Adham Posted March 23, 2016 Share Posted March 23, 2016 السلام علييكم اناا ليوم عملت مد سبورت سيستم المشكله انو مش بيبعت + انا حاطط كود البيعمل الما يجي اللوح في وجهي ما طلع كلنت addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", resourceRoot, function() wind = guiCreateWindow(82, 96, 632, 398, ":: Support Systeam ::", false) guiWindowSetSizable(wind, false) guiSetVisible(wnd,false) chatbox = guiCreateCheckBox(467, 325, 150, 15, "Show news in ChatBox", false, false, wind) guiSetProperty(chatbox, "NormalTextColour", "FFE36000") grid2 = guiCreateGridList(467, 22, 155, 299, false, wind) guiGridListAddColumn(grid2, "Support List", 0.9) grid = guiCreateGridList(10, 22, 447, 333, false, wind) guiGridListAddColumn(grid, "Message", 0.9) edit = guiCreateEdit(10, 359, 335, 29, "", false, wind) button_send = guiCreateButton(352, 360, 110, 28, "Send", false, wind) guiSetProperty(button_send, "NormalTextColour", "FFAAAAAA") X = guiCreateButton(598, 350, 19, 17, "X", false, wind) guiSetProperty(X, "NormalTextColour", "FFAAAAAA") created = guiCreateLabel(472, 370, 150, 16, "#Created By FawaD v1.3.4", false, wind) guiLabelSetColor(created, 226, 0, 0) end ) function aa() guiGridListClear(grid2) triggerServerEvent("refresh",localPlayer) end bindKey("F5","down", function() guiSetVisible(wnd, not guiGetVisible(wnd) ) showCursor( guiGetVisible(wnd) ) aa() end) addEvent("online",true) addEventHandler("online", root, function (name) local g = guiGridListAddRow(supportonline) guiGridListSetItemText(supportonline,g, 1,"""", false, false) end) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick",button1,function () if guiGetText(edit) ~= '' then triggerServerEvent("support",localPlayer,guiGetText(edit)) end end, false) addEvent("sendmessage",true) addEventHandler("sendmessage",root, function() local gg = guiGridListAddRow(supportchat) guiGridListSetItemText(supportchat,gg, 1,getPlayerName(localPlayer).." : "..guiGetText(edit), false, false) if ( guiCheckBoxGetSelected( chatbox ) == true ) then outputChatBox("[support-System]"..getPlayerName(localPlayer).." : "..guiGetText(edit),255,255,0) end end) addEvent("sendmessage2",true) addEventHandler("sendmessage2",root, function() local gg = guiGridListAddRow(supportchat) guiGridListSetItemText(supportchat,gg, 1,getPlayerName(localPlayer).." : "..guiGetText(edit), false, false) if ( guiCheckBoxGetSelected( chatbox ) == true ) then outputChatBox("[support-System]"..getPlayerName(localPlayer).." : "..guiGetText(edit),255,255,0) end end) سرفر addEvent("refresh",true) addEventHandler("refresh",root,function () for k,v in ipairs (getElementsByType("player")) do if ( isObjectInACLGroup("user." .. getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(v)),aclGetGroup("Support")) ) then triggerClientEvent("online",source,getPlayerName(v)) end end end) addEvent("support",true) addEventHandler("support",root,function () if isObjectInACLGroup ("user.*", aclGetGroup ( "Support" ) ) then triggerClientEvent("sendmessage",source) else triggerClientEvent("sendmessage2",source) end end) Link to comment
