Best-Killer1 Posted September 3, 2015 Share Posted September 3, 2015 I have turf system but Squads/Clans Can attack the turfs and me i want only gangs can attack please help me how to fix it Link to comment
JR10 Posted September 4, 2015 Share Posted September 4, 2015 You can start by posting your code. Link to comment
Best-Killer1 Posted September 4, 2015 Author Share Posted September 4, 2015 You can start by posting your code. local isRender = false local renderData = nil local removeIfNotText = 0 addEvent ( "NGTurfs:onClientEnterTurfArea", true ) addEventHandler ( "NGTurfs:onClientEnterTurfArea", root, function ( info ) renderData = info if ( not render ) then addEventHandler ( "onClientRender", root, onClientRender ) render = true end end ) addEvent ( "NGTurfs:onClientExitTurfArea", true ) addEventHandler ( "NGTurfs:onClientExitTurfArea", root, function ( ) isRender = false renderData = nil end ) addEvent ( "NGTurfs:upadateClientInfo", true ) addEventHandler ( "NGTurfs:upadateClientInfo", root, function ( data ) renderData = data if ( not render ) then addEventHandler ( "onClientRender", root, onClientRender ) render = true end end ) local _sx, _sy = guiGetScreenSize ( ) local sx, sy = _sx/1280, _sy/720 local attackersProgWidth = 0 local defenderProgWidth = 100 function onClientRender ( ) if ( not render or not renderData ) then render = false renderData = nil return removeEventHandler ( "onClientRender", root, onClientRender ) end local data = renderData if ( not data.attackers ) then if ( removeIfNotText and removeIfNotText > 20 ) then render = false removeIfNotText = 0 return end removeIfNotText = removeIfNotText + 1 return end local mode = "prep" if ( data.prepProg == 0 and data.attackProg > 0 ) then mode = "attack" end if ( mode == "prep" ) then ownerProg = 100 - data.prepProg attackProg = data.prepProg else ownerProg = 100 - data.attackProg attackProg = data.attackProg end local progWidth = 230 dxDrawRectangle ( sx*970, sy*520, sx*280, sy*145, tocolor ( 0, 0, 0, 120 ) ) dxDrawText ( "Turf War Progress", sx*970, sy*520, sx*1250, sy*720, tocolor ( 255, 255, 255, 255 ), (sx/sy)*2, "default-bold", "center" ) dxDrawLine ( sx*980, sy*555, sx*1240, sy*555 ) dxDrawRectangle ( sx*990, sy*570, sx*240, sy*30, tocolor ( 0, 0, 0, 120 ) ) dxDrawRectangle ( sx*995, sy*575, sx*((ownerProg*0.01)*progWidth), sy*20, tocolor ( 0, 255, 0, 255 ) ) dxDrawText ( tostring ( data.owner ).." - "..ownerProg.."%", sx*990, sy*570, sx*1230, sy*600, tocolor ( 255, 255, 255, 255 ), (sx/sy)*1.2, "default-bold", "center", "center" ) dxDrawRectangle ( sx*990, sy*620, sx*240, sy*30, tocolor ( 0, 0, 0, 120 ) ) dxDrawRectangle ( sx*995, sy*625, sx*((attackProg*0.01)*progWidth), sy*20, tocolor ( 255, 0, 0, 255 ) ) dxDrawText ( tostring ( data.attackers ).." - "..attackProg.."