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مطلوب كود|تمت الافادة

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تفضل هاد الاكواد الخاصة بالزر الى يضغط عليه اللاعب

Create_Group_Label = guiCreateLabel(10, 22, 217, 16, "Create a Group:", false, Groups_Window) 
guiLabelSetHorizontalAlign(Create_Group_Label, "right", false) 
guiLabelSetVerticalAlign(Create_Group_Label, "center") 
Create_Group_Edit = guiCreateEdit(9, 48, 220, 35, "", false, Groups_Window) 
Create_Group_Button = guiCreateButton(231, 48, 132, 35, "Create Group", false, Groups_Window) 
guiSetFont(Create_Group_Button, "default-bold-small") 
guiSetProperty(Create_Group_Button, "NormalTextColour", "FF00FF00") 
baseSpawnChk = guiCreateCheckBox(250, 95, 112, 25, "Spawn in Base", false, false, Groups_Window) 
Name_Group_Label = guiCreateLabel(10, 105, 185, 15, "Group Name: false", false, Groups_Window) 
guiSetFont(Name_Group_Label, "default-bold-small") 
Members_Group_Button = guiCreateButton(10, 126, 210, 30, "View My Group Members", false, Groups_Window) 
guiSetFont(Members_Group_Button, "default-bold-small") 
guiSetProperty(Members_Group_Button, "NormalTextColour", "FF0000FF") 
Leave_Group_Button = guiCreateButton(250, 121, 111, 40, "Leave Group", false, Groups_Window) 
guiSetFont(Leave_Group_Button, "default-bold-small") 
guiSetProperty(Leave_Group_Button, "NormalTextColour", "FFFF0000") 

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تفضل هاد الاكواد الخاصة بالزر الى يضغط عليه اللاعب
Create_Group_Label = guiCreateLabel(10, 22, 217, 16, "Create a Group:", false, Groups_Window) 
guiLabelSetHorizontalAlign(Create_Group_Label, "right", false) 
guiLabelSetVerticalAlign(Create_Group_Label, "center") 
Create_Group_Edit = guiCreateEdit(9, 48, 220, 35, "", false, Groups_Window) 
Create_Group_Button = guiCreateButton(231, 48, 132, 35, "Create Group", false, Groups_Window) 
guiSetFont(Create_Group_Button, "default-bold-small") 
guiSetProperty(Create_Group_Button, "NormalTextColour", "FF00FF00") 
baseSpawnChk = guiCreateCheckBox(250, 95, 112, 25, "Spawn in Base", false, false, Groups_Window) 
Name_Group_Label = guiCreateLabel(10, 105, 185, 15, "Group Name: false", false, Groups_Window) 
guiSetFont(Name_Group_Label, "default-bold-small") 
Members_Group_Button = guiCreateButton(10, 126, 210, 30, "View My Group Members", false, Groups_Window) 
guiSetFont(Members_Group_Button, "default-bold-small") 
guiSetProperty(Members_Group_Button, "NormalTextColour", "FF0000FF") 
Leave_Group_Button = guiCreateButton(250, 121, 111, 40, "Leave Group", false, Groups_Window) 
guiSetFont(Leave_Group_Button, "default-bold-small") 
guiSetProperty(Leave_Group_Button, "NormalTextColour", "FFFF0000") 

