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Hey guys, so i've been learning coding for a while and everything is going well i learned really good i can now build guis and link server functions to them and lots of stuff, but now im going to learn the table.. i want to know the structure of the table how to build it and what types of tables i can do and how to link them to functions, if you would like to help me please just post usefull functions or small examples of tables that'd be great :)

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  • 2 months later...

here is an example of a marker table when you add more arrays , don't forgot to add at the end of the arrays with , but don't add , in the last array!

local markers = { 
    { x, y, z }, 
    { x, y, z } 
for i,v in ipairs( markers ) do 
    createMarker ( v[1],v[2],v[3], type/kind, size, r, g, b, a ) 

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Or this:

local stuff = {} 
stuff[1] = {1, 2, 3} 
stuff['proThingBro'] = {131931,3131,13131} 
for i, v in pairs( stuff ) do 
     local string = tostring( v[1] ) ..","..tostring( v[2] )..","..tostring( v[3] ) 
    outputChatBox( string ) 

They're very useful for many things. You can use them for complicated stuff too, and they also are fast.

Edited by Guest
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Or this:
local stuff = {} 
stuff[1] = {1, 2, 3} 
stuff['proThingBro'] = {131931,3131,13131"} 
for i, v in pairs( stuff ) do 
     local string = v[1]..","..v[2]..","..v[3] 
    outputChatBox( string ) 

They're very useful for many things. You can use them for complicated stuff too, and they also are fast.

is that an unfinished string or it's normal? 131931,3131,13131"

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Or this:
local stuff = {} 
stuff[1] = {1, 2, 3} 
stuff['proThingBro'] = {131931,3131,13131"} 
for i, v in pairs( stuff ) do 
     local string = v[1]..","..v[2]..","..v[3] 
    outputChatBox( string ) 

They're very useful for many things. You can use them for complicated stuff too, and they also are fast.

is that an unfinished string or it's normal? 131931,3131,13131"

Of couse it does not normal.

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Or this:
local stuff = {} 
stuff[1] = {1, 2, 3} 
stuff['proThingBro'] = {131931,3131,13131"} 
for i, v in pairs( stuff ) do 
     local string = v[1]..","..v[2]..","..v[3] 
    outputChatBox( string ) 

They're very useful for many things. You can use them for complicated stuff too, and they also are fast.

is that an unfinished string or it's normal? 131931,3131,13131"

my bad. thanks

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