ivor Posted February 10, 2016 Share Posted February 10, 2016 (edited) شباب الحين معي مود عند دخول اللاعب الى السيرفر لا يتكلم بالشات الا لما يسجل ولكن اللاعب يدخل السيرفر ويتكلم عادي وتظهر له الكلمة ويتكلم عادى هاد الكود addEventHandler("onPlayerChat", root, function ( ) if ( isGuestAccount ( getPlayerAccount ( source ) ) ) then cancelEvent ( ) outputChatBox ( "[Gta-AW] Login First !!", source, 255, 255, 0, true ) end end) لين الحين جالس اعدل عليه مشان يشتغل ملحوظة سيرفري حرب عصابات Edited February 11, 2016 by Guest Link to comment
YourMind Posted February 10, 2016 Share Posted February 10, 2016 مود التاج عندك هو السبب تقريباً Link to comment
ivor Posted February 10, 2016 Author Share Posted February 10, 2016 مود التاج عندك هو السبب تقريباً وضعت الكود في مود التاج ومانفعت Link to comment
#StrOnG_,) Posted February 10, 2016 Share Posted February 10, 2016 اربط كودك مع التاج يعني لا تسوي حدثين onPlayerChat 1 Link to comment
ivor Posted February 10, 2016 Author Share Posted February 10, 2016 مود التاج chat كامل --***********************************-- --***********************************-- -- --***********************************-- --***********************************-- -- outputDebugString("Gta Arab Way Chat System | Started") -- rRoot = getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()) -- ANTI_FLOOD = true -- Enable anti flood ?. ANTI_REPEAT = true -- Enable anti repeat ?. ANTI_FLOOD_TIME = 5 * 1000 -- Anti flood time in miliseconds . MUTE_PLAYERS = true -- Mute players if they flooded too much ? . MAX_FLOOD_TIMES = 10 -- Max flood times. MUTE_TIME = 10 * 60 * 1000 -- Time to mute player if he flooded too much. ADMIN_SOUND = 1 -- Play sound if admin talked ( set to false to disable ) . -- lastChatMessage = {} chatTime = {} chatTimers = {} floodTimes = {} muteTimers = {} -- TAGS = { -- Tag Group | Tag | Tag Message Color | Anti Flood for Group | Play sound on talk | Anti flood time {"Console", "#FF0000* #f3f781[Manager]","#81bef7",false,true}, {"Leader", "#FF0000* #FF0033[Head Admin]","#FFFA54",true,false,9*1000}, {"Big-Admin", "#FF0000* #FF0033[HeadAdmin]","#FFFA54",true,false,9*1000}, {"Msabah", "#FF0000* #00C4FF[OwnerTs3]","#FFFA54",true,false,9*1000}, {"Admin", "#FF0000* #DC143C[Admin]","#FFFA54",true,false,9*1000}, {"VIP", "#FF0000* #FFCD00[VIP]","#FFFA54",true,false,6*1000}, {"Support", "#FF0000* #ff00ff[support]","#FFFA54",true,false,6*1000}, {"LVL1", "#FF0000* #A5A5A5[Arab|1|Com]","#FFFA54",true,false,9*1000}, {"LVL2", "#FF0000* #A5A5A5[Arab|2|Com]","#FFFA54",true,false,9*1000}, {"LVL3", "#FF0000* #A5A5A5[Arab|3|Com]","#FFFA54",true,false,9*1000}, {"LVL4", "#FF0000* #A5A5A5[Arab|4|Com]","#FFFA54",true,false,9*1000}, {"LVL5", "#FF0000* #A5A5A5[Arab|5|Com]","#FFFA54",true,false,9*1000} } -- function logMessage(text,player) if text and player then text = string.gsub(text, '#%x%x%x%x%x%x', '') local log = fileOpen("ChatLog.log") or fileCreate("ChatLog.log") -- if log then fileSetPos(log,fileGetSize(log)) fileWrite(log,"\r\n",text) fileFlush(log) fileClose(log) end end end -- function isInGroup(p,Group) if p and Group then local pAcc = getPlayerAccount(p) if pAcc and isGuestAccount(pAcc) ~= true then -- local g = aclGetGroup (tostring(Group)) if not g then return false end -- local pAccName = getAccountName(pAcc) if isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..pAccName,g) then return true else return false end -- else return false end end end -- function getFixedName(player) if isElement(player) then local hisName = getPlayerName(player) if hisName then result = string.gsub(hisName, '#%x%x%x%x%x%x', '') if result then return result end end else outputDebugString("ERROR : Bad Player at getFixedName !") end end -- function RGBToHex(red, green, blue, alpha) if((red < 0 or red > 255 or green < 0 or green > 255 or blue < 0 or blue > 255) or (alpha and (alpha < 0 or alpha > 255))) then return nil end if(alpha) then return string.format("#%.2X%.2X%.2X%.2X", red,green,blue,alpha) else return string.format("#%.2X%.2X%.2X", red,green,blue) end end -- addEvent("onPlayerChat",true) addEventHandler("onPlayerChat",root,function ( Text,msgtype ) cancelEvent() if ANTI_FLOOD then if getElementData(source,"TagFlood") == true or getElementData(source,"TagFlood") == nil or tonumber(getElementData(source,"TagFlood")) then if chatTime[source] then if MUTE_PLAYERS then if tonumber(floodTimes[source]) >= tonumber(MAX_FLOOD_TIMES) then mutePlr(source,msgtype) return end end local time,_,__ = getTimerDetails(chatTimers[source]) outputChatBox("Stop spamming chat!, wait "..math.floor(time/1000,2).." seconds.", source, 255, 0, 0) floodTimes[source] = tonumber(floodTimes[source]) + 1 cancelEvent() return end if ANTI_REPEAT and lastChatMessage[source] and lastChatMessage[source] == Text then outputChatBox("Stop repeating yourself!", source, 255, 0, 0) cancelEvent() return else lastChatMessage[source] = Text end end end msgTag = nil for k,v in ipairs ( TAGS ) do if not msgTag then local Group,Tag,Color,Flood = v[1],v[2],v[3],v[4] if isInGroup(source,Group) then msgTag = Tag msgColor = v[3] msgFlood = v[4] msgSound = v[5] msgFloodTime = v[6] setElementData(source,"TagFlood",msgFlood) setElementData(source,"TagSound",msgSound) setElementData(source,"TagFloodTime",msgFloodTime) end r,g,b = getPlayerNametagColor(source) hex = RGBToHex(r,g,b) or "#FFFFFF" end end --- local time = getRealTime() local second,minute,hour,day,month,year = time.second,time.minute,time.hour,time.monthday ,time.month + 1,time.year + 1900 if hour <= 0 then x = "AM" else x = "PM" end hour = math.floor(hour / 12) if hour == 0 then hour = "12" end -- chatTime[source] = true floodTimes[source] = 0 if getElementData(source,"TagFloodTime") then t = getElementData(source,"TagFloodTime") else t = ANTI_FLOOD_TIME end chatTimers[source] = setTimer(function(p) chatTime[p] = nil chatTimers[p] = nil end , t , 1 ,source) -- if msgtype == 0 then if msgTag then outputChatBox( ""..msgTag.." "..hex..""