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Train stuff

Captain Cody

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I have created a train script, but for other people on the server, the carts appear on different tracks. For the driver they appear on a single track. How would I fix this "If even possible"

function startScript () 
Train = createVehicle ( 538, 2765.2949, 508.41016, 9.864749 ) 
Cart = createVehicle ( 570, 2765.2949, 538.41016, 9.864749 ) 
Cart2 = createVehicle ( 570, 2765.2949, 590.41016, 9.864749 ) 
Cart3 = createVehicle ( 590, 2765.2949, 620.41016, 9.864749 ) 
setTrainDirection(Train, true) 
setTrainDerailable(Train, false) 
setTrainDerailable(Cart, false) 
setTrainDerailable(Cart2, false) 
setTrainDerailable(Cart3, false) 
setTimer ( checkdistance, 100, 0) 
setTimer ( checkdistance2, 100, 0) 
setTimer ( checkdistance3, 100, 0) 
function checkdistance () 
vehicle1x, vehicle1y, vehicle1z = getElementPosition ( Train ) 
vehicle2x, vehicle2y, vehicle2z = getElementPosition ( Cart ) 
local distance = getDistanceBetweenPoints2D ( vehicle1x, vehicle1y, vehicle2x, vehicle2y ) 
local speedT2 = getTrainSpeed ( Train ) 
if distance > 19 then 
setTrainSpeed(Cart, speedT2+0.01) 
if distance < 19 then 
setTrainSpeed(Cart, speedT2-0.0105) 
if distance < 18 then 
setTrainSpeed(Cart, speedT2-0.015) 
function checkdistance2 () 
vehiclegx, vehiclegy, vehiclegz = getElementPosition ( Cart2 ) 
local distancea = getDistanceBetweenPoints2D ( vehicle1x, vehicle1y, vehiclegx, vehiclegy ) 
local speedT2 = getTrainSpeed ( Train ) 
if distancea > 40 then 
setTrainSpeed(Cart2, speedT2+0.01) 
if distancea < 40 then 
setTrainSpeed(Cart2, speedT2-0.0105) 
if distancea < 39 then 
setTrainSpeed(Cart2, speedT2-0.015) 
function checkdistance3 () 
vehiclefx, vehiclefy, vehiclefz = getElementPosition ( Cart3 ) 
local distancea = getDistanceBetweenPoints2D ( vehicle1x, vehicle1y, vehiclefx, vehiclefy ) 
local speedT2 = getTrainSpeed ( Train ) 
if distancea > 61 then 
setTrainSpeed(Cart3, speedT2+0.01) 
if distancea < 61 then 
setTrainSpeed(Cart3, speedT2-0.0105) 
if distancea < 60 then 
setTrainSpeed(Cart3, speedT2-0.015) 
function traincruise (playersource) 
theSpeed = getTrainSpeed(Train) 
trainTrack = getTrainTrack(Train) 
local thespeeda = getTrainSpeed(Train) 
outputChatBox ( "Train set to cruise at :" ..thespeeda.." MS", playersource ) 
TrainTimer = setTimer ( setSpeed, 300, 0) 
function setSpeed () 
setTrainSpeed (Train, theSpeed) 
function cancelcruise () 
killTimer (TrainTimer) 
outputChatBox ( "Train cruise disabled.", playersource ) 
addCommandHandler ( "traincstop", cancelcruise ) 
addCommandHandler ( "trainc", traincruise ) 
addEventHandler ("onResourceStart", getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()), startScript) 

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1.6 will only provide these two functions currently:

bool setTrainTrack(vehicle train, int track) 
bool getTrainTrack(vehicle train, int track) 

Although you can control which track to spawn in you can't control where on the track your train will spawn currently. Take the two main tracks as an example if you are in San Fierro and switch the tracks from there you'll end up at a random location on the other track. These two resources provide sample code to illustrate the issue as well as temporary solutions to them: GTWtrain and GTWvehicles.

What you can do is to position all cars you want to attach to your engine after your engine before attaching them by using math.sin and math.cos and the distance 20. This seems to work for up to 15 cars, more than that could still cause them to end up in different tracks. You can also prevent the cars from streaming out, which you would need to do anyway for trains longer than 8 cars as streamed out train elements tends to end up in a different track.

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