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modify luac engine to decode them, update them, then reencod


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Can someone write a new vehicleweapon mod is what I should be asking...

But rather I am asking MTA, some resources by now long gone users are luac'd in a format you no longer support. If by chance this format was yours to begin with please modify your luac engine to decode them, update them, then reencode them at https://luac.multitheftauto.com/ so we dont lose any cool mods to your format changes.

[kxsf]vehicleweapon.zip = luac'd = invalid = useless = :(

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Spare me your lazy answer. You clearly missed the point here.

If MTA's proprietary luac encoding format changes. (It Did) Making older resources obsolete. (It Did) The burden of upgrade is on them. They have the ability, if this luac came from them. To accept the original luac'd file they created through luac.multitheftauto.com, decode it themselves, upgrade it if needed, and reencode it. At no point would this put stolen code in anyone's hands, except theirs. And they had it originally. To not do so is to assassinate some great resources. It is irresponsible. It says to current users MTA can't be trusted because here is an example where they could repair their reverse compatibility issues they created. And they chose not to, even though it was in everyone's best interest to do so.

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