%", sx*990, sy*620, sx*1230, sy*650, tocolor ( 255, 255, 255, 255 ), (sx/sy)*1.2, "default-bold", "center", "center" ) end local _setElementData = setElementData function setElementData ( element, group, value ) return _setElementData ( element, group, value, true ) end local turfLocs = { } function createTurf ( x, y, z, width, height, owner, forcedId ) local owner = tostring ( owner or "server" ) local r, g, b = exports.NGGroups:getGroupColor ( owner ) if not r then r = 255 end if not g then g = 255 end if not b then b = 255 end if ( owner == "server" ) then r, g, b = 255, 255, 255 end local rad = createRadarArea ( x, y, width, height, r, g, b, 170, getRootElement ( ) ) local col = createColCuboid ( x, y, z-5, width, height, 35) if ( not forcedId or turfLocs [ id ] ) then id = 0 while ( turfLocs [ id ] ) do id = id + 1 end else id = forcedId end turfLocs[id] = { } turfLocs[id].col = col turfLocs[id].radar = rad turfLocs[id].owner = owner or "server" turfLocs[id].attackers = nil turfLocs[id].attackProg = 0 turfLocs[id].prepProg = 0 setElementData ( turfLocs[id].col, "NGTurf:TurfId", id ) setElementData ( turfLocs[id].col, "NGTurf:TurffingTable", turfLocs [ id ] ) addEventHandler ( "onColShapeHit", turfLocs[id].col, onColShapeHit ) addEventHandler ( "onColShapeLeave", turfLocs[id].col, onColShapeLeave ) return turfLocs[id]; end function updateTurfGroupColor ( group ) local r, g, b = exports.nggroups:getGroupColor ( group ) for i, v in pairs ( turfLocs ) do if ( v.owner == group ) then setRadarAreaColor ( v.radar, r, g, b, 120 ) end end end function onColShapeHit ( player ) if ( player and isElement ( player ) and getElementType ( player ) == "player" and not isPedInVehicle ( player ) ) then local gang = exports.NGGroups:getPlayerGroup ( player ) triggerClientEvent ( player, "NGTurfs:onClientEnterTurfArea", player, turfLocs [ id ] ) if ( not gang ) then return exports.NGMessages:sendClientMessage ( "You're not in a gang, you cannot turf.", player, 255, 255, 0 ) end local id = tonumber ( getElementData ( source, "NGTurf:TurfId" ) ) if ( turfLocs[id].owner == gang ) then return end if ( turfLocs[id].attackers and turfLocs[id].attackers ~= gang ) then return exports.NGMessages:sendClientMessage ( "The "..tostring(turfLocs[id].attackers).." gang is already trying to take this turf. Try again later.", player, 255, 0, 0 ) end if ( not turfLocs[id].attackers ) then exports.NGMessages:sendClientMessage ( "You have started to prepare a turf war. Find cover, call backup, and wait for it to begin.", player, 255, 255, 0 ) local x, y, z = getElementPosition ( source ) exports.NGGroups:outputGroupMessage ( getPlayerName ( player ).." is preparing a turf war with "..tostring(turfLocs[id].owner).." in "..getZoneName(x,y,z)..", "..getZoneName(x,y,z,true).."! Get there to help him, the war will start in 2 minutes!", gang, 255, 255, 0 ) setRadarAreaFlashing ( turfLocs[id].radar, true ) turfLocs[id].attackers = gang turfLocs[id].attackProg = 0 turfLocs[id].prepProg = 0 setElementData ( turfLocs[id].col, "NGTurf:TurffingTable", turfLocs [ id ] ) end end end function onColShapeLeave ( player ) if ( player and getElementType ( player ) == "player" ) then triggerClientEvent ( player, "NGTurfs:onClientExitTurfArea", player, turfLocs [ getElementData ( source, "NGTurf:TurfId" ) ] ) end end setTimer ( function ( ) for id, data in pairs ( turfLocs ) do if ( data.attackers ) then local players = { attackers = { }, owners = { } } local isGangInTurf = false local isOwnerInTurf = false for i, v in pairs ( getElementsWithinColShape ( data.col, "player" ) ) do local g = exports.NGGroups:getPlayerGroup ( v ) if ( g == data.attackers ) then isGangInTurf = true table.insert ( players.attackers, v ) elseif ( g == data.owner ) then isOwnerInTurf = true table.insert ( players.owners, v ) end end local x, y, z = getElementPosition ( data.col ) if ( isOwnerInTurf and isGangInTurf ) then exports.NGGroups:outputGroupMessage ( "The turf war in "..getZoneName ( x,y,z )..", "..getZoneName ( x,y,z, true ).." is paused due to both gangs in the turf", turfLocs[id].attackers, 255, 255, 255 ) exports.NGGroups:outputGroupMessage ( "The turf war in "..getZoneName ( x,y,z )..", "..getZoneName ( x,y,z, false ).." is paused due to both gangs in the turf", turfLocs[id].owner, 255, 255, 255 ) else -- Add Points To Attackers if ( isGangInTurf ) then -- Prep the war if ( turfLocs[id].attackProg == 0 ) then turfLocs[id].prepProg = data.prepProg + 2 if ( turfLocs[id].prepProg >= 100 ) then turfLocs[id].prepProg = 0 turfLocs[id].attackProg = 1 beginTurfWarOnTurf ( id ) end -- Attack War else turfLocs[id].attackProg = turfLocs[id].attackProg + 1 if ( turfLocs[id].attackProg == 100 ) then exports.NGGroups:outputGroupMessage ( "Your gang has captured a turf in "..getZoneName ( x,y,z )..", "..getZoneName ( x,y,z, false ).." from the "..turfLocs[id].owner.." gang! Great job!", turfLocs[id].attackers, 0, 255, 0) exports.NGGroups:outputGroupMessage ( "Your gang lost a turf in "..getZoneName ( x,y,z )..", "..getZoneName ( x,y,z, false ).." to the "..turfLocs[id].attackers.." gang.", turfLocs[id].owner, 255, 0, 0) setTurfOwner ( id, turfLocs[id].attackers ) end end -- Take points from attackers else -- Prepare war if ( turfLocs[id].attackProg == 0 ) then turfLocs[id].prepProg = data.prepProg - 2 if ( turfLocs[id].prepProg <= 0 ) then exports.NGGroups:outputGroupMessage ( "Your gang lost the turf preparation war in "..getZoneName(x,y,z)..", "..getZoneName ( x,y,z, false ).." to the "..turfLocs[id].owner.." gang!", turfLocs[id].attackers, 255, 0, 0 ) exports.NGGroups:outputGroupMessage ( "Your gang has defended the turf in "..getZoneName(x,y,z)..", "..getZoneName(x,y,z,false).."!", turfLocs[id].owner..", from the "..turfLocs[id].attackers.." gang, when it was being preped for a war", 0, 255, 0 ) setTurfOwner ( id, turfLocs[id].owner ) end -- Attacking war else turfLocs[id].attackProg = data.attackProg - 1 if ( turfLocs[id].attackProg <= 0 ) then exports.NGGroups:outputGroupMessage ( "Your gang lost the turf war in "..getZoneName(x,y,z)..", "..getZoneName ( x,y,z, false ).." to the "..turfLocs[id].owner.." gang!", turfLocs[id].attackers, 255, 0, 0 ) exports.NGGroups:outputGroupMessage ( "Your gang has defended the turf in "..getZoneName(x,y,z)..", "..getZoneName(x,y,z,false).." from the "..turfLocs[id].attackers.." gang", turfLocs[id].owner, 0, 255, 0 ) setTurfOwner ( id, turfLocs[id].owner ) end end end end for i, v in pairs ( players ) do for k, p in pairs ( v ) do triggerClientEvent ( p, "NGTurfs:upadateClientInfo", p, turfLocs [ id ] ) end end end end end, 800, 0 ) addEvent ( "NGTurfs:onTurfProgressChange", true ) --[[ addCommandHandler ( "attackprog", function ( p ) local gangAttacks = { } local g = exports.NGGroups:getPlayerGroup ( p ) if ( not g ) then return exports.NGMessages:sendclientMessage ( "You're