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[HELP]Mode money for winner,The last player can't take money


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Guys I've Mode money for race winner but The last player alive cannot take money pls someone fix it

function (winner) 
    local account = getPlayerAccount(winner) 
    if not (isGuestAccount(account)) then 
        if getPlayerCount() >= 4 then 
            local WinStreak = 0 
            local thePlayer = winner 
            LastWinners[20] = LastWinners[19] 
            LastWinners[19] = LastWinners[18] 
            LastWinners[18] = LastWinners[17] 
            LastWinners[17] = LastWinners[16] 
            LastWinners[16] = LastWinners[15] 
            LastWinners[15] = LastWinners[14] 
            LastWinners[14] = LastWinners[13] 
            LastWinners[13] = LastWinners[12] 
            LastWinners[12] = LastWinners[11] 
            LastWinners[11] = LastWinners[10] 
            LastWinners[10] = LastWinners[9] 
            LastWinners[9] = LastWinners[8] 
            LastWinners[8] = LastWinners[7] 
            LastWinners[7] = LastWinners[6] 
            LastWinners[6] = LastWinners[5] 
            LastWinners[5] = LastWinners[4] 
            LastWinners[4] = LastWinners[3] 
            LastWinners[3] = LastWinners[2] 
            LastWinners[2] = LastWinners[1] 
            LastWinners[1] = thePlayer 
            if LastWinners[1] == thePlayer then 
                WinStreak = 1 
                    if LastWinners[1] == thePlayer and LastWinners[2] == thePlayer then 
                        WinStreak = 2 
                        if LastWinners[1] == thePlayer and LastWinners[2] == thePlayer and LastWinners[3] == thePlayer then 
                            WinStreak = 3 
                            if LastWinners[1] == thePlayer and LastWinners[2] == thePlayer and LastWinners[3] == thePlayer and LastWinners[4] == thePlayer then 
                                WinStreak = 4 
                                if LastWinners[1] == thePlayer and LastWinners[2] == thePlayer and LastWinners[3] == thePlayer and LastWinners[4] == thePlayer and LastWinners[5] == thePlayer then 
                                    WinStreak = 5 
                                    if LastWinners[1] == thePlayer and LastWinners[2] == thePlayer and LastWinners[3] == thePlayer and LastWinners[4] == thePlayer and LastWinners[5] == thePlayer and LastWinners[6] == thePlayer then 
                                        WinStreak = 6 
                                        if LastWinners[1] == thePlayer and LastWinners[2] == thePlayer and LastWinners[3] == thePlayer and LastWinners[4] == thePlayer and LastWinners[5] == thePlayer and LastWinners[6] == thePlayer and LastWinners[7] == thePlayer then 
                                            WinStreak = 7 
                                            if LastWinners[1] == thePlayer and LastWinners[2] == thePlayer and LastWinners[3] == thePlayer and LastWinners[4] == thePlayer and LastWinners[5] == thePlayer and LastWinners[6] == thePlayer and LastWinners[7] == thePlayer and LastWinners[8] == thePlayer then 
                                                WinStreak = 8 
                                                if LastWinners[1] == thePlayer and LastWinners[2] == thePlayer and LastWinners[3] == thePlayer and LastWinners[4] == thePlayer and LastWinners[5] == thePlayer and LastWinners[6] == thePlayer and LastWinners[7] == thePlayer and LastWinners[8] == thePlayer and LastWinners[9] == thePlayer then 
                                                    WinStreak = 9 
                                                    if LastWinners[1] == thePlayer and LastWinners[2] == thePlayer and LastWinners[3] == thePlayer and LastWinners[4] == thePlayer and LastWinners[5] == thePlayer and LastWinners[6] == thePlayer and LastWinners[7] == thePlayer and LastWinners[8] == thePlayer and LastWinners[9] == thePlayer and LastWinners[10] == thePlayer then 
                                                        WinStreak = 10 
                                                        if LastWinners[1] == thePlayer and LastWinners[2] == thePlayer and LastWinners[3] == thePlayer and LastWinners[4] == thePlayer and LastWinners[5] == thePlayer and LastWinners[6] == thePlayer and LastWinners[7] == thePlayer and LastWinners[8] == thePlayer and LastWinners[9] == thePlayer and LastWinners[10] == thePlayer and LastWinners[11] == thePlayer then 