..getFixedName(source).." "..msgColor..": "..string.gsub(Text, '#%x%x%x%x%x%x', '').."",root,255,0,0,true) logMessage( "["..math.floor(hour)..":"..minute..":"..second..""..tostring(x).." "..day.."/"..month.."/"..year.."] "..msgTag.." [ "..getFixedName(source).." ] : "..string.gsub(Text, '#%x%x%x%x%x%x', '').."",source) if ADMIN_SOUND ~= false then if getElementData(source,"TagSound") == true then playSoundFrontEnd(root,tonumber(ADMIN_SOUND)) end end else setElementData(source,"TagFlood",true) setElementData(source,"TagSound",false) setElementData(source,"TagFloodTime",nil) outputChatBox( ""..hex..""..getFixedName(source).." #FFFFFF: "..string.gsub(Text, '#%x%x%x%x%x%x', '').."",root,255,255,255,true) logMessage( "["..math.floor(hour)..":"..minute..":"..second..""..tostring(x).." "..day.."/"..month.."/"..year.."] [ "..getFixedName(source).." ] : "..string.gsub(Text, '#%x%x%x%x%x%x', '').."",source) end elseif msgtype == 2 then for k,v in ipairs ( getElementsByType("player") ) do if getPlayerTeam(v) == getPlayerTeam(source) then if msgTag then outputChatBox( "(Team) "..msgTag.." "..hex..""..getFixedName(source).." "..msgColor..": "..string.gsub(Text, '#%x%x%x%x%x%x', '').."",v,255,0,0,true) if ADMIN_SOUND ~= false then if getElementData(source,"TagSound") == true then playSoundFrontEnd(v,tonumber(ADMIN_SOUND)) end end else setElementData(source,"TagFlood",true) setElementData(source,"TagFloodTime",nil) setElementData(source,"TagSound",false) outputChatBox( "(Team) "..hex..""..getFixedName(source).." #FFFFFF: "..string.gsub(Text, '#%x%x%x%x%x%x', '').."",v,255,255,255,true) end end end if msgTag then logMessage( "["..math.floor(hour)..":"..minute..":"..second..""..tostring(x).." "..day.."/"..month.."/"..year.."] ("..getTeamName(getPlayerTeam(source))..") "..msgTag.." [ "..getFixedName(source).." ] : "..string.gsub(Text, '#%x%x%x%x%x%x', '').."",source) else logMessage( "["..math.floor(hour)..":"..minute..":"..second..""..tostring(x).." "..day.."/"..month.."/"..year.."] ("..getTeamName(getPlayerTeam(source))..") [ "..getFixedName(source).." ] : "..string.gsub(Text, '#%x%x%x%x%x%x', '').."",source) end end end ) function mutePlr(p,t) if p then if isPlayerMuted(p) ~= true then if t == 0 then x = "main" elseif t == 2 then x = "team" end setPlayerMuted(p,true) outputChatBox("* (ANTI FLOOD) #FFFFFF"..string.gsub(getPlayerName(p), '#%x%x%x%x%x%x', '').." #FF0000have been muted for "..math.floor(MUTE_TIME/1000/60).." minutes for flooding "..x.." chat.",root,255,0,0,true) muteTimers[p] = setTimer ( function ( p ) setPlayerMuted(p,false) outputChatBox("You have been unmuted, please don't flood the chat again !",p,255,0,0,true) end , MUTE_TIME , 1 ,p ) end end end --[[ serialMute = {} addEventHandler("onPlayerQuit",root,function() if muteTimers[source] then local serial = getPlayerSerial(source) local time = getTimerDetails(muteTimers[source]) serialMute[serial] = time killTimer(muteTimers[source]) end -- lastChatMessage[source] = nil chatTime[source] = nil chatTimers[source] = nil floodTimes[source] = nil muteTimers[source] = nil end ) addEventHandler("onPlayerJoin",root,function() local serial = getPlayerSerial(source) if serialMute[serial] then setPlayerMuted(source,true) outputChatBox("* (ANTI FLOOD) You have been muted for "..math.floor(serialMute[serial]/1000/60).." minutes for flooding.",source,255,0,0,true) muteTimers[p] = setTimer ( function ( source ) setPlayerMuted(p,false) outputChatBox("You have been unmuted, please don't flood the chat again !",p,255,0,0,true) end , serialMute[serial] , 1 ,source ) serialMute[serial] = nil end end ) --]] LOCAL_CHAT = true -- enable local chat LOCAL_CHAT_DIS = 30 -- Local chat distance LOCAL_CHAT_FLOOD = 5 * 1000 -- Anti flood time ( set to false to disable ) LC_FLOOD = {} LC_FLOOD_T = {} Link to comment
xBeSoOo Posted February 10, 2016 Share Posted February 10, 2016 جرب كذا --***********************************-- --***********************************-- -- --***********************************-- --***********************************-- -- outputDebugString("Gta Arab Way Chat System | Started") -- rRoot = getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()) -- ANTI_FLOOD = true -- Enable anti flood ?. ANTI_REPEAT = true -- Enable anti repeat ?. ANTI_FLOOD_TIME = 5 * 1000 -- Anti flood time in miliseconds . MUTE_PLAYERS = true -- Mute players if they flooded too much ? . MAX_FLOOD_TIMES = 10 -- Max flood times. MUTE_TIME = 10 * 60 * 1000 -- Time to mute player if he flooded too much. ADMIN_SOUND = 1 -- Play sound if admin talked ( set to false to disable ) . -- lastChatMessage = {} chatTime = {} chatTimers = {} floodTimes = {} muteTimers = {} -- TAGS = { -- Tag Group | Tag | Tag Message Color | Anti Flood for Group | Play sound on talk | Anti flood time {"Console", "#FF0000* #f3f781[Manager]","#81bef7",false,true}, {"Leader", "#FF0000* #FF0033[Head Admin]","#FFFA54",true,false,9*1000}, {"Big-Admin", "#FF0000* #FF0033[HeadAdmin]","#FFFA54",true,false,9*1000}, {"Msabah", "#FF0000* #00C4FF[OwnerTs3]","#FFFA54",true,false,9*1000}, {"Admin", "#FF0000* #DC143C[Admin]","#FFFA54",true,false,9*1000}, {"VIP", "#FF0000* #FFCD00[VIP]","#FFFA54",true,false,6*1000}, {"Support", "#FF0000* #ff00ff[support]","#FFFA54",true,false,6*1000}, {"LVL1", "#FF0000* #A5A5A5[Arab|1|Com]","#FFFA54",true,false,9*1000}, {"LVL2", "#FF0000* #A5A5A5[Arab|2|Com]","#FFFA54",true,false,9*1000}, {"LVL3", "#FF0000* #A5A5A5[Arab|3|Com]","#FFFA54",true,false,9*1000}, {"LVL4", "#FF0000* #A5A5A5[Arab|4|Com]","#FFFA54",true,false,9*1000}, {"LVL5", "#FF0000* #A5A5A5[Arab|5|Com]","#FFFA54",true,false,9*1000} } -- function