Ja[B]er[X]Pro Posted March 23, 2016 Share Posted March 23, 2016 السلام علييكم اناا ليوم عملت مد سبورت سيستمالمشكله انو مش بيبعت + انا حاطط كود البيعمل الما يجي اللوح في وجهي ما طلع كلنت addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", resourceRoot, function() wind = guiCreateWindow(82, 96, 632, 398, ":: Support Systeam ::", false) guiWindowSetSizable(wind, false) guiSetVisible(wnd,false) chatbox = guiCreateCheckBox(467, 325, 150, 15, "Show news in ChatBox", false, false, wind) guiSetProperty(chatbox, "NormalTextColour", "FFE36000") grid2 = guiCreateGridList(467, 22, 155, 299, false, wind) guiGridListAddColumn(grid2, "Support List", 0.9) grid = guiCreateGridList(10, 22, 447, 333, false, wind) guiGridListAddColumn(grid, "Message", 0.9) edit = guiCreateEdit(10, 359, 335, 29, "", false, wind) button_send = guiCreateButton(352, 360, 110, 28, "Send", false, wind) guiSetProperty(button_send, "NormalTextColour", "FFAAAAAA") X = guiCreateButton(598, 350, 19, 17, "X", false, wind) guiSetProperty(X, "NormalTextColour", "FFAAAAAA") created = guiCreateLabel(472, 370, 150, 16, "#Created By FawaD v1.3.4", false, wind) guiLabelSetColor(created, 226, 0, 0) end ) function aa() guiGridListClear(grid2) triggerServerEvent("refresh",localPlayer) end bindKey("F5","down", function() guiSetVisible(wnd, not guiGetVisible(wnd) ) showCursor( guiGetVisible(wnd) ) aa() end) addEvent("online",true) addEventHandler("online", root, function (name) local g = guiGridListAddRow(supportonline) guiGridListSetItemText(supportonline,g, 1,"""", false, false) end) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick",button1,function () if guiGetText(edit) ~= '' then triggerServerEvent("support",localPlayer,guiGetText(edit)) end end, false) addEvent("sendmessage",true) addEventHandler("sendmessage",root, function() local gg = guiGridListAddRow(supportchat) guiGridListSetItemText(supportchat,gg, 1,getPlayerName(localPlayer).." : "..guiGetText(edit), false, false) if ( guiCheckBoxGetSelected( chatbox ) == true ) then outputChatBox("[support-System]"..getPlayerName(localPlayer).." : "..guiGetText(edit),255,255,0) end end) addEvent("sendmessage2",true) addEventHandler("sendmessage2",root, function() local gg = guiGridListAddRow(supportchat) guiGridListSetItemText(supportchat,gg, 1,getPlayerName(localPlayer).." : "..guiGetText(edit), false, false) if ( guiCheckBoxGetSelected( chatbox ) == true ) then outputChatBox("[support-System]"..getPlayerName(localPlayer).." : "..guiGetText(edit),255,255,0) end end) سرفر addEvent("refresh",true) addEventHandler("refresh",root,function () for k,v in ipairs (getElementsByType("player")) do if ( isObjectInACLGroup("user." .. getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(v)),aclGetGroup("Support")) ) then triggerClientEvent("online",source,getPlayerName(v)) end end end) addEvent("support",true) addEventHandler("support",root,function () if isObjectInACLGroup ("user.*", aclGetGroup ( "Support" ) ) then triggerClientEvent("sendmessage",source) else triggerClientEvent("sendmessage2",source) end end) ماجربته اعذرنى لو في اخطاء supportsystem = guiCreateWindow(55, 43, 693, 459, "[GTA-iV]-Support System", false) guiWindowSetSizable(supportsystem, false) guiSetAlpha(supportsystem, 1.00) guiSetVisible(supportsystem,false) supportchat = guiCreateGridList(10, 41, 479, 317, false, supportsystem) guiGridListAddColumn(supportchat, "Player", 0.5) guiGridListAddColumn(supportchat, "Message", 0.5) progressbar1 = guiCreateProgressBar(499, 22, 15, 427, false, supportsystem) label = guiCreateLabel(20, 22, 213, 15, "Support Chat :", false, supportsystem) supportonline = guiCreateGridList(514, 66, 168, 344, false, supportsystem) guiGridListAddColumn(supportonline, "PlayerName", 0.9) label2 = guiCreateLabel(522, 31, 99, 20, "Support Online :", false, supportsystem) checkbox1 = guiCreateCheckBox(394, 368, 90, 18, "show in chat", false, false, supportsystem) edit1 = guiCreateEdit(9, 399, 380, 36, "", false, supportsystem) button1 = guiCreateButton(394, 401, 90, 34, "Send", false, supportsystem) button2 = guiCreateButton(557, 415, 90, 34, "القوانين", false, supportsystem) ruless = guiCreateWindow(183, 45, 453, 461, "قوانين السبورت|Support Rules", false) guiWindowSetSizable(ruless, false) guiSetAlpha(ruless, 1.00) guiSetVisible(ruless,false) memo = guiCreateMemo(10, 23, 433, 379, "English : \n\n1-dont ask Admin\n\n2-dont ask Money\n\n3-dont bad talk\n\n\"This Chat For Help\"\n\n---------------------------------------\n\n: العربية\n\n\nعدم طلب ادمن-1\n\nعدم طلب فلوس-2\n\nعدم السب-3\n\n\n\"هذا الشات للمساعدة فقط\"", false, ruless) closeb = guiCreateButton(150, 412, 118, 38, "Close", false, ruless) function re() guiGridListClear(supportonline) triggerServerEvent("refresh",localPlayer) end addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick",root, function() if (source == button2) then guiSetVisible(ruless, not guiGetVisible(ruless) ) showCursor( guiGetVisible(ruless) ) end end) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick",root, function() if (source == closeb)then guiSetVisible(ruless,false) showCursor(false) end end) bindKey("F5","down", function() guiSetVisible(supportsystem, not guiGetVisible(supportsystem) ) showCursor( guiGetVisible(supportsystem) ) re() end) addEvent("online",true) addEventHandler("online", root, function (name) local g = guiGridListAddRow(supportonline) guiGridListSetItemText(supportonline,g, 1,"""", false, false) end) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick",button1,function () if guiGetText(edit1) ~= '' then triggerServerEvent("support",localPlayer,guiGetText(edit1)) end end, false) addEvent("sendmessage",true) addEventHandler("sendmessage",root, function() local gg = guiGridListAddRow(supportchat) guiGridListSetItemText(supportchat,gg, 1,getPlayerName(localPlayer).." : "..guiGetText(edit1), false, false) if ( guiCheckBoxGetSelected( checkbox1 ) == true ) then outputChatBox("[support-System]"..getPlayerName(localPlayer).." : "..guiGetText(edit1),255,255,0) end end) addEvent("sendmessage2",true) addEventHandler("sendmessage2",root, function() local gg = guiGridListAddRow(supportchat) guiGridListSetItemText(supportchat,gg, 1,getPlayerName(localPlayer).." : "..guiGetText(edit1), false, false) if ( guiCheckBoxGetSelected( checkbox1 ) == true ) then outputChatBox("[support-System]"..getPlayerName(localPlayer).." : "..guiGetText(edit1),255,255,0) end end) addEvent("refresh",true) addEventHandler("refresh",root,function () for k,v in ipairs (getElementsByType("player")) do if ( isObjectInACLGroup("user." .. getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(v)),aclGetGroup("Support")) ) then triggerClientEvent("online",source,getPlayerName(v)) end end end) addEvent("support",true) addEventHandler("support",root,function () if isObjectInACLGroup ("user.*", aclGetGroup ( "Support" ) ) then triggerClientEvent("sendmessage",source) else triggerClientEvent("sendmessage2",source) end end) نفس الاكواد من رد اوسكار بموضوعي ض2 Link to comment
فاّرس Posted March 23, 2016 Share Posted March 23, 2016 م يصلح تنسخ وتلصق وبس, عندك اخطاء اول شي عدل اسم الجريد ليست ف الوظيفه guiGirdListAddRow وملف سيرفر سطر 12 ناقصك تحقق من حساب اللاعب. Link to comment
