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Rebuilding WEBMAP resource.


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Hey boyz, what's up?

First that i will give to MTA community my suggestion i will introduce a little bit myself, just for to be an educated person.

My name is Amedeo, and i'm from Italy and i'm 22 old. I have a lot of hobbies but one that i best like is computing in general, i love all types of programming languages, although I prefer webdevelopment programming language, like PHP, Javascript, jQuery, CSS.. and more. I have some projects in my portfolio but I do not think the case of show you them for not to do spam. I played something like 5 years to sa-mp, and i taked a look to pawn language, making some good easy scriptfiles like houses sytems, biz, gangzones and more.. but nothing of complicated although i'm appasionate about creating this kind of things.

I recently introduced in MTA community and i think that is better of sa-mp community at members level, but is still soon for to say that so i will just help the community and i hope that my help will be accepted, hoping too that you will help me when i got some doubt.

And now, sorry for boring you, i can explain my suggestion.

As i sayd i'm new in MTA community, and i'm immediatly intrigued about creating an MTA server. To do this was a good experience where i noticed that MTA is more, more and more better then sa-mp to programmatically, it offers you a lot of features that imho left you impressionated and that you can't to do with pawn. I think this is a more directly thing and MTA with the LUA language can really help you to learn something on programming software-side.

Browsing the various resources i have learn to use them, and i have learn something too about how to may to be possible to do the sames resources. Now i have noticed that something really cool has been neglected, and it is the WEB MAP resource.

If i'm not wrong this resource leans to the following programming languages:

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Javascript(i think jQuery too)
  • LUA
  • ajax that allows you of to do communication with the lua (if i'm not wrong) so you can have a dynamic map.
  • and most important OpenLayers library that allows you to create the MAP.

Well, i noticed that in this resource that MTA community gives to us, have something deprecated and i think that it is a old OpenLayers Library that now doesn't works correctly, then i think: " why not rebuild it with a latest OpenLayers Library relase?" If you want i can help you to do it, i'm good to web development and i think that it will be a good idea becouse a lot players but specially at who as me likes to build good projects likes to see a dynamic web map on own web site where the players that play inside the server may to be visibles on the map with their own statistic in real time!!

Another thing that i noticed is that the layers of the map that leans on this resource has expired, who knows something about that knows that i mean this: http://code.opencoding.net/tilecache/tilecache.cgi/1.0.0/sa_aerial_map/0.

I think that isn't a complicate thing and the community can to open a project about this, where who wants can takes part, now I leave to you the decision of considering my suggestion, and i hope that this can to be helpful to the MTA community.

Respect and Enjoy!

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