                                                            WinStreak = 11 
                                                                if LastWinners[1] == thePlayer and LastWinners[2] == thePlayer and LastWinners[3] == thePlayer and LastWinners[4] == thePlayer and LastWinners[5] == thePlayer and LastWinners[6] == thePlayer and LastWinners[7] == thePlayer and LastWinners[8] == thePlayer and LastWinners[9] == thePlayer and LastWinners[10] == thePlayer and LastWinners[11] == thePlayer and LastWinners[12] == thePlayer then 
                                                                WinStreak = 12 
                                                                    if LastWinners[1] == thePlayer and LastWinners[2] == thePlayer and LastWinners[3] == thePlayer and LastWinners[4] == thePlayer and LastWinners[5] == thePlayer and LastWinners[6] == thePlayer and LastWinners[7] == thePlayer and LastWinners[8] == thePlayer and LastWinners[9] == thePlayer and LastWinners[10] == thePlayer and LastWinners[11] == thePlayer and LastWinners[12] == thePlayer and LastWinners[13] == thePlayer then 
                                                                    WinStreak = 13 
                                                                        if LastWinners[1] == thePlayer and LastWinners[2] == thePlayer and LastWinners[3] == thePlayer and LastWinners[4] == thePlayer and LastWinners[5] == thePlayer and LastWinners[6] == thePlayer and LastWinners[7] == thePlayer and LastWinners[8] == thePlayer and LastWinners[9] == thePlayer and LastWinners[10] == thePlayer and LastWinners[11] == thePlayer and LastWinners[12] == thePlayer and LastWinners[13] == thePlayer and LastWinners[14] == thePlayer then 
                                                                            WinStreak = 14 
                                                                            if LastWinners[1] == thePlayer and LastWinners[2] == thePlayer and LastWinners[3] == thePlayer and LastWinners[4] == thePlayer and LastWinners[5] == thePlayer and LastWinners[6] == thePlayer and LastWinners[7] == thePlayer and LastWinners[8] == thePlayer and LastWinners[9] == thePlayer and LastWinners[10] == thePlayer and LastWinners[11] == thePlayer and LastWinners[12] == thePlayer and LastWinners[13] == thePlayer and LastWinners[14] == thePlayer and LastWinners[15] == thePlayer then 
                                                                                WinStreak = 15 
                                                                                if LastWinners[1] == thePlayer and LastWinners[2] == thePlayer and LastWinners[3] == thePlayer and LastWinners[4] == thePlayer and LastWinners[5] == thePlayer and LastWinners[6] == thePlayer and LastWinners[7] == thePlayer and LastWinners[8] == thePlayer and LastWinners[9] == thePlayer and LastWinners[10] == thePlayer and LastWinners[11] == thePlayer and LastWinners[12] == thePlayer and LastWinners[13] == thePlayer and LastWinners[14] == thePlayer and LastWinners[15] == thePlayer and LastWinners[16] == thePlayer then 
                                                                                    WinStreak = 16 
                                                                                    if LastWinners[1] == thePlayer and LastWinners[2] == thePlayer and LastWinners[3] == thePlayer and LastWinners[4] == thePlayer and LastWinners[5] == thePlayer and LastWinners[6] == thePlayer and LastWinners[7] == thePlayer and LastWinners[8] == thePlayer and LastWinners[9] == thePlayer and LastWinners[10] == thePlayer and LastWinners[11] == thePlayer and LastWinners[12] == thePlayer and LastWinners[13] == thePlayer and LastWinners[14] == thePlayer and LastWinners[15] == thePlayer and LastWinners[16] == thePlayer and LastWinners[17] == thePlayer then 
                                                                                        WinStreak = 17 
