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Hello, I'm making a script that creates a blip per every ped at a maximum range of 50 units, so I use a table to get all the peds and exclude the ones which don't accomplish the distance that I ask for. So I made this along with onClientRender.

for i,peds in ipairs (getElementsByType("ped")) do 
local x,y,z = getElementPosition(peds) 
local wx,wy,wz = getElementPosition (localPlayer) 
if getDistanceBetweenPoints3D (wx,wy,wz,x,y,z)<50 then 
bl = createBlipAttachedTo (peds,0,1) 

Obviously this is the worst way to do it since onClientRender will create a blip per frame no matter if the ped has a blip attached to it or not.

Also, if I define the blip with a name, when I destroy it, all of em get destroyed, I'm still not familiarized with tables and all those things, also I want to do this with players, but since I don't even have someone to test with, I'm doing it with peds. What can I do?

PD: Please, don't give me examples of setBlipVisibleDistance because I don't want players to see the attached blips around the F11 map.

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How about onClientElementStreamIn? It might not be the same distance you want, I'm honestly not sure but it might work for you.

Thank you for trying to help me, but I solved it another way:

local x,y,z = getElementPosition(localPlayer) 
el = createColSphere (x,y,z,100) 
attachElements (el,localPlayer) 
addEventHandler ("onClientElementColShapeHit",getRootElement(),function(shape) 
if shape==el then 
if getElementType (source)=="player" then 
blep = createBlipAttachedTo (source,1,1) 
addEventHandler ("onClientRender",getRootElement(),function() 
for i,blips in ipairs (getElementsByType("blip"))do 
local ix,iy,iz = getElementPosition (blips) 
local xe,ye,ze = getElementPosition(localPlayer) 
local dist= getDistanceBetweenPoints3D (xe,ye,ze,ix,iy,iz) 
if dist>100 then 
if getElementData (blips,"distblip") then 
destroyElement (blips) 

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