعملوش بأستخدام يكون احسن و تقل الاخطاء مينفعش لني مقدرش اعمل account data لني لسا مبتداء البرمجه Link to comment
YourMind Posted March 26, 2016 Share Posted March 26, 2016 اعتقد ان البنك ما فيه شييء صعب اصلا لني سويتو بي 30 دقيقه بظبط بس ما يشتغل ما اعرف وش الحل ؟؟ Link to comment
Me[Z]oO Posted March 26, 2016 Share Posted March 26, 2016 اعتقد ان البنك ما فيه شييء صعب اصلا لني سويتو بي 30 دقيقه بظبط بس ما يشتغل ما اعرف وش الحل ؟؟ 30 دقيقة ؟ انا لما اسوي مود اخد به ساعه ونص + المود حق تابل ومنشور Link to comment
#TeKa Posted March 26, 2016 Author Share Posted March 26, 2016 اعتقد ان البنك ما فيه شييء صعب اصلا لني سويتو بي 30 دقيقه بظبط بس ما يشتغل ما اعرف وش الحل ؟؟ 30 دقيقة ؟ انا لما اسوي مود اخد به ساعه ونص + المود حق تابل ومنشور خخخخخخخخخخخخخخخخخخخخخخ مين الي تابل انا موت لحد لما سويت الاكواد و فعلت يسحب الفلوس و يحفظ الفلو في البنك يا اخوي خذ اكواداو و صلحها و جرب شغلو و شوف شكلووووووو خخخخخخخخخخخخخ تقلي حق تابل Link to comment
Me[Z]oO Posted March 26, 2016 Share Posted March 26, 2016 xmlNodeGetAttribute وش تسوي دي ؟؟ Link to comment
YourMind Posted March 26, 2016 Share Posted March 26, 2016 xmlNodeGetAttributeوش تسوي دي ؟؟ اعذره عشان هو مبتدأ في البرمجة لسا Link to comment
Me[Z]oO Posted March 26, 2016 Share Posted March 26, 2016 xmlNodeGetAttributeوش تسوي دي ؟؟ اعذره عشان هو مبتدأ في البرمجة لسا يب بس م يقول انه انه سواه + ممكن فيسبوك حقك ابي اكلمك يموضوع Link to comment
YourMind Posted March 26, 2016 Share Posted March 26, 2016 '>https://www.facebook.com/ali.khaled. Link to comment
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