logMessage(text,player) if text and player then text = string.gsub(text, '#%x%x%x%x%x%x', '') local log = fileOpen("ChatLog.log") or fileCreate("ChatLog.log") -- if log then fileSetPos(log,fileGetSize(log)) fileWrite(log,"\r\n",text) fileFlush(log) fileClose(log) end end end -- function isInGroup(p,Group) if p and Group then local pAcc = getPlayerAccount(p) if pAcc and isGuestAccount(pAcc) ~= true then -- local g = aclGetGroup (tostring(Group)) if not g then return false end -- local pAccName = getAccountName(pAcc) if isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..pAccName,g) then return true else return false end -- else return false end end end -- function getFixedName(player) if isElement(player) then local hisName = getPlayerName(player) if hisName then result = string.gsub(hisName, '#%x%x%x%x%x%x', '') if result then return result end end else outputDebugString("ERROR : Bad Player at getFixedName !") end end -- function RGBToHex(red, green, blue, alpha) if((red < 0 or red > 255 or green < 0 or green > 255 or blue < 0 or blue > 255) or (alpha and (alpha < 0 or alpha > 255))) then return nil end if(alpha) then return string.format("#%.2X%.2X%.2X%.2X", red,green,blue,alpha) else return string.format("#%.2X%.2X%.2X", red,green,blue) end end -- addEvent("onPlayerChat",true) addEventHandler("onPlayerChat",root,function ( Text,msgtype ) cancelEvent() if ANTI_FLOOD then if getElementData(source,"TagFlood") == true or getElementData(source,"TagFlood") == nil or tonumber(getElementData(source,"TagFlood")) then if chatTime[source] then if MUTE_PLAYERS then if tonumber(floodTimes[source]) >= tonumber(MAX_FLOOD_TIMES) then mutePlr(source,msgtype) return end end local time,_,__ = getTimerDetails(chatTimers[source]) outputChatBox("Stop spamming chat!, wait "..math.floor(time/1000,2).." seconds.", source, 255, 0, 0) floodTimes[source] = tonumber(floodTimes[source]) + 1 cancelEvent() return end if ANTI_REPEAT and lastChatMessage[source] and lastChatMessage[source] == Text then outputChatBox("Stop repeating yourself!", source, 255, 0, 0) cancelEvent() return else lastChatMessage[source] = Text end end end msgTag = nil for k,v in ipairs ( TAGS ) do if not msgTag then local Group,Tag,Color,Flood = v[1],v[2],v[3],v[4] if isInGroup(source,Group) then msgTag = Tag msgColor = v[3] msgFlood = v[4] msgSound = v[5] msgFloodTime = v[6] setElementData(source,"TagFlood",msgFlood) setElementData(source,"TagSound",msgSound) setElementData(source,"TagFloodTime",msgFloodTime) end r,g,b = getPlayerNametagColor(source) hex = RGBToHex(r,g,b) or "#FFFFFF" end end --- local time = getRealTime() local second,minute,hour,day,month,year = time.second,time.minute,time.hour,time.monthday ,time.month + 1,time.year + 1900 if hour <= 0 then x = "AM" else x = "PM" end hour = math.floor(hour / 12) if hour == 0 then hour = "12" end -- chatTime[source] = true floodTimes[source] = 0 if getElementData(source,"TagFloodTime") then t = getElementData(source,"TagFloodTime") else t = ANTI_FLOOD_TIME end chatTimers[source] = setTimer(function(p) chatTime[p] = nil chatTimers[p] = nil end , t , 1 ,source) -- if msgtype == 0 then if msgTag then outputChatBox( ""..msgTag.." "..hex..""..getFixedName(source).." "..msgColor..": "..string.gsub(Text, '#%x%x%x%x%x%x', '').."",root,255,0,0,true) logMessage( "["..math.floor(hour)..":"..minute..":"..second..""..tostring(x).." "..day.."/"..month.."/"..year.."] "..msgTag.." [ "..getFixedName(source).." ] : "..string.gsub(Text, '#%x%x%x%x%x%x', '').."",source) if ADMIN_SOUND ~= false then if getElementData(source,"TagSound") == true then playSoundFrontEnd(root,tonumber(ADMIN_SOUND)) end end else setElementData(source,"TagFlood",true) setElementData(source,"TagSound",false) setElementData(source,"TagFloodTime",nil) outputChatBox( ""..hex..""..getFixedName(source).." #FFFFFF: "..string.gsub(Text, '#%x%x%x%x%x%x', '').."",root,255,255,255,true) logMessage( "["..math.floor(hour)..":"..minute..":"..second..""..tostring(x).." "..day.."/"..month.."/"..year.."] [ "..getFixedName(source).." ] : "..string.gsub(Text, '#%x%x%x%x%x%x', '').."",source) end elseif msgtype == 2 then for k,v in ipairs ( getElementsByType("player") ) do if getPlayerTeam(v) == getPlayerTeam(source) then if msgTag then outputChatBox( "(Team) "..msgTag.." "..hex..""..getFixedName(source).." "..msgColor..": "..string.gsub(Text, '#%x%x%x%x%x%x', '').."",v,255,0,0,true) if ADMIN_SOUND ~= false then if getElementData(source,"TagSound") == true then playSoundFrontEnd(v,tonumber(ADMIN_SOUND)) end end else setElementData(source,"TagFlood",true) setElementData(source,"TagFloodTime",nil) setElementData(source,"TagSound",false) outputChatBox( "(Team) "..hex..""..getFixedName(source).." #FFFFFF: "..string.gsub(Text, '#%x%x%x%x%x%x', '').."",v,255,255,255,true) end end end if msgTag then logMessage( "["..math.floor(hour)..":"..minute..":"..second..""..tostring(x).." "..day.."/"..month.."/"..year.."] ("..getTeamName(getPlayerTeam(source))..") "..msgTag.." [ "..getFixedName(source).." ] : "..string.gsub(Text, '#%x%x%x%x%x%x', '').."",source) else logMessage( "["..math.floor(hour)..":"..minute..":"..second..""..tostring(x).." "..day.."/"..month.."