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Problema de instalacion de MTA en SV Debian 7

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Hola, tengo un problema con la instalacion de Debian 7,lo contrate por hostinger y me deja cambiar el sistema operativo, pero cuando quiero cargar los resources no puedo me aparece, en la parte de poner

tar -xf baseconfig-1.5.1.tar.gz 
mv baseconfig/* multitheftauto_linux-1.5.1/mods/deathmatch 

no me aparece nada al poner y cuando quiero testearlo me aparece esto

[19:16:04] ERROR: Couldn't find resource admin. Check it exists. 
[19:16:04] ERROR: Couldn't find resource defaultstats. Check it exists. 
[19:16:04] ERROR: Couldn't find resource helpmanager. Check it exists. 
[19:16:04] ERROR: Couldn't find resource joinquit. Check it exists. 
[19:16:04] ERROR: Couldn't find resource mapcycler. Check it exists. 
[19:16:04] ERROR: Couldn't find resource mapmanager. Check it exists. 
[19:16:04] ERROR: Couldn't find resource parachute. Check it exists. 
[19:16:04] ERROR: Couldn't find resource performancebrowser. Check it exists. 
[19:16:04] ERROR: Couldn't find resource reload. Check it exists. 
[19:16:04] ERROR: Couldn't find resource resourcebrowser. Check it exists. 
[19:16:04] ERROR: Couldn't find resource resourcemanager. Check it exists. 
[19:16:04] ERROR: Couldn't find resource scoreboard. Check it exists. 
[19:16:04] ERROR: Couldn't find resource spawnmanager. Check it exists. 
[19:16:04] ERROR: Couldn't find resource voice. Check it exists. 
[19:16:04] ERROR: Couldn't find resource votemanager. Check it exists. 
[19:16:04] ERROR: Couldn't find resource webadmin. Check it exists. 
[19:16:04] ERROR: Couldn't find resource play. Check it exists. 
[19:16:04] Server started and is ready to accept connections! 
[19:16:04] To stop the server, type 'shutdown' or press Ctrl-C 
[19:16:04] Type 'help' for a list of commands. 

No entiendo mucho como lo debo instalar :S espero me puedan ayudar gracias :|

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