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[HELP] Anti IP Advertisment


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function getIPType(ip) 
  local R = {ERROR = 0, IPV4 = 1, IPV6 = 2, STRING = 3} 
  if type(ip) ~= "string" then return R.ERROR end 
  -- check for format for ipv4 
  local chunks = {ip:match("(%d+)%.(%d+)%.(%d+)%.(%d+)")} 
  if #chunks == 4 then 
    for _,v in pairs(chunks) do 
      if tonumber(v) > 255 then return R.STRING end 
    return R.IPV4 
  -- check for ipv6 format, should be 8 'chunks' of numbers/letters 
  -- without trailing chars 
  local chunks = {ip:match(("([a-fA-F0-9]*):"):rep(8):gsub(":$","$"))} 
  if #chunks == 8 then 
    for _,v in pairs(chunks) do 
      if #v > 0 and tonumber(v, 16) > 65535 then return R.STRING end 
    return R.IPV6 
  return R.STRING 

What do you mean by detect when a text contains numbers higher than 10? You could loop through text and count numbers (or do you want to know how long the string is?)

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What do you mean by detect when a text contains numbers higher than 10? You could loop through text and count numbers (or do you want to know how long the string is?)

For Example You Write: "my ip is 110 229 10 30" OR say "ip is 180", i want it be detected

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You can't do that as you will also detect "I need 25 $". Dude you are going too far with that Anti-ip advertisement ! :o And "My ip is 180" is not an IP so how can it be an advirtisement ?

You are going to ban all numbers on your server.

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Some people would just use domain names instead or say the name if their server instead of posting links. I never actually seen anyone leaving a server just because some random guy joins just to advertise a different one, I also recommend musing them instead of banning them, that way they probably stay in your server and realize that your server is better than the (possible) shit they just advertised for :)

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You can't do that as you will also detect "I need 25 $". Dude you are going too far with that Anti-ip advertisement ! :o And "My ip is 180" is not an IP so how can it be an advirtisement ?

You are going to ban all numbers on your server.

Trust me , i had sa-mp server for many years and saw players advertise like this:

ip: 185




(press enter instead of '.' or write ip without '.'

i dont want ban numbers, i just wanna it report it to admins

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You can't do that as you will also detect "I need 25 $". Dude you are going too far with that Anti-ip advertisement ! :o And "My ip is 180" is not an IP so how can it be an advirtisement ?

You are going to ban all numbers on your server.

Trust me , i had sa-mp server for many years and saw players advertise like this:

ip: 185




(press enter instead of '.' or write ip without '.'

i dont want ban numbers, i just wanna it report it to admins

Are you serious? Do you think that anyone will leave your server because some pathetic idiot spams an IP in chat? Think again.. I myself dont even bother banning these if it occurs, they just join, send IP and leave. Noone cares.

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