/"..year.."] ("..getTeamName(getPlayerTeam(source))..") [ "..getFixedName(source).." ] : "..string.gsub(Text, '#%x%x%x%x%x%x', '').."",source) end end if ( isGuestAccount ( getPlayerAccount ( source ) ) ) then cancelEvent() outputChatBox ( "[Gta-AW] Login First !!", source, 255, 255, 0, true ) end end) function mutePlr(p,t) if p then if isPlayerMuted(p) ~= true then if t == 0 then x = "main" elseif t == 2 then x = "team" end setPlayerMuted(p,true) outputChatBox("* (ANTI FLOOD) #FFFFFF"..string.gsub(getPlayerName(p), '#%x%x%x%x%x%x', '').." #FF0000have been muted for "..math.floor(MUTE_TIME/1000/60).." minutes for flooding "..x.." chat.",root,255,0,0,true) muteTimers[p] = setTimer ( function ( p ) setPlayerMuted(p,false) outputChatBox("You have been unmuted, please don't flood the chat again !",p,255,0,0,true) end , MUTE_TIME , 1 ,p ) end end end --[[ serialMute = {} addEventHandler("onPlayerQuit",root,function() if muteTimers[source] then local serial = getPlayerSerial(source) local time = getTimerDetails(muteTimers[source]) serialMute[serial] = time killTimer(muteTimers[source]) end -- lastChatMessage[source] = nil chatTime[source] = nil chatTimers[source] = nil floodTimes[source] = nil muteTimers[source] = nil end ) addEventHandler("onPlayerJoin",root,function() local serial = getPlayerSerial(source) if serialMute[serial] then setPlayerMuted(source,true) outputChatBox("* (ANTI FLOOD) You have been muted for "..math.floor(serialMute[serial]/1000/60).." minutes for flooding.",source,255,0,0,true) muteTimers[p] = setTimer ( function ( source ) setPlayerMuted(p,false) outputChatBox("You have been unmuted, please don't flood the chat again !",p,255,0,0,true) end , serialMute[serial] , 1 ,source ) serialMute[serial] = nil end end ) --]] LOCAL_CHAT = true -- enable local chat LOCAL_CHAT_DIS = Link to comment
ivor Posted February 10, 2016 Author Share Posted February 10, 2016 جرب كذا --***********************************-- --***********************************-- -- --***********************************-- --***********************************-- -- outputDebugString("Gta Arab Way Chat System | Started") -- rRoot = getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()) -- ANTI_FLOOD = true -- Enable anti flood ?. ANTI_REPEAT = true -- Enable anti repeat ?. ANTI_FLOOD_TIME = 5 * 1000 -- Anti flood time in miliseconds . MUTE_PLAYERS = true -- Mute players if they flooded too much ? . MAX_FLOOD_TIMES = 10 -- Max flood times. MUTE_TIME = 10 * 60 * 1000 -- Time to mute player if he flooded too much. ADMIN_SOUND = 1 -- Play sound if admin talked ( set to false to disable ) . -- lastChatMessage = {} chatTime = {} chatTimers = {} floodTimes = {} muteTimers = {} -- TAGS = { -- Tag Group | Tag | Tag Message Color | Anti Flood for Group | Play sound on talk | Anti flood time {"Console", "#FF0000* #f3f781[Manager]","#81bef7",false,true}, {"Leader", "#FF0000* #FF0033[Head Admin]","#FFFA54",true,false,9*1000}, {"Big-Admin", "#FF0000* #FF0033[HeadAdmin]","#FFFA54",true,false,9*1000}, {"Msabah", "#FF0000* #00C4FF[OwnerTs3]","#FFFA54",true,false,9*1000}, {"Admin", "#FF0000* #DC143C[Admin]","#FFFA54",true,false,9*1000}, {"VIP", "#FF0000* #FFCD00[VIP]","#FFFA54",true,false,6*1000}, {"Support", "#FF0000* #ff00ff[support]","#FFFA54",true,false,6*1000}, {"LVL1", "#FF0000* #A5A5A5[Arab|1|Com]","#FFFA54",true,false,9*1000}, {"LVL2", "#FF0000* #A5A5A5[Arab|2|Com]","#FFFA54",true,false,9*1000}, {"LVL3", "#FF0000* #A5A5A5[Arab|3|Com]","#FFFA54",true,false,9*1000}, {"LVL4", "#FF0000* #A5A5A5[Arab|4|Com]","#FFFA54",true,false,9*1000}, {"LVL5", "#FF0000* #A5A5A5[Arab|5|Com]","#FFFA54",true,false,9*1000} } -- function logMessage(text,player) if text and player then text = string.gsub(text, '#%x%x%x%x%x%x', '') local log = fileOpen("ChatLog.log") or fileCreate("ChatLog.log") -- if log then fileSetPos(log,fileGetSize(log)) fileWrite(log,"\r\n",text) fileFlush(log) fileClose(log) end end end -- function isInGroup(p,Group) if p and Group then local pAcc = getPlayerAccount(p) if pAcc and isGuestAccount(pAcc) ~= true then -- local g = aclGetGroup (tostring(Group)) if not g then return false end -- local pAccName = getAccountName(pAcc) if isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..pAccName,g) then return true else return false end -- else return false end end end -- function getFixedName(player) if isElement(player) then local hisName = getPlayerName(player) if hisName then result = string.gsub(hisName, '#%x%x%x%x%x%x', '') if result then return result end end else outputDebugString("ERROR : Bad Player at getFixedName !") end end -- function RGBToHex(red, green, blue, alpha) if((red < 0 or red > 255 or green < 0 or green > 255 or blue < 0 or blue > 255) or (alpha and (alpha < 0 or alpha > 255))) then return nil end if(alpha) then return string.format("#%.2X%.2X%.2X%.2X", red,green,blue,alpha) else return string.format("#%.2X%.2X%.2X", red,green,blue) end end -- addEvent("onPlayerChat",true) addEventHandler("onPlayerChat",root,function ( Text,msgtype ) cancelEvent() if ANTI_FLOOD then if getElementData(source,"TagFlood") == true or getElementData(source,"TagFlood") == nil or tonumber(getElementData(source,"TagFlood")) then if chatTime[source] then if MUTE_PLAYERS then if tonumber(floodTimes[source]) >= tonumber(MAX_FLOOD_TIMES) then mutePlr(source,msgtype) return end end local time,_,__ = getTimerDetails(chatTimers[source]) outputChatBox("Stop spamming chat!, wait "..math.floor(time/1000,2).." seconds.", source, 255, 0, 0) floodTimes[source] = tonumber(floodTimes[source]) + 1 cancelEvent() return end if ANTI_REPEAT and lastChatMessage[source] and lastChatMessage[source] == Text then outputChatBox("Stop repeating yourself!", source, 255, 0, 0) cancelEvent() return else lastChatMessage[source] = Text end end end msgTag = nil for k,v in ipairs ( TAGS ) do if not msgTag then local Group,Tag,Color,Flood = v[1],v[2],v[3],v[4] if isInGroup(source,Group) then msgTag = Tag msgColor = v[3] msgFlood = v[4] msgSound = v[5] msgFloodTime = v[6] setElementData(source,"TagFlood",msgFlood) setElementData(source,"TagSound",msgSound) setElementData(source,"TagFloodTime",msgFloodTime) end r,g,b = getPlayerNametagColor(source) hex = RGBToHex(r,g,b) or "#FFFFFF" end end --- local time = getRealTime() local second,minute,hour,day,month,year = time.second,time.minute,time.hour,time.monthday ,time.month + 1,time.year + 1900 if hour <= 0 then x = "AM" else x = "PM" end hour = math.floor(hour / 12) if hour == 0 then hour = "12" end -- chatTime[source] = true floodTimes[source] = 0 if getElementData(source,"TagFloodTime") then t = getElementData(source,"TagFloodTime") else t = ANTI_FLOOD_TIME end chatTimers[source] = setTimer(function(p) chatTime[p] = nil chatTimers[p] = nil end , t , 1 ,source) -- if msgtype == 0 then if msgTag then outputChatBox( ""..msgTag.." "..hex..""