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[HELP] How


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Hello, i have this code but i don't know really why not work :( i want when i go traveled 100 meters i get 1x getElementData "M" i i go traveled 1000 meters i get 1 getElementData "KM" but not work :(

function () 
    if (isPedInVehicle(getLocalPlayer())) then 
        x,y,z = getElementPosition(getLocalPlayer()) 
        oX,oY,oZ = getElementPosition(getLocalPlayer()) 
        distanceTraveled = getDistanceBetweenPoints3D(x,y,z,oX,oY,oZ) 
        if distanceTraveled == 100 then 
        setElementData(localPlayer, "M", (getElementData(localPlayer, "M") or 0) + 1) 
        elseif distanceTraveled == 1000 then 
        setElementData(localPlayer, "KM", (getElementData(localPlayer, "KM") or 0) + 1) 

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Where do you always find these codes?

And why are they never working..

That code doesn't make much sense like that.

The distance would be always 0?! Also its unlikely to hit exactly 100 or 1000.

1 - in comunity or created by me?

2 - idk

3 - Yes because I want him to fix

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First at all I don't understand why you dont use local there.

Why make the variables global?

You compare the distance between the player and ... the player!

That makes no sense.

Bonsai wrote it, its hard to hit exactly 100.

Well, I dont even know when this function gets called.

You should look if the distance is >= 100 and < 1000.

If so add math.floor ( distance / 100 ) to ElementData "M".

If distance >= 1000 then add math.floor ( distance / 1000 ) to "KM".

You should really learn the basics :/

Or learn to read the code ...

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