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[HELP] Switching off dxDrawRactangle.


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The problem with my code is that, I want to switch off the window. The code will explain what I mean.

start = getTickCount()   
addEventHandler("onClientRender", getRootElement(),  
 local now = getTickCount()      
loading = interpolateBetween(0,0,0,532,0,0, (now - start) / (( start + 10000 ) - start ) , "Linear" )  
 local rectangle = dxDrawRectangle(142, 222, loading, 41, tocolor(23, 23, 231, 255), false)   
if loading < 532 then  
  guiSetVisible(rectangle, false) 

I want to disable the dxDrawRectangle but guiSetVisible doesn't works. Whats the fucntion to disable a drawing ?

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onClientRendering is not working ! DirecTx working = onClientRender

givePlayerMoney(1) server side.

guiSetVisible don't dx functions. guiSetVisible Gui Functions !

     -- #Client 
    start = getTickCount()   
    addEventHandler("onClientRender", getRootElement(), 
     local now = getTickCount()     
    loading = interpolateBetween(0,0,0,532,0,0, (now - start) / (( start + 10000 ) - start ) , "Linear" ) 
     dxDrawRectangle(142, 222, loading, 41, tocolor(23, 23, 231, 255), false)              
-- #Server 
givePlayerMoney(player, 1) 

dxDrawRectangleButton Event "onClientClick"

DisableRenderEvent = "removeEventHandler"

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What he was trying to say is that all the gui-related functions only work with GUI elements. For example guiCreateWindow, guiCreateButton and the like.

All of those return a GUI Element. DX drawings are drawings that are rendered each frame and as such does not return any elements.

So this is why you can't use guiSetVisible to hide or show a DX drawing. Instead, you will have to use either addEventHandler or removeEventHandler. Or alternatively, you can simply use an if statement.

Of course, you can write your own library to create custom elements using createElement. Thus, you can achieve the same behavior as you do with CEGUI but instead with DX Drawings. There are already a few of those out there, but I don't think either of them were ever finished.

More so, if you read about dxDrawRectangle on the MTA Wiki, you'd see that it either returns true or false. So basically you would be doing this;

guiSetVisible(true, false) 

When the correct usage would be;

guiSetVisible(guiElement, false) 

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I tried every possible way that you described to me like using removeEventHandler, guiSetVisible(true, false) and

I used the createElement function too and it didn't worked, Here is the code how I used it .

start = getTickCount()   
addEventHandler("onClientRender", getRootElement(),  
 local now = getTickCount()      
with = interpolateBetween(0,0,0,532,0,0, (now - start) / (( start + 10000 ) - start ) , "Linear" )  
theElement = createElement(dxDrawRectangle(142, 222, with, 41, tocolor(23, 23, 231, 255), false)) 
if with < 532 then  
         triggerServerEvent("payMoney", localPlayer) 
        guiSetVisbile(theElement, false)  

Please re-post the code again with the mistakes I did and post it back, so I would understand better.

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I'd suggest you read thoroughly what I said before, you seem to have misunderstood all of it. First of all, dxDrawRectangle returns a boolean - either true or false. If it was drawn successfully it returns true, if not - it returns false.

Secondly, you can't create an element using a boolean. Always read about the function on the wiki, don't just assume it will magically work. Also, I would advice against you trying to create elements as it's a very time consuming task, and it will only do you good if you make an entire library.

Thirdly, I would advice you to structure your code differently. Writing it like that has no benefit and just ends up being harder to read, I'd suggest you read my tutorial.

Fourth, you're using createElement inside onClientRender. Always keep in mind that rendering will be done at anywhere between 30 to 60 times per second(I think 100 FPS is the limit). So at 60 FPS, you would be trying to create a new element every ~16ms.

Fifth, you were checking if the width was greater than 532. You're interpolating it between 0 and 532, thus, it would stop at 532 - and your if statement would never be triggered. Instead, you'd want to use greater than or equal to.

Sixth, personally, this is how I would've written it;

local startTick = getTickCount() 
function DrawProgress() 
    local nowTick = getTickCount() 
    local progressWidth = interpolateBetween(0, 0, 0, 532, 0, 0, (nowTick - startTick) / ((startTick + 10000) - startTick), "Linear") 
    if(progressWidth >= 532) then 
        triggerServerEvent("payMoney", localPlayer) 
        removeEventHandler("onClientRender", root, DrawProgress) -- Progress has reached 1.0, trigger the event, and then remove the render event to stop rendering. 
        dxDrawRectangle(142, 222, progressWidth, 41, tocolor(23, 23, 231, 255), false) 
addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, DrawProgress) 


You beat me to it :lol:

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Yes, This is the code how I did it. and I am sorry about my code layout, I am just used to it :D

start = getTickCount()   
function loading() 
 local now = getTickCount()      
with = interpolateBetween(0,0,0,532,0,0, (now - start) / (( start + 10000 ) - start ) , "Linear" )  
    dxDrawRectangle(142, 222, with, 41, tocolor(23, 23, 231, 255), false) 
if with < 532 then -- if the width is less then 532 then 
         triggerServerEvent("payMoney", localPlayer) -- Keep giving the money to the play  
    else -- Else if the width was bigger then 532 "Which simply means when it becomes full". 
                removeEventHandler("onClientRender", getRootElement(), loading)  -- Then stop the process and close the bar         
addEventHandler("onClientRender", getRootElement(), loading)  

Thanks anyway.

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