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First issue I spotted with this script was this;

local player = getPlayerFromNamePart(playername or "") 
if player then 

This if statement doesn't really do anything, it will always be true. Even if a player is not found via that name, you set it to "" instead of false - or nil.

So player will always be either a player element or simply an empty string. It would never return false or nil, thus preventing possible errors when trying to use the player element later on.

You could fix it like this;

local player = getPlayerFromNamePart(playername) 
-- Or 
if(getElementType(player) == "player") then 

Second issue is this;

setPlayerMuted(player, true, true, true, thePlayer, reason, duration) 

As far as I can tell, setPlayerMuted only has 2 arguments, not 7 - unless you made your own command.

Try and see whether setPlayerMuted returns true or false.

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