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Hello, i have server on server hosting but my http-client-files have over 5GB and my provider give only 3GB to 1 server. But i had server on my PC and players can join. Now i have this files on my PC and i want load it from this PC to server on hosting. Where i can find url from my pc ? Sorry for bad english and thanks for all replies

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i dont understand. Why ftp server ? now i create on my IP website for test and i can see this website when i add my ip and port to browser.

1. i will create folder called resources

2. then i put this xx.xx.xx.xx:25/resources into mtaserver.conf to line httpdownloadurl

3. start the server

this will work ?

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hmm first i create folder with name resources and add link to conf not work then i create folder with http-client-files and add link to this folder not work. But when i add link to this folders to browser i can see all resources scripts maps etc. What i must do to run this resources from that ?

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You want to use your PC as HTTP sever? Good luck with that :? .

Anyway, you simply need a HTTP server (eg. apache) and provide all the files that are in mods/deathmatch/resource-cache/http-client-files. The best way usually is to have an extrenal HTTP server on the same server as the MTA server and just create symlink to http-client-files. But when it's on a different machine then that's a different story.

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