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Crazy Ped Following Problem


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I'm trying to make some peds ( stored in a table ) , follow me. it works , if i have more than 1 of them following me , eg. 4 , all 4 don't follow me . only 1 follows , and the rest run away in random directions. Maybe somethings wrong with my code?

setTimer( function() 
    for i, animal in ipairs(allAI) do -- Loop every ped 
        if getElementData ( animal, "tiger") == true then -- if it's a tiger 
            local tiger = animal 
            if getElementData( tiger, "state") == "hunting" then 
                local prey = getElementData( tiger, "prey") 
                if isElement( prey ) then 
                    local pX, pY, pZ = getElementPosition(tiger) 
                    local aX, aY, aZ = getElementPosition(prey) 
                    local dis = getDistanceBetweenPoints3D(pX, pY, pZ, aX, aY, aZ) 
                    -- run = block [ped] anim[run_player] 
                    -- walk = block[ped] anim[WALK_player] 
                    -- sprint = block[ped] anim[sprint_civi] 
                    if (dis > 20) then 
                        setPedAnimation ( tiger) 
                    elseif (dis <= 20 and dis>10) then 
                        setPedAnimation ( tiger, "ped", "sprint_civi",-1,true,true,true) 
                        setPedRotation( tiger, 360 - math.deg ( math.atan2 ( ( aX - pX ), ( aY - pY ) ) )  % 360 ) 
                    elseif (dis <= 10 and dis>3) then 
                        setPedAnimation ( tiger, "ped", "run_player",-1,true,true,true) 
                        setPedRotation( tiger, 360 - math.deg ( math.atan2 ( ( aX - pX ), ( aY - pY ) ) )  % 360 ) 
                    elseif (dis <= 3 and dis>2) then 
                        setPedAnimation ( tiger, "ped", "WALK_player",-1,true,true,true) 
                        setPedRotation( tiger, 360 - math.deg ( math.atan2 ( ( aX - pX ), ( aY - pY ) ) )  % 360 ) 
                    elseif (dis <= 2) then 
                        setPedAnimation ( tiger) 
                        triggerClientEvent(root, "fire", root, tiger,true,pX, pY, pZ, aX, aY, aZ) 
                        setPedRotation( tiger, 360 - math.deg ( math.atan2 ( ( aX - pX ), ( aY - pY ) ) )  % 360 ) 
                    setPedAnimation ( tiger) 
end, 200, 0) 

Any Help?

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