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MTA does not support video playback and since we can't have client-side modules(for obvious reasons) we can't implement this functionality via modules.

So you have 2 options;

1. Use the CEF Browser to play videos, you can fullscreen them.

+ Supports a lot of formats

- CEF has incredibly poor performance and any kind of video or GIF will lag tremendously

2. Render the video as separate frames and write code that loops through all the frames and render them via dxDrawImage.

+ Looks the best, very smooth and you can control the video FPS pretty easily.

- Can take huge amounts of space unless you use compressed JPG. (Video lengths of 5 to 10 seconds maximum recommended)

- It will lag a bit as it stores all the images into the memory the first time you run it.

Video example of using the 2nd method;

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