not in a gang", p, 255, 255, 0) end for i, v in pairs ( turfLocs ) do if ( v.attackers and v.attackers == g ) then gangAttacks [ i ] = true end end if ( table.len ( gangAttacks ) == 0 ) then return exports.NGMessages:sendClientMessage ( "Your gang isn't involved in any gang wars right now.", p, 255, 255, 0 ) end for id, _ in pairs ( gangAttacks ) do local x ,y, z = getElementPosition ( turfLocs[id].col ) outputChatBox ( "----Turf War Status---", p, 255, 255, 255, false ) outputChatBox ( "Current owner: "..turfLocs[id].owner, p, 255, 255, 255, false ) outputChatBox ( "Attacker: "..turfLocs[id].attackers, p, 255, 255, 255, false ) outputChatBox ( "Prep Progress: "..turfLocs[id].prepProg.."%", p, 255, 255, 255, false ) outputChatBox ( "Attack Progress: "..turfLocs[id].attackProg.."%", p, 255, 255, 255, false ) outputChatBox ( "Turf Location: "..getZoneName ( x, y, z )..", "..getZoneName ( x, y, z, true ), p, 255, 255, 255, false ) outputChatBox ( "Turf Server-ID: ", p, 255, 255, 255, false ) end end )]] function table.len ( tb ) local c = 0 for i, v in pairs ( tb ) do c = c + 1 end return c end function beginTurfWarOnTurf ( id ) local d = turfLocs [ id ] local x, y, z = getElementPosition ( d.col ) exports.NGGroups:outputGroupMessage ( "Your gang has begun a turf war in "..getZoneName ( x, y, z)..", "..getZoneName ( x, y, z, true ).." against the "..d.owner.." gang! Get there an help!", d.attackers, 255, 255, 0 ) exports.NGGroups:outputGroupMessage ( "One of your turfs in "..getZoneName ( x, y, z)..", "..getZoneName ( x, y, z, true ).." is being attacked by the "..d.attackers.." gang!", d.owners, 255, 0, 0 ) setRadarAreaColor ( d.radar, 255, 255, 255, 170 ) end function setTurfOwner ( id, owner ) setRadarAreaFlashing ( turfLocs[id].radar, false ) turfLocs[id].owner = owner turfLocs[id].attackers = nil turfLocs[id].attackProg = 0 local r, g, b = exports.NGGroups:getGroupColor ( owner ) setRadarAreaColor ( turfLocs[id].radar, r, g, b, 120 ) saveTurfs ( ) end function getTurfs ( ) return turfLocs end function saveTurfs ( ) for id, data in pairs ( turfLocs ) do exports.NGSQL:db_exec ( "UPDATE turfs SET owner=? WHERE id=?", data.owner, id ) end return true end addEventHandler( "onResourceStart", resourceRoot, function ( ) exports.NGSQL:db_exec ( "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS turfs ( id INT, owner VARCHAR(50), x FLOAT, y FLOAT, z FLOAT, width INT, height INT )" ) local query = exports.NGSQL:db_query ( "SELECT * FROM turfs" ) if ( #query == 0 ) then local data = { { -1867.8, -107.43, 15.1, 58, 65 }, { -1866.5, -26.36, 15.29, 49, 200 }, { -1811.33, 743.43, 20, 85, 85 }, { -1991.5, 862.62, 34, 79, 42 }, { -2799.25, -200.6, 7.19, 83, 120 }, { -2136.84, 120.12, 30, 120, 190 }, { -2516.52, 718.16, 27.97, 118, 80 }, { -2516.41, 578.19, 16.62, 117, 120 }, { -2596.49, 818.05, 49.98, 59, 80 }, { -2453.17, 947.58, 45.43, 54, 80 }, { -2740.6, 344.59, 4.41, 68, 61 }, { -2696.24, 227.35, 4.33, 39.5, 50.5 }, { -2397.31, 82.99, 35.3, 133, 160 }, { -2095.33, -280.06, 35.32, 84, 176 }, { -1980.58, 107.69, 27.68, 59, 62 }, { -2129.01, 741.71, 48, 112, 57 }, { -2243.24, 928.4, 66.65, 87, 154 }, { -1701.62, 743.44, 10, 129, 83 }, { -2696.23, -59.88, 4.73, 83, 89 }, { -2541.18, -720.16, 135, 55, 125 } } outputDebugString ( "NGTurf: 0 Turfs found -- Generating ".. tostring ( #data ) ) for i, v in pairs ( data ) do x = { ['x'] = v[1], ['y'] = v[2], ['z'] = v[3], ['width'] = v[4], ['height'] = v[5], ['owner'] = "server" } query = x; exports.NGSQL:db_exec ( "INSERT INTO turfs ( id, owner, x, y, z, width, height ) VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? )", tostring ( i ), "server", tostring ( x['x'] ), tostring ( x['y'] ), tostring ( x['z'] ), tostring ( x['width'] ), x['height'] ); end end for i, v in pairs ( query ) do local id, owner, x, y, z, width, height = tonumber ( v['id'] ), v['owner'], tonumber ( v['x'] ), tonumber ( v['y'] ), tonumber ( v['z'] ), tonumber ( v['width'] ), tonumber ( v['height'] ) createTurf ( x, y, z, width, height, owner, id ) end end ) -- Group payout timer function sendTurfPayout ( ) local groupTurfs = { } for i, v in pairs ( turfLocs ) do if ( not groupTurfs [ v.owner ] ) then groupTurfs [ v.owner ] = 0 end if ( not v.attackers ) then groupTurfs [ v.owner ] = groupTurfs [ v.owner ] + 1 end end for i, v in pairs ( getElementsByType ( 'player' ) ) do local g = exports.NGGroups:getPlayerGroup ( v ) if ( g and groupTurfs [ g ] and groupTurfs [ g ] > 0 ) then local c = groupTurfs [ g ] * tonumber ( get ( "*PAYOUT_CASH" ) ) givePlayerMoney ( v, c ) exports.NGMessages:sendClientMessage ( "Turfing: Here is $"..tostring©.." for having "..tostring ( groupTurfs [ g ] ).." turfs ($700/turf)", v, 0, 255, 0 ) end end end setTimer ( sendTurfPayout, (60*tonumber(get("*PAYOUT_TIME")))*1000, 0 ) Help Me Please Link to comment
Best-Killer1 Posted September 4, 2015 Author Share Posted September 4, 2015 Any Help Please ?? Link to comment
Cruze Posted September 4, 2015 Share Posted September 4, 2015 I smell stolen scripts... Link to comment
kikos500 Posted September 4, 2015 Share Posted September 4, 2015 I smell stolen scripts... Same! That guy doesn't know anything about scripting and he got such a resource I wonder how Link to comment
HUNGRY:3 Posted September 4, 2015 Share Posted September 4, 2015 I smell stolen scripts... Nope it's an open source look viewtopic.php?f=108&t=82870 #REKT Link to comment
Best-Killer1 Posted September 4, 2015 Author Share Posted September 4, 2015 any help ? Link to comment
Cruze Posted September 5, 2015 Share Posted September 5, 2015 I smell stolen scripts... Nope it's an open source look viewtopic.php?f=108&t=82870 #REKT Rekt? Lmao I see how low leveled you're buddy, I never knew it's open source. And just ask the author who made this system or report this bug in the official topic of this open-source gamemode. Link to comment
Best-Killer1 Posted September 6, 2015 Author Share Posted September 6, 2015 Any help ?? -.- Link to comment
nasserdfdd Posted September 6, 2015 Share Posted September 6, 2015 go to NGsql and make it SQLite not MySQL and restart both of them then u are done Link to comment
Best-Killer1 Posted September 6, 2015 Author Share Posted September 6, 2015 go to NGsql and make it SQLite not MySQL and restart both of them then u are done pfff thanx for try for help me but it's not work Link to comment
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