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Streaming WorldObjects lag



has anything changed recently with the way you stream in world objects, maps objects, or engineReplaceModels as it seems I am getting new low fps when i first join my server until I've seen everything on it once. It only happens once per collection of objects, like i drive toward a large cluster of Lod'd objects and for 2-8 seconds my i7-4790 with GTX760 and 5mb dsl 12 miles from my pro server cant handle it... lag city. Then the object, still out of sight, loads once and the issue never repeats. I never had this problem on 1.4 and no other game or program gives me such trouble on this Passmark 5000+ system. Ideas, suggestions?

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it seems to happen in both cases, either with large clusters of stock map editor models like hunter's quarry conveyor belts or with custom object replacement with models from other games like a bush model becomes a piece of land with the unifying factor being that all are set to lod and this never happened before 1.5. when it happens now, knowing what objects i am about to encounter i can feel the clunkyness of it counting those objects, i think it even does it when i encounter a large number of modded cars. in that case i suspect it hasnt loaded say a 30mb car into memory yet, and the game's real time is slowed until the load completes.

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I've not been able to identify any single map that creates this issue only to say it is likely related to lod's objects. You can test for yourself here after completing the download quit MTA. Then on your return drive around los venturas, that is where i experience the most instances of notchy lag typically 2-8 seconds of very low framerate that does not repeat. Join here to see I hope: mtasa:// download takes 13 minutes

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If it were that easy.... I have since noted I can't recreate the problem on a local host server. Which fuels my theory MTA 1.5 has an all new streaming object problem that is only evident on a remote host where during game play the normal healthy fps is lagged by the loading of map objects, that is related to lod that did not exist in 1.4.1 or 1.4. The problem I am describing should be reproducible by an collection of lod'd objects. MTA has either changed something to be more reliant on streaming and this problem exists or they have not, and it does not. You may visit my public server and see for yourself, or ignore the problem and hope it isn't real. Good luck.

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