Adham Posted March 23, 2016 Author Share Posted March 23, 2016 جابر ممكن تظبت الكود @_@؟ Link to comment
YourMind Posted March 24, 2016 Share Posted March 24, 2016 في موضوع جابر جهزتله اللوحة و جربتها بس اوسكار حط تجربته و سبقني --client chats = "" gg = "" local sx, sy = guiGetScreenSize() function centerTheGUI( guiElement ) local width, height = guiGetSize( guiElement, false ) local x, y = sx / 2 - width / 2, sy / 2 - height / 2 guiSetPosition( guiElement, x, y, false ) end GUIEditor = { checkbox = {}, progressbar = {}, edit = {}, button = {}, label = {}, memo = {}, } addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", resourceRoot, function() supportsystem = guiCreateWindow(55, 43, 693, 459, "[GTA-iV]-Support System", false) centerTheGUI( supportsystem ) guiWindowSetSizable(supportsystem, false) guiSetAlpha(supportsystem, 1.00) guiSetVisible(supportsystem,false) supportchat = guiCreateGridList(10, 41, 479, 317, false, supportsystem) guiSetFont(supportchat, "default-bold-small") guiGridListAddColumn(supportchat, "Player", 2.5) -- guiGridListAddColumn(supportchat, "Message", 0.5) progressbar1 = guiCreateProgressBar(499, 22, 15, 427, false, supportsystem) GUIEditor.label[1] = guiCreateLabel(20, 22, 213, 15, "Support Chat :", false, supportsystem) guiSetFont(GUIEditor.label[1], "default-bold-small") supportonline = guiCreateGridList(519, 58, 168, 344, false, supportsystem) guiSetFont(supportonline, "default-bold-small") guiGridListAddColumn(supportonline, "PlayerName", 1.9) GUIEditor.label[2] = guiCreateLabel(522, 31, 99, 20, "Support Online :", false, supportsystem) guiSetFont(GUIEditor.label[2], "default-bold-small") checkbox1 = guiCreateCheckBox(394, 368, 90, 18, "Show in chat", false, false, supportsystem) guiSetFont(checkbox1, "default-bold-small") edit1 = guiCreateEdit(9, 399, 380, 36, "", false, supportsystem) button1 = guiCreateButton(394, 401, 90, 34, "Send", false, supportsystem) guiSetFont(button1, "default-bold-small") button2 = guiCreateButton(557, 415, 90, 34, "القوانين", false, supportsystem) guiSetFont(button2, "default-bold-small") ruless = guiCreateWindow(183, 45, 453, 461, "قوانين السبورت|Support Rules", false) centerTheGUI( ruless ) guiWindowSetSizable(ruless, false) guiSetAlpha(ruless, 1.00) guiSetVisible(ruless,false) GUIEditor.memo[1] = guiCreateMemo(10, 23, 433, 379, "English : \n\n1-dont ask Admin\n\n2-dont ask Money\n\n3-dont bad talk\n\n\"This Chat For Help\"\n\n---------------------------------------\n\n: العربية\n\n\nعدم طلب ادمن-1\n\nعدم طلب فلوس-2\n\nعدم السب-3\n\n\n\"هذا الشات للمساعدة فقط\"", false, ruless) closeb = guiCreateButton(150, 412, 118, 38, "Close", false, ruless) guiSetFont(closeb, "default-bold-small") end ) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick",root, function() if (source == button2) then guiSetVisible(ruless, true ) showCursor(true) guiSetInputEnabled( true ) guiBringToFront (ruless) end end ) addEvent ("RemoveNSupport",true) addEventHandler ("RemoveNSupport",root, function (plr) guiGridListRemoveRow (supportonline,getPlayerName(plr)) end ) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick",root, function() if (source == closeb) then guiSetVisible(ruless,false) showCursor(true) guiSetInputEnabled (true) end end ) bindKey("F5","down", function() guiSetVisible(supportsystem, not guiGetVisible(supportsystem) ) showCursor( guiGetVisible(supportsystem) ) guiSetInputEnabled( guiGetVisible(ruless) ) end ) addEvent("online",true) addEventHandler("online",root, function(name,plr) guiGridListClear (supportonline) local g = guiGridListAddRow (supportonline) guiGridListSetItemText (supportonline,g,1,"""",false, false ) guiGridListSetItemColor (supportonline,g,1,5,255,5) end ) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick",root, function() chats = guiGetText(edit1) gg = guiGridListAddRow (supportchat) if source == button1 then triggerServerEvent("support",localPlayer) end end ) addEvent("sendmessage",true) addEventHandler("sendmessage",root, function(plr) guiGridListSetItemText (supportchat ,gg, 1,"[support] "..getPlayerName(localPlayer).." : "..chats.."",false, false ) -- guiGridListSetItemText (supportchat ,gg, 2,""..chats.."", false, false ) guiGridListSetItemColor (supportchat,gg,1,5,255,5) guiGridListSetItemColor (supportchat,gg,2,5,255,5) if ( guiCheckBoxGetSelected( checkbox1 ) == true ) then outputChatBox("[support-System] "..getPlayerName(plr).." : "..chats.."",5,255,5) end end ) addEvent("sendmessage2",true) addEventHandler("sendmessage2",root, function(plr) guiGridListSetItemText (supportchat ,gg, 1,"[Player] "..getPlayerName(localPlayer).." : "..chats.."",false, false ) -- guiGridListSetItemText (supportchat ,gg, 2,""..chats.."",false, false ) guiGridListSetItemColor (supportchat,gg,1,255,170,0) if ( guiCheckBoxGetSelected( checkbox1 ) == true ) then outputChatBox("[support-System] "..getPlayerName(plr).." : "..chats.."",255,170,0) end end ) -- server function getSupportPlayers() for i , k in ipairs (getElementsByType("player")) do if isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..getAccountName (getPlayerAccount(k)),aclGetGroup ("Support") ) then return k , true else return false end end end function getNSupportPlayers () for i , k in ipairs (getElementsByType ("player")) do if not isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..getAccountName (getPlayerAccount(k)),aclGetGroup ("Support") ) then return k , true else return false end end end setTimer(function () if getSupportPlayers() then local supportPlayerName = getPlayerName (getSupportPlayers()) local supportPlayer = getPlayerFromName (supportPlayerName) triggerClientEvent(root,"online",root,supportPlayerName,supportPlayer,v) else return triggerClientEvent (root,"RemoveNSupport",root,getNSupportPlayers()) end end,1000,0) addEvent("support",true) addEventHandler("support",root, function() if isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..getAccountName (getPlayerAccount(source)), aclGetGroup ( "Support" )) then triggerClientEvent("sendmessage",root,source) else triggerClientEvent("sendmessage2",root,source) end end ) Link to comment
YourMind Posted March 24, 2016 Share Posted March 24, 2016 طيب والوحه تبيعي؟ والله براحتك اللي انت عايزه قدامك السلام علييكم اناا ليوم عملت مد سبورت سيستمالمشكله انو مش بيبعت + انا حاطط كود البيعمل الما يجي اللوح في وجهي ما طلع كلنت addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", resourceRoot, function() wind = guiCreateWindow(82, 96, 632, 398, ":: Support Systeam ::", false) guiWindowSetSizable(wind, false) guiSetVisible(wnd,false) chatbox = guiCreateCheckBox(467, 325, 150, 15, "Show news in ChatBox", false, false, wind) guiSetProperty(chatbox, "NormalTextColour", "FFE36000") grid2 = guiCreateGridList(467, 22, 155, 299, false, wind) guiGridListAddColumn(grid2, "Support List", 0.9) grid = guiCreateGridList(10, 22, 447, 333, false, wind) guiGridListAddColumn(grid, "Message", 