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Return true or false from server function


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Hello fellow MTA scripters,

I've just made a function called checkPrivileges, it's server-side and it's all working just fine. However I'm trying to use it in the client-side code below and of course it won't work this way. So my question is, what is the best way of retrieving the state of checkPrivileges to the client, in something like below?

I've already tried stuff like: state = triggerServerEvent( etc... but unfortunately it's not that simple. Any help is appreciated!

for i,v in pairs(myColshape) do 
    local name = getPlayerName(v) 
    if checkPrivileges(v) then 
        userlist:AddItem(users,i..". "..name,name,0,200,0) 
        userlist:AddItem(users,i..". "..name,name,255,255,255) 

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you can also use attachElements[wiki] to the body and work around with several troubles with animations and offsets to get it working.triggerServerEvent and triggerClientEvent both return either true or false - depending on whether the event was successfully reached or not.

So if you use triggerServerEvent to try and find out whether a certain player belongs to a certain group or not is not gonna be very useful if you try and use the state of the trigger. So long as the event is successfully triggered - it would always return true for you, whether the player is in that ACL group or not.

So like Noki said, you'll need to use triggerClientEvent.

Client -> Server -> Client

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triggerServerEvent and triggerClientEvent both return either true or false - depending on whether the event was successfully reached or not.

So if you use triggerServerEvent to try and find out whether a certain player belongs to a certain group or not is not gonna be very useful if you try and use the state of the trigger. So long as the event is successfully triggered - it would always return true for you, whether the player is in that ACL group or not.

So like Noki said, you'll need to use triggerClientEvent.

Client -> Server -> Client

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