Create_Group_Label = guiCreateLabel(10, 22, 217, 16, "Create a Group:", false, Groups_Window) 
guiLabelSetHorizontalAlign(Create_Group_Label, "right", false) 
guiLabelSetVerticalAlign(Create_Group_Label, "center") 
Create_Group_Edit = guiCreateEdit(9, 48, 220, 35, "", false, Groups_Window) 
Create_Group_Button = guiCreateButton(231, 48, 132, 35, "Create Group", false, Groups_Window) 
guiSetFont(Create_Group_Button, "default-bold-small") 
guiSetProperty(Create_Group_Button, "NormalTextColour", "FF00FF00") 
baseSpawnChk = guiCreateCheckBox(250, 95, 112, 25, "Spawn in Base", false, false, Groups_Window) 
Name_Group_Label = guiCreateLabel(10, 105, 185, 15, "Group Name: false", false, Groups_Window) 
guiSetFont(Name_Group_Label, "default-bold-small") 
Members_Group_Button = guiCreateButton(10, 126, 210, 30, "View My Group Members", false, Groups_Window) 
    if source == Members_Group_Button then -- اخترت لك هالزر وانت غيره مثل ما تبي 
اذا كنت تبي الصوت يطلع مع كل الازرار 
guiSetFont(Members_Group_Button, "default-bold-small") 
guiSetProperty(Members_Group_Button, "NormalTextColour", "FF0000FF") 
Leave_Group_Button = guiCreateButton(250, 121, 111, 40, "Leave Group", false, Groups_Window) 
guiSetFont(Leave_Group_Button, "default-bold-small") 
guiSetProperty(Leave_Group_Button, "NormalTextColour", "FFFF0000") 

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تفضل هاد الاكواد الخاصة بالزر الى يضغط عليه اللاعب
Create_Group_Label = guiCreateLabel(10, 22, 217, 16, "Create a Group:", false, Groups_Window) 
guiLabelSetHorizontalAlign(Create_Group_Label, "right", false) 
guiLabelSetVerticalAlign(Create_Group_Label, "center") 
Create_Group_Edit = guiCreateEdit(9, 48, 220, 35, "", false, Groups_Window) 
Create_Group_Button = guiCreateButton(231, 48, 132, 35, "Create Group", false, Groups_Window) 
guiSetFont(Create_Group_Button, "default-bold-small") 
guiSetProperty(Create_Group_Button, "NormalTextColour", "FF00FF00") 
baseSpawnChk = guiCreateCheckBox(250, 95, 112, 25, "Spawn in Base", false, false, Groups_Window) 
Name_Group_Label = guiCreateLabel(10, 105, 185, 15, "Group Name: false", false, Groups_Window) 
guiSetFont(Name_Group_Label, "default-bold-small") 
Members_Group_Button = guiCreateButton(10, 126, 210, 30, "View My Group Members", false, Groups_Window) 
guiSetFont(Members_Group_Button, "default-bold-small") 
guiSetProperty(Members_Group_Button, "NormalTextColour", "FF0000FF") 
Leave_Group_Button = guiCreateButton(250, 121, 111, 40, "Leave Group", false, Groups_Window) 
guiSetFont(Leave_Group_Button, "default-bold-small") 
guiSetProperty(Leave_Group_Button, "NormalTextColour", "FFFF0000") 

Create_Group_Label = guiCreateLabel(10, 22, 217, 16, "Create a Group:", false, Groups_Window) 
guiLabelSetHorizontalAlign(Create_Group_Label, "right", false) 
guiLabelSetVerticalAlign(Create_Group_Label, "center") 
Create_Group_Edit = guiCreateEdit(9, 48, 220, 35, "", false, Groups_Window) 
Create_Group_Button = guiCreateButton(231, 48, 132, 35, "Create Group", false, Groups_Window) 
guiSetFont(Create_Group_Button, "default-bold-small") 
guiSetProperty(Create_Group_Button, "NormalTextColour", "FF00FF00") 
baseSpawnChk = guiCreateCheckBox(250, 95, 112, 25, "Spawn in Base", false, false, Groups_Window) 
Name_Group_Label = guiCreateLabel(10, 105, 185, 15, "Group Name: false", false, Groups_Window) 
guiSetFont(Name_Group_Label, "default-bold-small") 
Members_Group_Button = guiCreateButton(10, 126, 210, 30, "View My Group Members", false, Groups_Window) 
    if source == Members_Group_Button then -- اخترت لك هالزر وانت غيره مثل ما تبي 
اذا كنت تبي الصوت يطلع مع كل الازرار 
guiSetFont(Members_Group_Button, "default-bold-small") 
guiSetProperty(Members_Group_Button, "NormalTextColour", "FF0000FF") 
Leave_Group_Button = guiCreateButton(250, 121, 111, 40, "Leave Group", false, Groups_Window) 
guiSetFont(Leave_Group_Button, "default-bold-small") 
guiSetProperty(Leave_Group_Button, "NormalTextColour", "FFFF0000") 

