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Problem regarding certain objects removal


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I've been dealing with a severe problem for some time, maybe a couple of months or so, and I tried to solve it alone, but now it completely bugs me so I'm asking for your support, with the hope that you might help me out.

Let's take for example the Unity Station area, at Los Santos.


*source: gta.wikia.com / Google Image Search*

Please observe the fencing parallel to the train tracks, those ugly, ghetto-like fences separating the El Corona from the Unity Station. Well, I tried to remove them but it's impossible to do so, since I can't find the.. um, I don't know how to call it, let's say, solid point? So I could select and remove it? And it's not only that area, I have the same problem with most of the fencing.

Does anyone have a solution? I'd be grateful! Waiting for a response!


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