0.9) edit = guiCreateEdit(10, 359, 335, 29, "", false, wind) button_send = guiCreateButton(352, 360, 110, 28, "Send", false, wind) guiSetProperty(button_send, "NormalTextColour", "FFAAAAAA") X = guiCreateButton(598, 350, 19, 17, "X", false, wind) guiSetProperty(X, "NormalTextColour", "FFAAAAAA") created = guiCreateLabel(472, 370, 150, 16, "#Created By FawaD v1.3.4", false, wind) guiLabelSetColor(created, 226, 0, 0) end ) function aa() guiGridListClear(grid2) triggerServerEvent("refresh",localPlayer) end bindKey("F5","down", function() guiSetVisible(wnd, not guiGetVisible(wnd) ) showCursor( guiGetVisible(wnd) ) aa() end) addEvent("online",true) addEventHandler("online", root, function (name) local g = guiGridListAddRow(supportonline) guiGridListSetItemText(supportonline,g, 1,"""", false, false) end) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick",button1,function () if guiGetText(edit) ~= '' then triggerServerEvent("support",localPlayer,guiGetText(edit)) end end, false) addEvent("sendmessage",true) addEventHandler("sendmessage",root, function() local gg = guiGridListAddRow(supportchat) guiGridListSetItemText(supportchat,gg, 1,getPlayerName(localPlayer).." : "..guiGetText(edit), false, false) if ( guiCheckBoxGetSelected( chatbox ) == true ) then outputChatBox("[support-System]"..getPlayerName(localPlayer).." : "..guiGetText(edit),255,255,0) end end) addEvent("sendmessage2",true) addEventHandler("sendmessage2",root, function() local gg = guiGridListAddRow(supportchat) guiGridListSetItemText(supportchat,gg, 1,getPlayerName(localPlayer).." : "..guiGetText(edit), false, false) if ( guiCheckBoxGetSelected( chatbox ) == true ) then outputChatBox("[support-System]"..getPlayerName(localPlayer).." : "..guiGetText(edit),255,255,0) end end) سرفر addEvent("refresh",true) addEventHandler("refresh",root,function () for k,v in ipairs (getElementsByType("player")) do if ( isObjectInACLGroup("user." .. getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(v)),aclGetGroup("Support")) ) then triggerClientEvent("online",source,getPlayerName(v)) end end end) addEvent("support",true) addEventHandler("support",root,function () if isObjectInACLGroup ("user.*", aclGetGroup ( "Support" ) ) then triggerClientEvent("sendmessage",source) else triggerClientEvent("sendmessage2",source) end end) ماجربته اعذرنى لو في اخطاء supportsystem = guiCreateWindow(55, 43, 693, 459, "[GTA-iV]-Support System", false) guiWindowSetSizable(supportsystem, false) guiSetAlpha(supportsystem, 1.00) guiSetVisible(supportsystem,false) supportchat = guiCreateGridList(10, 41, 479, 317, false, supportsystem) guiGridListAddColumn(supportchat, "Player", 0.5) guiGridListAddColumn(supportchat, "Message", 0.5) progressbar1 = guiCreateProgressBar(499, 22, 15, 427, false, supportsystem) label = guiCreateLabel(20, 22, 213, 15, "Support Chat :", false, supportsystem) supportonline = guiCreateGridList(514, 66, 168, 344, false, supportsystem) guiGridListAddColumn(supportonline, "PlayerName", 0.9) label2 = guiCreateLabel(522, 31, 99, 20, "Support Online :", false, supportsystem) checkbox1 = guiCreateCheckBox(394, 368, 90, 18, "show in chat", false, false, supportsystem) edit1 = guiCreateEdit(9, 399, 380, 36, "", false, supportsystem) button1 = guiCreateButton(394, 401, 90, 34, "Send", false, supportsystem) button2 = guiCreateButton(557, 415, 90, 34, "القوانين", false, supportsystem) ruless = guiCreateWindow(183, 45, 453, 461, "قوانين