قسم بالله انك كفو تمت الافادة :)

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تفضل هاد الاكواد الخاصة بالزر الى يضغط عليه اللاعب
Create_Group_Label = guiCreateLabel(10, 22, 217, 16, "Create a Group:", false, Groups_Window) 
guiLabelSetHorizontalAlign(Create_Group_Label, "right", false) 
guiLabelSetVerticalAlign(Create_Group_Label, "center") 
Create_Group_Edit = guiCreateEdit(9, 48, 220, 35, "", false, Groups_Window) 
Create_Group_Button = guiCreateButton(231, 48, 132, 35, "Create Group", false, Groups_Window) 
guiSetFont(Create_Group_Button, "default-bold-small") 
guiSetProperty(Create_Group_Button, "NormalTextColour", "FF00FF00") 
baseSpawnChk = guiCreateCheckBox(250, 95, 112, 25, "Spawn in Base", false, false, Groups_Window) 
Name_Group_Label = guiCreateLabel(10, 105, 185, 15, "Group Name: false", false, Groups_Window) 
guiSetFont(Name_Group_Label, "default-bold-small") 
Members_Group_Button = guiCreateButton(10, 126, 210, 30, "View My Group Members", false, Groups_Window) 
guiSetFont(Members_Group_Button, "default-bold-small") 
guiSetProperty(Members_Group_Button, "NormalTextColour", "FF0000FF") 
Leave_Group_Button = guiCreateButton(250, 121, 111, 40, "Leave Group", false, Groups_Window) 
guiSetFont(Leave_Group_Button, "default-bold-small") 
guiSetProperty(Leave_Group_Button, "NormalTextColour", "FFFF0000") 

Create_Group_Label = guiCreateLabel(10, 22, 217, 16, "Create a Group:", false, Groups_Window) 
guiLabelSetHorizontalAlign(Create_Group_Label, "right", false) 
guiLabelSetVerticalAlign(Create_Group_Label, "center") 
Create_Group_Edit = guiCreateEdit(9, 48, 220, 35, "", false, Groups_Window) 
Create_Group_Button = guiCreateButton(231, 48, 132, 35, "Create Group", false, Groups_Window) 
guiSetFont(Create_Group_Button, "default-bold-small") 
guiSetProperty(Create_Group_Button, "NormalTextColour", "FF00FF00") 
baseSpawnChk = guiCreateCheckBox(250, 95, 112, 25, "Spawn in Base", false, false, Groups_Window) 
Name_Group_Label = guiCreateLabel(10, 105, 185, 15, "Group Name: false", false, Groups_Window) 
guiSetFont(Name_Group_Label, "default-bold-small") 
Members_Group_Button = guiCreateButton(10, 126, 210, 30, "View My Group Members", false, Groups_Window) 
    if source == Members_Group_Button then -- اخترت لك هالزر وانت غيره مثل ما تبي 
اذا كنت تبي الصوت يطلع مع كل الازرار 
guiSetFont(Members_Group_Button, "default-bold-small") 
guiSetProperty(Members_Group_Button, "NormalTextColour", "FF0000FF") 
Leave_Group_Button = guiCreateButton(250, 121, 111, 40, "Leave Group", false, Groups_Window) 
guiSetFont(Leave_Group_Button, "default-bold-small") 
guiSetProperty(Leave_Group_Button, "NormalTextColour", "FFFF0000") 

قسم بالله انك كفو تمت الافادة :)

كفوك + بالتوفيق

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في مشكلة @_@ ان الصوت بيظهر لجميع المودات الاخري اف1 اي مود اخر اضغط اي زر يظهر الصوت الي بالمود :D



اذا انت ضايفه راح يشتغل الكود على كل الازرار


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