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High CPU Usage


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I'm use this function to draw text outline. But it's use %13 CPU. I think it's so big for only draw outline.

How can i decrease it?

function tocolorToRGBA(color) 
    return bitExtract(color, 0, 8 ), bitExtract(color, 8, 8 ), bitExtract(color, 16, 8 ), bitExtract(color, 24, 8 ) 
local _dxDrawText = dxDrawText 
function dxDrawText(...) 
    local args = {...} 
    args[4] = args[2] + args[4] 
    args[5] = args[3] + args[5] 
    return _dxDrawText(unpack(args)) 
function dxDrawTextOutline(...) 
    local args = {...} 
    local _, startX, startY = unpack(args) 
    local color = args[6] 
    local _,_,_,a = tocolorToRGBA(color) 
    args[6] = tocolor(0,0,0,a) 
    args[2], args[3] = startX-1, startY-1 
    args[2], args[3] = startX-1, startY+1 
    args[2], args[3] = startX+1, startY+1 
    args[2], args[3] = startX+1, startY-1 
    args[2], args[3], args[6] = startX, startY, color 
addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, functon() 
    dxDrawOutlineText(text, x, y, ...) 

Edited by Guest
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Absolutely not

I'll tell you the difference:

Your code:

You use the function in every frame.

When you have 60 FPS , your function has to get called 60 times per second.

Thats 60x tocolorToRGBA, 300x dxDrawText ...


You create a RenderTarget, set the render target to this rendertarget and use your dxDrawOutlineText only 1 time!

After that you clear the render target and use your rendertarget-texture:

You just draw the rendertarget every frame.

Thats only 60x dxDrawImage per Second

Much better performance.



This window is just one renderTarget, 1 dxDrawText and 1 dxDrawRectangle.

That means onClientRender uses only 1 dxDrawImage, 1 dxDrawText and 1 dxDrawRectangle every second.

Without the renderTarget onClientRender-function would have to call atleast 8 dxDrawImage, 12 dxDrawText, 45 dxDrawImage and 4 dxDrawLine every second!!

Which one is better?

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Well, dxDrawText itself it a pretty CPU hungry function and you got at least 5 of those (usually gives around 10% CPU usage), you could build your text as a single multi line string first and then send it to the draw function once to reduce your CPU usage to 2% maybe 3% if your lucky. Table unpack is quiet heavy too, maybe you could skip that and pass the data directly as it is using index numbers instead.

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