..getFixedName(source).." "..msgColor..": "..string.gsub(Text, '#%x%x%x%x%x%x', '').."",root,255,0,0,true) logMessage( "["..math.floor(hour)..":"..minute..":"..second..""..tostring(x).." "..day.."/"..month.."/"..year.."] "..msgTag.." [ "..getFixedName(source).." ] : "..string.gsub(Text, '#%x%x%x%x%x%x', '').."",source) if ADMIN_SOUND ~= false then if getElementData(source,"TagSound") == true then playSoundFrontEnd(root,tonumber(ADMIN_SOUND)) end end else setElementData(source,"TagFlood",true) setElementData(source,"TagSound",false) setElementData(source,"TagFloodTime",nil) outputChatBox( ""..hex..""..getFixedName(source).." #FFFFFF: "..string.gsub(Text, '#%x%x%x%x%x%x', '').."",root,255,255,255,true) logMessage( "["..math.floor(hour)..":"..minute..":"..second..""..tostring(x).." "..day.."/"..month.."/"..year.."] [ "..getFixedName(source).." ] : "..string.gsub(Text, '#%x%x%x%x%x%x', '').."",source) end elseif msgtype == 2 then for k,v in ipairs ( getElementsByType("player") ) do if getPlayerTeam(v) == getPlayerTeam(source) then if msgTag then outputChatBox( "(Team) "..msgTag.." "..hex..""..getFixedName(source).." "..msgColor..": "..string.gsub(Text, '#%x%x%x%x%x%x', '').."",v,255,0,0,true) if ADMIN_SOUND ~= false then if getElementData(source,"TagSound") == true then playSoundFrontEnd(v,tonumber(ADMIN_SOUND)) end end else setElementData(source,"TagFlood",true) setElementData(source,"TagFloodTime",nil) setElementData(source,"TagSound",false) outputChatBox( "(Team) "..hex..""..getFixedName(source).." #FFFFFF: "..string.gsub(Text, '#%x%x%x%x%x%x', '').."",v,255,255,255,true) end end end if msgTag then logMessage( "["..math.floor(hour)..":"..minute..":"..second..""..tostring(x).." "..day.."/"..month.."/"..year.."] ("..getTeamName(getPlayerTeam(source))..") "..msgTag.." [ "..getFixedName(source).." ] : "..string.gsub(Text, '#%x%x%x%x%x%x', '').."",source) else logMessage( "["..math.floor(hour)..":"..minute..":"..second..""..tostring(x).." "..day.."/"..month.."/"..year.."] ("..getTeamName(getPlayerTeam(source))..") [ "..getFixedName(source).." ] : "..string.gsub(Text, '#%x%x%x%x%x%x', '').."",source) end end if ( isGuestAccount ( getPlayerAccount ( source ) ) ) then cancelEvent() outputChatBox ( "[Gta-AW] Login First !!", source, 255, 255, 0, true ) end end) function mutePlr(p,t) if p then if isPlayerMuted(p) ~= true then if t == 0 then x = "main" elseif t == 2 then x = "team" end setPlayerMuted(p,true) outputChatBox("* (ANTI FLOOD) #FFFFFF"..string.gsub(getPlayerName(p), '#%x%x%x%x%x%x', '').." #FF0000have been muted for "..math.floor(MUTE_TIME/1000/60).." minutes for flooding "..x.." chat.",root,255,0,0,true) muteTimers[p] = setTimer ( function ( p ) setPlayerMuted(p,false) outputChatBox("You have been unmuted, please don't flood the chat again !",p,255,0,0,true) end , MUTE_TIME , 1 ,p ) end end end --[[ serialMute = {} addEventHandler("onPlayerQuit",root,function() if muteTimers[source] then local serial = getPlayerSerial(source) local time = getTimerDetails(muteTimers[source]) serialMute[serial] = time killTimer(muteTimers[source]) end -- lastChatMessage[source] = nil chatTime[source] = nil chatTimers[source] = nil floodTimes[source] = nil muteTimers[source] = nil end ) addEventHandler("onPlayerJoin",root,function() local serial = getPlayerSerial(source) if serialMute[serial] then setPlayerMuted(source,true) outputChatBox("* (ANTI FLOOD) You have been muted for "..math.floor(serialMute[serial]/1000/60).." minutes for flooding.",source,255,0,0,true) muteTimers[p] = setTimer ( function ( source ) setPlayerMuted(p,false) outputChatBox("You have been unmuted, please don't flood the chat again !",p,255,0,0,true) end , serialMute[serial] , 1 ,source ) serialMute[serial] = nil end end ) --]] Link to comment
#DRAGON!FIRE Posted February 10, 2016 Share Posted February 10, 2016 جرب : --***********************************-- --***********************************-- -- --***********************************-- --***********************************-- -- outputDebugString("Gta Arab Way Chat System | Started") -- rRoot = getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()) -- ANTI_FLOOD = true -- Enable anti flood ?. ANTI_REPEAT = true -- Enable anti repeat ?. ANTI_FLOOD_TIME = 5 * 1000 -- Anti flood time in miliseconds . MUTE_PLAYERS = true -- Mute players if they flooded too much ? . MAX_FLOOD_TIMES = 10 -- Max flood times. MUTE_TIME = 10 * 60 * 1000 -- Time to mute player if he flooded too much. ADMIN_SOUND = 1 -- Play sound if admin talked ( set to false to disable ) . -- lastChatMessage = {} chatTime = {} chatTimers = {} floodTimes = {} muteTimers = {} -- TAGS = { -- Tag Group | Tag | Tag Message Color | Anti Flood for Group | Play sound on talk | Anti flood time {"Console", "#FF0000* #f3f781[Manager]","#81bef7",false,true}, {"Leader", "#FF0000* #FF0033[Head Admin]","#FFFA54",true,false,9*1000}, {"Big-Admin", "#FF0000* #FF0033[HeadAdmin]","#FFFA54",true,false,9*1000}, {"Msabah", "#FF0000* #00C4FF[OwnerTs3]","#FFFA54",true,false,9*1000}, {"Admin", "#FF0000* #DC143C[Admin]","#FFFA54",true,false,9*1000}, {"VIP", "#FF0000* #FFCD00[VIP]","#FFFA54",true,false,6*1000}, {"Support", "#FF0000* #ff00ff[support]","#FFFA54",true,false,6*1000}, {"LVL1", "#FF0000* #A5A5A5[Arab|1|Com]","#FFFA54",true,false,9*1000}, {"LVL2", "#FF0000* #A5A5A5[Arab|2|Com]","#FFFA54",true,false,9*1000}, {"LVL3", "#FF0000* #A5A5A5[Arab|3|Com]","#FFFA54",true,false,9*1000}, {"LVL4", "#FF0000* #A5A5A5[Arab|4|Com]","#FFFA54",true,false,9*1000}, {"LVL5", "#FF0000* #A5A5A5[Arab|5|Com]","#FFFA54",true,false,9*1000} } -- function