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السلام عليكم انا اليوم شوفت في سرفررات كثير

المكتوب كدا


المكتوب شوب الاسلحه

ناس قلتلي

الهوا مود

ابي لنك تحميلو وشكرا .

وفديو كيف استخادو

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client side

local screenX , screenY = guiGetScreenSize ( ) 
function leaderText() 
    x, y, z = 0,0,0 -- حط احداثيات المكان 
    local x,y = getScreenFromWorldPosition(x, y, z) 
    local camX,camY,camZ = getCameraMatrix() 
    if (x and y and getDistanceBetweenPoints3D(camX, camY, camZ, xx, yy, zz) <= 50) then 
        dxDrawText ( "weapon shop" , x , y , x , y , tocolor (255, 255, 255, 255) , ( screenX / 1440 ) * 2 , "default-bold" , "center" , "center" , false , true , false ) 
addEventHandler("onClientPreRender", root, leaderText) 

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local screenX , screenY = guiGetScreenSize ( ) 
function leaderText() 
    x, y, z = 2227.2404785156,1839.9521484375,10.8203125 -- حط احداثيات المكان 
    local x,y = getScreenFromWorldPosition(x, y, z+0.-- s8) -->
    local camX,camY,camZ = getCameraMatrix() 
    if (x and y and getDistanceBetweenPoints3D(camX, camY, camZ, xx, yy, zz) <= 50) then 
        dxDrawText ( "weapon shop" , x , y , x , y , tocolor (255, 255, 255, 255) , ( screenX / 1440 ) * 2 , "default-bold" , "center" , "center" , false , true , false ) 
addEventHandler("onClientPreRender", root, leaderText) 

ايش المشكله؟

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local screenX , screenY = guiGetScreenSize ( ) 
function leaderText() 
    x, y, z = 2227.2404785156,1839.9521484375,10.8203125 -- حط احداثيات المكان 
    local x,y = getScreenFromWorldPosition(x, y, z+0) 
    local camX,camY,camZ = getCameraMatrix() 
    if (x and y and getDistanceBetweenPoints3D(camX, camY, camZ, xx, yy, zz) <= 50) then 
        dxDrawText ( "weapon shop" , x , y , x , y , tocolor (255, 255, 255, 255) , ( screenX / 1440 ) * 2 , "default-bold" , "center" , "center" , false , true , false ) 
addEventHandler("onClientPreRender", root, leaderText) 

ايش المشكله؟

local screenX , screenY = guiGetScreenSize ( ) 
function leaderText() 
    x, y, z = 2227.2404785156,1839.9521484375,10.8203125 -- حط احداثيات المكان 
    local x,y = getScreenFromWorldPosition(x, y, z+0) 
    local camX,camY,camZ = getCameraMatrix() 
    if (x and y and getDistanceBetweenPoints3D(camX, camY, camZ, xx, yy, zz) <= 50) then 
        dxDrawText ( "weapon shop" , x , y , x , y , tocolor (255, 255, 255, 255) , ( screenX / 1440 ) * 2 , "default-bold" , "center" , "center" , false , true , false ) 
addEventHandler("onClientPreRender", root, leaderText) 

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local screenX , screenY = guiGetScreenSize ( ) 
function leaderText() 
    x, y, z = 2469.3813476563,-1646.3508300781,13.780097007751 
    local x,y = getScreenFromWorldPosition(x, y, z) 
    local camX,camY,camZ = getCameraMatrix() 
    if (x and y and getDistanceBetweenPoints3D(camX, camY, camZ, xx, yy, zz) <= 50) then 
        dxDrawText ( "weapon shop" , x , y , x , y , tocolor (255, 255, 255, 255) , ( screenX / 1440 ) * 2 , "default-bold" , "center" , "center" , false , true , false ) 
addEventHandler("onClientPreRender", root, leaderText) 

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debugscript: Your debug mode was set to 3

يكوتش لا تجيب لنا بالي ينكتب بالاف8

ذا يقلك انك اخترت 3

انت عليك من المعلومات الي تجي تحت بشاشة يقلك الخطا سطر مثلا 5 وكذا

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أفتح جهة كلنت وروح حط ذا الكود اخر شي

function dxDrawTextOnElement(TheElement,text,height,distance,R,G,B,alpha,size,font) 
                local x, y, z = getElementPosition(TheElement) 
                local x2, y2, z2 = getElementPosition(localPlayer) 
                local distance = distance or 20 
                local height = height or 1 
                if (isLineOfSightClear(x, y, z, x2, y2, z2, true, true, false, true)) then 
                    local sx, sy = getScreenFromWorldPosition(x, y, z+height) 
                    if(sx) and (sy) then 
                        local distanceBetweenPoints = getDistanceBetweenPoints3D(x, y, z, x2, y2, z2) 
                        if(distanceBetweenPoints < distance) then 
                            dxDrawText(text, sx+2, sy+2, sx, sy, tocolor(R or 255, G or 255, B or 255, alpha or 255), (size or 1)-(distanceBetweenPoints / distance), font or "arial", "center", "center") 

ثم حط بالبداية السطر ذا

addEventHandler("onClientRender", getRootElement(),  
function () 
dxDrawTextOnElement(اسم الماركر حقك,"weapon shop") 

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