السبورت|Support Rules", false) guiWindowSetSizable(ruless, false) guiSetAlpha(ruless, 1.00) guiSetVisible(ruless,false) memo = guiCreateMemo(10, 23, 433, 379, "English : \n\n1-dont ask Admin\n\n2-dont ask Money\n\n3-dont bad talk\n\n\"This Chat For Help\"\n\n---------------------------------------\n\n: العربية\n\n\nعدم طلب ادمن-1\n\nعدم طلب فلوس-2\n\nعدم السب-3\n\n\n\"هذا الشات للمساعدة فقط\"", false, ruless) closeb = guiCreateButton(150, 412, 118, 38, "Close", false, ruless) function re() guiGridListClear(supportonline) triggerServerEvent("refresh",localPlayer) end addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick",root, function() if (source == button2) then guiSetVisible(ruless, not guiGetVisible(ruless) ) showCursor( guiGetVisible(ruless) ) end end) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick",root, function() if (source == closeb)then guiSetVisible(ruless,false) showCursor(false) end end) bindKey("F5","down", function() guiSetVisible(supportsystem, not guiGetVisible(supportsystem) ) showCursor( guiGetVisible(supportsystem) ) re() end) addEvent("online",true) addEventHandler("online", root, function (name) local g = guiGridListAddRow(supportonline) guiGridListSetItemText(supportonline,g, 1,"""", false, false) end) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick",button1,function () if guiGetText(edit1) ~= '' then triggerServerEvent("support",localPlayer,guiGetText(edit1)) end end, false) addEvent("sendmessage",true) addEventHandler("sendmessage",root, function() local gg = guiGridListAddRow(supportchat) guiGridListSetItemText(supportchat,gg, 1,getPlayerName(localPlayer).." : "..guiGetText(edit1), false, false) if ( guiCheckBoxGetSelected( checkbox1 ) == true ) then outputChatBox("[support-System]"..getPlayerName(localPlayer).." : "..guiGetText(edit1),255,255,0) end end) addEvent("sendmessage2",true) addEventHandler("sendmessage2",root, function() local gg = guiGridListAddRow(supportchat) guiGridListSetItemText(supportchat,gg, 1,getPlayerName(localPlayer).." : "..guiGetText(edit1), false, false) if ( guiCheckBoxGetSelected( checkbox1 ) == true ) then outputChatBox("[support-System]"..getPlayerName(localPlayer).." : "..guiGetText(edit1),255,255,0) end end) addEvent("refresh",true) addEventHandler("refresh",root,function () for k,v in ipairs (getElementsByType("player")) do if ( isObjectInACLGroup("user." .. getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(v)),aclGetGroup("Support")) ) then triggerClientEvent("online",source,getPlayerName(v)) end end end) addEvent("support",true) addEventHandler("support",root,function () if isObjectInACLGroup ("user.*", aclGetGroup ( "Support" ) ) then triggerClientEvent("sendmessage",source) else triggerClientEvent("sendmessage2",source) end end) نفس الاكواد من رد اوسكار بموضوعي ض2 طلاما جابر سمح لك بأنك تاخد شغله عادي Link to comment
Adham Posted March 24, 2016 Author Share Posted March 24, 2016 المشكله انو مش بيبعت + انا حاطط كود البيعمل الما يجي اللوح في وجهي ما طلع ارجو تعديل عليه Link to comment
YourMind Posted March 24, 2016 Share Posted March 24, 2016 المشكله انو مش بيبعت + انا حاطط كود البيعمل الما يجي اللوح في وجهي ما طلع ارجو تعديل عليه انا اديتك الكود فوق ركز كويس Link to comment
Adham Posted March 24, 2016 Author Share Posted March 24, 2016 عملت كل شي بس ما يفتح ولا يبعت ولا شي Link to comment
#|_oskar_|# Posted March 24, 2016 Share Posted March 24, 2016 عملت كل شي بس ما يفتح ولا يبعت ولا شي Support اتأكد ان معاك رتبه ب اسم Link to comment
