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[HELP]Input Memo


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Hi, I need some help with something like, A memo that lets you change your skin.

I don't know how people set a memo to work with an event like

"Please Input the skin Id : "The Skin Id(Memo)"" and then you click ok and you get the skin of id you just wrote in the memo.

I need an understable code with some comments because I am pretty newbie.

If you are confused in what I said please reply below.

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I made an example using edits (which is the gui element made for this):

guiCreateLabel ( 500, 80, 100, 50, "input the skin ID:", false ) -- create the label, nothing special here 
editbox     =   guiCreateEdit ( 500, 100, 100, 50, "", false ) -- create the edit box in the editbox variable 
setbutton   =   guiCreateButton ( 500, 160, 100, 50, "Set", false ) -- create a button in the setbutton variable 
showCursor ( true ) -- show the cursor, now the player is able to write in the edit box 
function changeskin ( ) 
    local skinid = guiGetText ( editbox ) -- get the text written in the edit box and 'save' it in the skinid variable 
    local number = tonumber ( skinid ) -- convert the skinid variable to a number 
    setElementModel ( localPlayer, number ) -- set the player skin 
addEventHandler ( "onClientGUIClick", setbutton, changeskin ) -- add the onClientGUIClick event (which is triggered when the player click on the set button) 

Hope you understand, ofc if you're going to use this you need to check if the skin is valid etc, this is just an example.

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