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Problems with MTA0.41 server admin

Guest chgignez

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I just created my MTA0.41 server and i have some questions with the server admin.

What nick name i should conect?

What passoword sholuld i put?(the server passoword)

What port should i put?(thats is a problem)

I have to mark admin+?

Please help me!!!!!


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1. Make up a nickname such as "Admin"

2. This is the password that you specified in the mtaserver.conf file. The default is adminpass. I thoroughly suggest that you change it otherwise there is no point in having a password.

3. The default admin port is 4003 I believe.

4. If you have enabled Admin+ within the mtaserver.conf file, check this box and type in your Admin+ port and Admin+ password. If not, don't check it.

Edit: Btw, the MTA 0.5 server has been released and the client will be released either today or tomorrow, so you might want to upgrade to the latest version of the server when that happens.

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Just wait for MTA 0.5 which will be released tonight ;) hehe

You don't know that, Stanton. It says on the home page that it will either be released today or tomorrow.

Btw, chgignez, 0.5 comes with a built-in server as well, which you would probably find easier to set up.

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