Adham Posted March 24, 2016 Author Share Posted March 24, 2016 طيب يخييييي شوف المشكله في الكودات تبعي وحلها ما تبي تعدل؟ -_-" client addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", resourceRoot, function() wind = guiCreateWindow(82, 96, 632, 398, ":: Support Systeam ::", false) guiWindowSetSizable(wind, false) guiSetVisible(wnd,false) guiSetVisible(wnd ,false) -- عدم اظهار الوحة وقت تشغيل المود chatbox = guiCreateCheckBox(467, 325, 150, 15, "Show news in ChatBox", false, false, wind) guiSetProperty(chatbox, "NormalTextColour", "FFE36000") grid2 = guiCreateGridList(467, 22, 155, 299, false, wind) guiGridListAddColumn(grid2, "Support List", 0.9) grid = guiCreateGridList(10, 22, 447, 333, false, wind) guiGridListAddColumn(grid, "Message", 0.9) edit = guiCreateEdit(10, 359, 335, 29, "", false, wind) button_send = guiCreateButton(352, 360, 110, 28, "Send", false, wind) guiSetProperty(button_send, "NormalTextColour", "FFAAAAAA") X = guiCreateButton(598, 350, 19, 17, "X", false, wind) guiSetProperty(X, "NormalTextColour", "FFAAAAAA") created = guiCreateLabel(472, 370, 150, 16, "#Created By FawaD v1.3.4", false, wind) guiLabelSetColor(created, 226, 0, 0) end ) function re() guiGridListClear(grid2) triggerServerEvent("refresh",localPlayer) end bindKey("F5","down", function() guiSetVisible(wnd, not guiGetVisible(wnd) ) showCursor( guiGetVisible(wnd) ) end) addEvent("online",true) addEventHandler("online", root, function (name) local g = guiGridListAddRow(supportonline) guiGridListSetItemText(supportonline,g, 1,"""", false, false) end) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick",button1,function () if guiGetText(edit) ~= '' then triggerServerEvent("support",localPlayer,guiGetText(edit)) end end, false) addEvent("sendmessage",true) addEventHandler("sendmessage",root, function() local gg = guiGridListAddRow(supportchat) guiGridListSetItemText(supportchat,gg, 1,getPlayerName(localPlayer).." : "..guiGetText(edit), false, false) if ( guiCheckBoxGetSelected( chatbox ) == true ) then outputChatBox("[support-System]"..getPlayerName(localPlayer).." : "..guiGetText(edit),255,255,0) end end) addEvent("sendmessage2",true) addEventHandler("sendmessage2",root, function() local gg = guiGridListAddRow(supportchat) guiGridListSetItemText(supportchat,gg, 1,getPlayerName(localPlayer).." : "..guiGetText(edit), false, false) if ( guiCheckBoxGetSelected( chatbox ) == true ) then outputChatBox("[support-System]"..getPlayerName(localPlayer).." : "..guiGetText(edit),255,255,0) end end) سرفر addEvent("refresh",true) addEventHandler("refresh",root,function () for k,v in ipairs (getElementsByType("player")) do if ( isObjectInACLGroup("user." .. getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(v)),aclGetGroup("Support")) ) then triggerClientEvent("online",source,getPlayerName(v)) end end end) addEvent("support",true) addEventHandler("support",root,function () if isObjectInACLGroup ("user.*", aclGetGroup ( "Support" ) ) then triggerClientEvent("sendmessage",source) else triggerClientEvent("sendmessage2",source) end end) Link to comment
YourMind Posted March 24, 2016 Share Posted March 24, 2016 طيب يخيييييشوف المشكله في الكودات تبعي وحلها ما تبي تعدل؟ -_-" انا بساعدك مش خدام عندك انا فاتح اللعبة و بجرب اللي انت مش عارف تعمله عشانك و عشان ردك دة شوفلك حد يساعدك غيري Link to comment
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