logMessage(text,player) if text and player then text = string.gsub(text, '#%x%x%x%x%x%x', '') local log = fileOpen("ChatLog.log") or fileCreate("ChatLog.log") -- if log then fileSetPos(log,fileGetSize(log)) fileWrite(log,"\r\n",text) fileFlush(log) fileClose(log) end end end -- function isInGroup(p,Group) if p and Group then local pAcc = getPlayerAccount(p) if pAcc and isGuestAccount(pAcc) ~= true then -- local g = aclGetGroup (tostring(Group)) if not g then return false end -- local pAccName = getAccountName(pAcc) if isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..pAccName,g) then return true else return false end -- else return false end end end -- function getFixedName(player) if isElement(player) then local hisName = getPlayerName(player) if hisName then result = string.gsub(hisName, '#%x%x%x%x%x%x', '') if result then return result end end else outputDebugString("ERROR : Bad Player at getFixedName !") end end -- function RGBToHex(red, green, blue, alpha) if((red < 0 or red > 255 or green < 0 or green > 255 or blue < 0 or blue > 255) or (alpha and (alpha < 0 or alpha > 255))) then return nil end if(alpha) then return string.format("#%.2X%.2X%.2X%.2X", red,green,blue,alpha) else return string.format("#%.2X%.2X%.2X", red,green,blue) end end -- addEvent("onPlayerChat",true) addEventHandler("onPlayerChat",root,function ( Text,msgtype ) if ( isGuestAccount ( getPlayerAccount ( source ) ) ) then cancelEvent() return outputChatBox ( "[Gta-AW] Login First !!", source, 255, 255, 0, true ) end cancelEvent() if ANTI_FLOOD then if getElementData(source,"TagFlood") == true or getElementData(source,"TagFlood") == nil or tonumber(getElementData(source,"TagFlood")) then if chatTime[source] then if MUTE_PLAYERS then if tonumber(floodTimes[source]) >= tonumber(MAX_FLOOD_TIMES) then mutePlr(source,msgtype) return end end local time,_,__ = getTimerDetails(chatTimers[source]) outputChatBox("Stop spamming chat!, wait "..math.floor(time/1000,2).." seconds.", source, 255, 0, 0) floodTimes[source] = tonumber(floodTimes[source]) + 1 cancelEvent() return end if ANTI_REPEAT and lastChatMessage[source] and lastChatMessage[source] == Text then outputChatBox("Stop repeating yourself!", source, 255, 0, 0) cancelEvent() return else lastChatMessage[source] = Text end end end msgTag = nil for k,v in ipairs ( TAGS ) do if not msgTag then local Group,Tag,Color,Flood = v[1],v[2],v[3],v[4] if isInGroup(source,Group) then msgTag = Tag msgColor = v[3] msgFlood = v[4] msgSound = v[5] msgFloodTime = v[6] setElementData(source,"TagFlood",msgFlood) setElementData(source,"TagSound",msgSound) setElementData(source,"TagFloodTime",msgFloodTime) end r,g,b = getPlayerNametagColor(source) hex = RGBToHex(r,g,b) or "#FFFFFF" end end --- local time = getRealTime() local second,minute,hour,day,month,year = time.second,time.minute,time.hour,time.monthday ,time.month + 1,time.year + 1900 if hour <= 0 then x = "AM" else x = "PM" end hour = math.floor(hour / 12) if hour == 0 then hour = "12" end -- chatTime[source] = true floodTimes[source] = 0 if getElementData(source,"TagFloodTime") then t = getElementData(source,"TagFloodTime") else t = ANTI_FLOOD_TIME end chatTimers[source] = setTimer(function(p) chatTime[p] = nil chatTimers[p] = nil end , t , 1 ,source) -- if msgtype == 0 then if msgTag then outputChatBox( ""..msgTag.." "..hex..""..getFixedName(source).." "..msgColor..": "..string.gsub(Text, '#%x%x%x%x%x%x', '').."",root,255,0,0,true) logMessage( "["..math.floor(hour)..":"..minute..":"..second..""..tostring(x).." "..day.."/"..month.."/"..year.."] "..msgTag.." [ "..getFixedName(source).." ] : "..string.gsub(Text, '#%x%x%x%x%x%x', '').."",source) if ADMIN_SOUND ~= false then if getElementData(source,"TagSound") == true then playSoundFrontEnd(root,tonumber(ADMIN_SOUND)) end end else setElementData(source,"TagFlood",true) setElementData(source,"TagSound",false) setElementData(source,"TagFloodTime",nil) outputChatBox( ""..hex..""..getFixedName(source).." #FFFFFF: "..string.gsub(Text, '#%x%x%x%x%x%x', '').."",root,255,255,255,true) logMessage( "["..math.floor(hour)..":"..minute..":"..second..""..tostring(x).." "..day.."/"..month.."/"..year.."] [ "..getFixedName(source).." ] : "..string.gsub(Text, '#%x%x%x%x%x%x', '').."",source) end elseif msgtype == 2 then for k,v in ipairs ( getElementsByType("player") ) do if getPlayerTeam(v) == getPlayerTeam(source) then if msgTag then outputChatBox( "(Team) "..msgTag.." "..hex..""..getFixedName(source).." "..msgColor..": "..string.gsub(Text, '#%x%x%x%x%x%x', '').."",v,255,0,0,true) if ADMIN_SOUND ~= false then if getElementData(source,"TagSound") == true then playSoundFrontEnd(v,tonumber(ADMIN_SOUND)) end end else setElementData(source,"TagFlood",true) setElementData(source,"TagFloodTime",nil) setElementData(source,"TagSound",false) outputChatBox( "(Team) "..hex..""..getFixedName(source).." #FFFFFF: "..string.gsub(Text, '#%x%x%x%x%x%x', '').."",v,255,255,255,true) end end end if msgTag then logMessage( "["..math.floor(hour)..":"..minute..":"..second..""..tostring(x).." "..day.."/"..month.."/"..year.."] ("..getTeamName(getPlayerTeam(source))..") "..msgTag.." [ "..getFixedName(source).." ] : "..string.gsub(Text, '#%x%x%x%x%x%x', '').."",source) else logMessage( "["..math.floor(hour)..":"..minute..":"..second..""..tostring(x).." "..day.."/"..month.."