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Should do, although I've never tried.

Use a loop to get all the players, add a check to see which players have that specific character ID then add the statement which sets the players velocity in addition to the current velocity using getElementVelocity. You will have to somehow get the local players velocity and that not being in the loop, cause if you have more than 1 player with the matching character ID, the data won't sync to a singular element yet more than 1 persons data would be jumbled up and you'll be running depending on yours and his velocity state.

Hope I could help :)

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It doesn't. When the ped is on the ground it gets limited by the GTA default running/walking speed.

When you overuse setElementVelocity you will get yourself flying.

But setElementVelocity can increase the acceleration speed of a ped t/m the speed limit.

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