                                                                                        if LastWinners[1] == thePlayer and LastWinners[2] == thePlayer and LastWinners[3] == thePlayer and LastWinners[4] == thePlayer and LastWinners[5] == thePlayer and LastWinners[6] == thePlayer and LastWinners[7] == thePlayer and LastWinners[8] == thePlayer and LastWinners[9] == thePlayer and LastWinners[10] == thePlayer and LastWinners[11] == thePlayer and LastWinners[12] == thePlayer and LastWinners[13] == thePlayer and LastWinners[14] == thePlayer and LastWinners[15] == thePlayer and LastWinners[16] == thePlayer and LastWinners[17] == thePlayer and LastWinners[18] == thePlayer then 
                                                                                            WinStreak = 18 
                                                                                            if LastWinners[1] == thePlayer and LastWinners[2] == thePlayer and LastWinners[3] == thePlayer and LastWinners[4] == thePlayer and LastWinners[5] == thePlayer and LastWinners[6] == thePlayer and LastWinners[7] == thePlayer and LastWinners[8] == thePlayer and LastWinners[9] == thePlayer and LastWinners[10] == thePlayer and LastWinners[11] == thePlayer and LastWinners[12] == thePlayer and LastWinners[13] == thePlayer and LastWinners[14] == thePlayer and LastWinners[15] == thePlayer and LastWinners[16] == thePlayer and LastWinners[17] == thePlayer and LastWinners[18] == thePlayer and LastWinners[19] == thePlayer then 
                                                                                                WinStreak = 19 
                                                                                                if LastWinners[1] == thePlayer and LastWinners[2] == thePlayer and LastWinners[3] == thePlayer and LastWinners[4] == thePlayer and LastWinners[5] == thePlayer and LastWinners[6] == thePlayer and LastWinners[7] == thePlayer and LastWinners[8] == thePlayer and LastWinners[9] == thePlayer and LastWinners[10] == thePlayer and LastWinners[11] == thePlayer and LastWinners[12] == thePlayer and LastWinners[13] == thePlayer and LastWinners[14] == thePlayer and LastWinners[15] == thePlayer and LastWinners[16] == thePlayer and LastWinners[17] == thePlayer and LastWinners[18] == thePlayer and LastWinners[19] == thePlayer and LastWinners[20] == thePlayer then 
                                                                                                    WinStreak = 20 
            local pAlive = getAliveRacePlayers() 
            local pDead = getDeadRacePlayers() 
            local WinS = tonumber(getAccountData(account,"highestWinstreak")) 
            if WinS < WinStreak then 
            if WinStreak >= 2 then 
                local WinStreakToExport = WinStreak 
                call(getResourceFromName("race"), "setWinStreakOnMessege", WinStreakToExport) 
            local cashToWin = tonumber((moneyEarnPart*getPlayerCount())*WinStreak) 
            local playerCash = tonumber(getAccountData(account,"cash")) 
            if not (cashToWin < 0) then 
            local points = math.floor(((pAlive + pDead)*pDead)*WinStreak) 
            if not (points < 0) then 
                local playerPoints = getAccountData(account,"points") 
            if mapType == "DM" then 
            elseif mapType == "DD" then 
        local thePlayer = winner 
-- Other race ranks 
function earnMoney() 
    local thePlayer = source 
    local position = (getAliveRacePlayers() + 1) 
    local account = getPlayerAccount(thePlayer) 
    if not (isGuestAccount(account)) then 
        if getPlayerCount() >= 4 then 
            local pAlive = getAliveRacePlayers() 
            local pDead = getDeadRacePlayers() 
            local finalCash = 0 
            if not (position == 1) then 
                if pAlive == 0 then pAlive = 1 end 
                if not respawnFix[thePlayer] then 
                    local finalCash = math.floor(((40/position)*pDead)*pAlive)      -- Calculate the final money value. 
                    local points = math.floor((pAlive + pDead)*pDead) 
                    local playerCash = getAccountData(account,"cash") 
                    local playerPoints = getAccountData(account,"points") 
                    local playerCash = getAccountData(account,"cash") 
                    local playerPoints = getAccountData(account,"points") 
                    respawnFix[thePlayer] = true 
addEventHandler ("onPlayerWasted",getRootElement(),earnMoney) 

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