/"..year.."] ("..getTeamName(getPlayerTeam(source))..") [ "..getFixedName(source).." ] : "..string.gsub(Text, '#%x%x%x%x%x%x', '').."",source) end end end ) function mutePlr(p,t) if p then if isPlayerMuted(p) ~= true then if t == 0 then x = "main" elseif t == 2 then x = "team" end setPlayerMuted(p,true) outputChatBox("* (ANTI FLOOD) #FFFFFF"..string.gsub(getPlayerName(p), '#%x%x%x%x%x%x', '').." #FF0000have been muted for "..math.floor(MUTE_TIME/1000/60).." minutes for flooding "..x.." chat.",root,255,0,0,true) muteTimers[p] = setTimer ( function ( p ) setPlayerMuted(p,false) outputChatBox("You have been unmuted, please don't flood the chat again !",p,255,0,0,true) end , MUTE_TIME , 1 ,p ) end end end --[[ serialMute = {} addEventHandler("onPlayerQuit",root,function() if muteTimers[source] then local serial = getPlayerSerial(source) local time = getTimerDetails(muteTimers[source]) serialMute[serial] = time killTimer(muteTimers[source]) end -- lastChatMessage[source] = nil chatTime[source] = nil chatTimers[source] = nil floodTimes[source] = nil muteTimers[source] = nil end ) addEventHandler("onPlayerJoin",root,function() local serial = getPlayerSerial(source) if serialMute[serial] then setPlayerMuted(source,true) outputChatBox("* (ANTI FLOOD) You have been muted for "..math.floor(serialMute[serial]/1000/60).." minutes for flooding.",source,255,0,0,true) muteTimers[p] = setTimer ( function ( source ) setPlayerMuted(p,false) outputChatBox("You have been unmuted, please don't flood the chat again !",p,255,0,0,true) end , serialMute[serial] , 1 ,source ) serialMute[serial] = nil end end ) --]] LOCAL_CHAT = true -- enable local chat LOCAL_CHAT_DIS = Link to comment
ivor Posted February 11, 2016 Author Share Posted February 11, 2016 جرب : --***********************************-- --***********************************-- -- --***********************************-- --***********************************-- -- outputDebugString("Gta Arab Way Chat System | Started") -- rRoot = getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()) -- ANTI_FLOOD = true -- Enable anti flood ?. ANTI_REPEAT = true -- Enable anti repeat ?. ANTI_FLOOD_TIME = 5 * 1000 -- Anti flood time in miliseconds . MUTE_PLAYERS = true -- Mute players if they flooded too much ? . MAX_FLOOD_TIMES = 10 -- Max flood times. MUTE_TIME = 10 * 60 * 1000 -- Time to mute player if he flooded too much. ADMIN_SOUND = 1 -- Play sound if admin talked ( set to false to disable ) . -- lastChatMessage = {} chatTime = {} chatTimers = {} floodTimes = {} muteTimers = {} -- TAGS = { -- Tag Group | Tag | Tag Message Color | Anti Flood for Group | Play sound on talk | Anti flood time {"Console", "#FF0000* #f3f781[Manager]","#81bef7",false,true}, {"Leader", "#FF0000* #FF0033[Head Admin]","#FFFA54",true,false,9*1000}, {"Big-Admin", "#FF0000* #FF0033[HeadAdmin]","#FFFA54",true,false,9*1000}, {"Msabah", "#FF0000* #00C4FF[OwnerTs3]","#FFFA54",true,false,9*1000}, {"Admin", "#FF0000* #DC143C[Admin]","#FFFA54",true,false,9*1000}, {"VIP", "#FF0000* #FFCD00[VIP]","#FFFA54",true,false,6*1000}, {"Support", "#FF0000* #ff00ff[support]","#FFFA54",true,false,6*1000}, {"LVL1", "#FF0000* #A5A5A5[Arab|1|Com]","#FFFA54",true,false,9*1000}, {"LVL2", "#FF0000* #A5A5A5[Arab|2|Com]","#FFFA54",true,false,9*1000}, {"LVL3", "#FF0000* #A5A5A5[Arab|3|Com]","#FFFA54",true,false,9*1000}, {"LVL4", "#FF0000* #A5A5A5[Arab|4|Com]","#FFFA54",true,false,9*1000}, {"LVL5", "#FF0000* #A5A5A5[Arab|5|Com]","#FFFA54",true,false,9*1000} } -- function logMessage(text,player) if text and player then text = string.gsub(text, '#%x%x%x%x%x%x', '') local log = fileOpen("ChatLog.log") or fileCreate("ChatLog.log") -- if log then fileSetPos(log,fileGetSize(log)) fileWrite(log,"\r\n",text) fileFlush(log) fileClose(log) end end end -- function isInGroup(p,Group) if p and Group then local pAcc = getPlayerAccount(p) if pAcc and isGuestAccount(pAcc) ~= true then -- local g = aclGetGroup (tostring(Group)) if not g then return false end -- local pAccName = getAccountName(pAcc) if isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..pAccName,g) then return true else return false end -- else return false end end end -- function getFixedName(player) if isElement(player) then local hisName = getPlayerName(player) if hisName then result = string.gsub(hisName, '#%x%x%x%x%x%x', '') if result then return result end end else outputDebugString("ERROR : Bad Player at getFixedName !") end end -- function RGBToHex(red, green, blue, alpha) if((red < 0 or red > 255 or green < 0 or green > 255 or blue < 0 or blue > 255) or (alpha and (alpha < 0 or alpha > 255))) then return nil end if(alpha) then return string.format("#%.2X%.2X%.2X%.2X", red,green,blue,alpha) else return string.format("#%.2X%.2X%.2X", red,green,blue) end end -- addEvent("onPlayerChat",true) addEventHandler("onPlayerChat",root,function ( Text,msgtype ) if ( isGuestAccount ( getPlayerAccount ( source ) ) ) then cancelEvent() return outputChatBox ( "[Gta-AW] Login First !!", source, 255, 255, 0, true ) end cancelEvent() if ANTI_FLOOD then if getElementData(source,"TagFlood") == true or getElementData(source,"TagFlood") == nil or tonumber(getElementData(source,"TagFlood")) then if chatTime[source] then if MUTE_PLAYERS then if tonumber(floodTimes[source]) >= tonumber(MAX_FLOOD_TIMES) then mutePlr(source,msgtype) return end end local time,_,__ = getTimerDetails(chatTimers[source]) outputChatBox("Stop spamming chat!, wait "..math.floor(time/1000,2).." seconds.", source, 255, 0, 0) floodTimes[source] = tonumber(floodTimes[source]) + 1 cancelEvent() return end if ANTI_REPEAT and lastChatMessage[source] and lastChatMessage[source] == Text then outputChatBox("Stop repeating yourself!", source, 255, 0, 0) cancelEvent() return else lastChatMessage[source] = Text end end end msgTag = nil for k,v in ipairs ( TAGS ) do if not msgTag then local Group,Tag,Color,Flood = v[1],v[2],v[3],v[4] if