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[REL] AFK Mod Downloader v1.1


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Why use?

Because with this resource, your players can play and download mods. A lot of servers (example: dayz, roleplays, etc) have big download and the players must wait much and some players leave the server.

Why you made this?

Because i´m bored waiting the mods download a lot of times and some downloaders must put mods in 'meta.xml' and other table. I'm too lazy for that, but with this resource, you only have to add mods to meta.xml. It is very easy and fast!

Enable download:

Client use: triggerServerEvent("afkdownloader:startDownload", localPlayer, localPlayer) 
Server use: exports["afkmoddownloader"]:download(player) 


** All instructions on meta.xml, if you have doubts can contact with me. Skype: dani199o **

** You can change the color GUI and change the language on meta.xml. **

Download (Uncompiled):

https://community.multitheftauto.com/ind ... s&id=12448

Edited by Guest
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  • 2 weeks later...

New version!!

AFK Downloader v1.1

*All bugs fixed*

*Added enable/disable mods interfaz with DX Gridlist*

*You can change the color of GUI in the meta.xml*

*You can change the language, avalible: ES -> Spanish, EN -> English, - PT/BR -> Portuguess/brazilian*

*Fixed bugs on the files size*

*Now comprobe if the file is correct*

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  Dealman said:
I wouldn't trust a resource that has been removed from the community once and reuploaded and obfuscated.

It was removed becouse i forgot remove a command. This command simply start the download. And the community don't delete the resource, only the last update.

What i win putting rare commands in servers that I never enter? :F*ckTheLogic: And my resource not need admin rights...

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  • 3 weeks later...

Good job, nice script and very usefull.. but i don't think it can be used for DayZ because it contains lots of mods that replaces items and backpacks, i think when a new player joins the server and he sees that he's holding a random big item he'l think the server is bugged

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  Wisam said:
Good job, nice script and very usefull.. but i don't think it can be used for DayZ because it contains lots of mods that replaces items and backpacks, i think when a new player joins the server and he sees that he's holding a random big item he'l think the server is bugged

do you know how to open it?

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  Wisam said:
Good job, nice script and very usefull.. but i don't think it can be used for DayZ because it contains lots of mods that replaces items and backpacks, i think when a new player joins the server and he sees that he's holding a random big item he'l think the server is bugged

No, because backpack and item is small download and it's not necessary use this resource. This resource is destine for vehicles, skins, and mods with hight size. DayZ servers can use this, servers with 300 MB of download have vehicles and skins with high size, but the items and backpack is small part of the download.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 6 months later...
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