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Problem z serwerem (jestem zielony i nie rozumiem skrypta)

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Witam, zaczolem sie bawic w serwery w mta i mam o to problem z jednym skryptem ktorego pobralem (Ped/Bots) w jego opisie nie pisza zadne komendy na to jak zespawnic bota ale pisze jednak to :

Hi, this is my resource. In this resourcer you can create peds and you can give a weapons to all.

In the primary line of ped server.lua [ped = createPed ( skin, X, Y, Z, R)] you change skin for the character skin do you want to he have. In the X paste coordinate X, in the Y you paste coordinate Y, etc, etc. In the R you set the rotation, he ever appears looking north.

For give weapon you write in say /give [iD Weapon] [Ammo]

The peds doesn`t have IA but in the line 17 to 22 you can create a ped whit animation. Example are there, you change the coordinate [line 18: ped1 = createPed(56, 1, 1, 4) and 19 setPedRotation(ped1, 315)], the animation [line 20: setPedAnimation( ped1, "PAULNMAC", "wank_loop")] and the command whit the ped appears: [addCommandHandler("makeswat", makePed)]

You write /[your appears command here] and the ped appears whit animation.

Sorry for bad English.

Thanks for download.

Czy ktos mi moze wytlumaczyc o co tutaj chodzi i czy da sie jakos zespawnowac te boty?

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