isInGroup(source,Group) then msgTag = Tag msgColor = v[3] msgFlood = v[4] msgSound = v[5] msgFloodTime = v[6] setElementData(source,"TagFlood",msgFlood) setElementData(source,"TagSound",msgSound) setElementData(source,"TagFloodTime",msgFloodTime) end r,g,b = getPlayerNametagColor(source) hex = RGBToHex(r,g,b) or "#FFFFFF" end end --- local time = getRealTime() local second,minute,hour,day,month,year = time.second,time.minute,time.hour,time.monthday ,time.month + 1,time.year + 1900 if hour <= 0 then x = "AM" else x = "PM" end hour = math.floor(hour / 12) if hour == 0 then hour = "12" end -- chatTime[source] = true floodTimes[source] = 0 if getElementData(source,"TagFloodTime") then t = getElementData(source,"TagFloodTime") else t = ANTI_FLOOD_TIME end chatTimers[source] = setTimer(function(p) chatTime[p] = nil chatTimers[p] = nil end , t , 1 ,source) -- if msgtype == 0 then if msgTag then outputChatBox( ""..msgTag.." "..hex..""..getFixedName(source).." "..msgColor..": "..string.gsub(Text, '#%x%x%x%x%x%x', '').."",root,255,0,0,true) logMessage( "["..math.floor(hour)..":"..minute..":"..second..""..tostring(x).." "..day.."/"..month.."/"..year.."] "..msgTag.." [ "..getFixedName(source).." ] : "..string.gsub(Text, '#%x%x%x%x%x%x', '').."",source) if ADMIN_SOUND ~= false then if getElementData(source,"TagSound") == true then playSoundFrontEnd(root,tonumber(ADMIN_SOUND)) end end else setElementData(source,"TagFlood",true) setElementData(source,"TagSound",false) setElementData(source,"TagFloodTime",nil) outputChatBox( ""..hex..""..getFixedName(source).." #FFFFFF: "..string.gsub(Text, '#%x%x%x%x%x%x', '').."",root,255,255,255,true) logMessage( "["..math.floor(hour)..":"..minute..":"..second..""..tostring(x).." "..day.."/"..month.."/"..year.."] [ "..getFixedName(source).." ] : "..string.gsub(Text, '#%x%x%x%x%x%x', '').."",source) end elseif msgtype == 2 then for k,v in ipairs ( getElementsByType("player") ) do if getPlayerTeam(v) == getPlayerTeam(source) then if msgTag then outputChatBox( "(Team) "..msgTag.." "..hex..""..getFixedName(source).." "..msgColor..": "..string.gsub(Text, '#%x%x%x%x%x%x', '').."",v,255,0,0,true) if ADMIN_SOUND ~= false then if getElementData(source,"TagSound") == true then playSoundFrontEnd(v,tonumber(ADMIN_SOUND)) end end else setElementData(source,"TagFlood",true) setElementData(source,"TagFloodTime",nil) setElementData(source,"TagSound",false) outputChatBox( "(Team) "..hex..""..getFixedName(source).." #FFFFFF: "..string.gsub(Text, '#%x%x%x%x%x%x', '').."",v,255,255,255,true) end end end if msgTag then logMessage( "["..math.floor(hour)..":"..minute..":"..second..""..tostring(x).." "..day.."/"..month.."/"..year.."] ("..getTeamName(getPlayerTeam(source))..") "..msgTag.." [ "..getFixedName(source).." ] : "..string.gsub(Text, '#%x%x%x%x%x%x', '').."",source) else logMessage( "["..math.floor(hour)..":"..minute..":"..second..""..tostring(x).." "..day.."/"..month.."/"..year.."] ("..getTeamName(getPlayerTeam(source))..") [ "..getFixedName(source).." ] : "..string.gsub(Text, '#%x%x%x%x%x%x', '').."",source) end end end ) function mutePlr(p,t) if p then if isPlayerMuted(p) ~= true then if t == 0 then x = "main" elseif t == 2 then x = "team" end setPlayerMuted(p,true) outputChatBox("* (ANTI FLOOD) #FFFFFF"..string.gsub(getPlayerName(p), '#%x%x%x%x%x%x', '').." #FF0000have been muted for "..math.floor(MUTE_TIME/1000/60).." minutes for flooding "..x.." chat.",root,255,0,0,true) muteTimers[p] = setTimer ( function ( p ) setPlayerMuted(p,false) outputChatBox("You have been unmuted, please don't flood the chat again !",p,255,0,0,true) end , MUTE_TIME , 1 ,p ) end end end --[[ serialMute = {} addEventHandler("onPlayerQuit",root,function() if muteTimers[source] then local serial = getPlayerSerial(source) local time = getTimerDetails(muteTimers[source]) serialMute[serial] = time killTimer(muteTimers[source]) end -- lastChatMessage[source] = nil chatTime[source] = nil chatTimers[source] = nil floodTimes[source] = nil muteTimers[source] = nil end ) addEventHandler("onPlayerJoin",root,function() local serial = getPlayerSerial(source) if serialMute[serial] then setPlayerMuted(source,true) outputChatBox("* (ANTI FLOOD) You have been muted for "..math.floor(serialMute[serial]/1000/60).." minutes for flooding.",source,255,0,0,true) muteTimers[p] = setTimer ( function ( source ) setPlayerMuted(p,false) outputChatBox("You have been unmuted, please don't flood the chat again !",p,255,0,0,true) end , serialMute[serial] , 1 ,source ) serialMute[serial] = nil end end ) --]] Link to comment
ivor Posted February 11, 2016 Author Share Posted February 11, 2016 اخوي لو ابيه يخرج بالشات اسم اللاعب كذا بالمود يعنى احط كذا ؟ return outputChatBox ( "[Gta-AW] Login First " ..getPlayerName.. " To Type In Chat ", 255, 255, 0, true ) Link to comment
#DRAGON!FIRE Posted February 11, 2016 Share Posted February 11, 2016 (edited) حياك الله حبيبي تحط كذا : return outputChatBox ( "[Gta-AW] Login First "..getPlayerName ( source ).. " To Type In Chat ", source, 255, 255, 0, true ) Edited February 11, 2016 by Guest Link to comment
SycroX Posted February 11, 2016 Share Posted February 11, 2016 اخوي لو ابيه يخرج بالشات اسم اللاعب كذا بالمود يعنىاحط كذا ؟ return outputChatBox ( "[Gta-AW] Login First " ..getPlayerName.. " To Type In Chat ", 255, 255, 0, true ) return outputChatBox ( "[Gta-AW] Login First " ..getPlayerName(source).. " To Type In Chat ", source, 255, 255, 0, true ) Link to comment
ivor Posted February 11, 2016 Author Share Posted February 11, 2016 حياك الله حبيبيتحط كذا : return outputChatBox ( "[Gta-AW] Login First "..getPlayerName ( source ).. " To Type In Chat ", source, 255, 255, 0, true ) كفؤؤ نفعت الطريقة تمت الافادة Link to comment
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