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Need your help please.


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Hello guys, I'm new here so I don't know where to create this topic, I'm sorry if it's the wrong place, but I have some really bad problems on my DayZ Server and I need your help.

So, as I told you, i'm new here, new in scripting, new in creating server, so I don't know how to solve this two problems.

The first one is:

1.I can't find, give myself one(not even to someone else), buy or..you got it, I create a video to explain myself better, hope you can help me with this. (Cars needs Tank Part to start so it's impossible)


Ok, now the other one is really, really bad.

If I die by knife or suicide with /kill command, I have to wait way too much, maybe Infinitely



Ok..and the last one, I don't really know but I can't find zombies on the map, they don't spawn and exist at all

I think the problem come from the script zombie.luac, this is what appear in the server console:


So, these are my problems guys, I really hope you will help me, I don't have scripters friends and nobody can help me, this is the only place I can look for some help so, thank you in advance.

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Ok man, I changed the version, and I really appreciate your support, but I don't really like the new version, I prefer to stay on the 0.7, for me it's more easy and more cool.

And if you can just tell me what to do to solve these bugs, you will be the best, I changed the version and all things were different, like scoreboard, inventory, zombies.

If you can, just tell me what to do. Thank you again.

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  XeoN- said:
That is a very outdated version of DayZ , that's why i've recommended you to use the newest one which is being updated often and is without bugs. Also, in that version of DayZ most the files are complied and not-editable.

Yes man, I understand what you say, but that version 0.9.5 it's too complicated for me, with a lot of sounds I can't delete, that gear(inventory) it's kinda hard to use and ugly and I prefer the basic one, which is more simple, the scoreboard is also ugly and I prefer that one from 0.7

There was a cool server i used to play with my friends on it, until the day it was destroyed by the owner, it don't exist no more and I want to make a server to look like it, with Game-Point instead of money GP, warroom, a lot of gunshops and things, this was the server:




I wanna make a server too look like this, it's simple, easy to play, and fun.

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  Dealman said:
Is the version of DayZ that you have a public release? If so, it would be useful if you could provide us with the function that controls player death and respawn.

Look in the server-side scripts and search for this function;


Alternatively any of the death events;

onClientPlayerWasted (Client-side)

onPlayerWasted (Server-side)

I use this version of DayZ, I found it on this forum:


this is editor_client side:

----*            DayZ MTA Script editor_client.lua          *---- 
----* This Script is owned by Marwin, you are allowed to edit it. 
----* Owner: Marwin W., Germany, Lower Saxony, Otterndorf 
----* Skype: xxmavxx96 
----*                                                       *---- 
shownText = {} 
    shownText["name"] = "Name" 
    shownText["murders"] = "Murders" 
    shownText["zombieskilled"] = "Zombies killed:" 
    shownText["alivetime"] = "Alivetime" 
    shownText["headshots"] =  "Headshots" 
    shownText["blood"] =  "Blood" 
    shownText["temperature"] =  "Temperature" 
    shownText["humanity"] =  "Humanity" 
    shownText["banditskilled"] =  "Bandits killed:" 
    shownText["players"] =  "Players:" 
gameplayVariables = {} 
gameplayVariables["ping"] = 600 -- Checks if ping is over the set amount. DEFAULT: 600 
gameplayVariables["playerdamage"] = math.random(200, 500) -- Damage done by players - DEFAULT: math.random(200, 500), for consistent damage, remove math.random(200,500) and insert value (EXAMPLE: 1000) 
gameplayVariables["zombiedamage"] = math.random(400, 900) -- Damage done by zombies - DEFAULT: math.random(400, 900), for consistent damage, remove math.random(400,900) and insert value (EXAMPLE: 1000) 
damageTable = { 
    {"CZ 550",10000}, 
    {"Winchester 1866",4500}, 
    {"SPAZ-12 Combat Shotgun",3000}, 
    {"Lee Enfield",8000}, 
    {"Hunting Knife",2000}, 
    {"M9 SD",1200}, 
    {"Sawn-Off Shotgun",3000}, 
    {"Desert Eagle",1800}, 
    {"Baseball Bat",1000}, 
    {"Golf Club",953} 

And this is the editor_server:

----*            DayZ MTA Script editor_server.lua              *----
----* This Script is owned by Marwin, you are allowed to edit it.
----* Owner: Marwin W., Germany, Lower Saxony, Otterndorf
----* Skype: xxmavxx96
----*                                                           *----
shownInfos = {}
    shownInfos["nomag"] = "No mags!"
    shownInfos["youconsumed"] = "You comsumed"
    shownInfos["needwatersource"] = "You must be in wather!"
    shownInfos["filledup"] = "You filled up a Wather Bottle!"
    shownInfos["noradio"] = "You need an Radio Device!"
gameplayVariables = {}
    setGameType("Dayz: RO/ENG Version") -- Set game type - DEFAULT: "MTA:DayZ"
    setMapName("Dayz") -- Set map name - DEFAULT: "MTA:DayZ-Apocalipse"
    gameplayVariables["zombieblood"] = 4000 -- Zombie Blood/Health - DEFAULT: 8500
    gameplayVariables["foodrestore"] = math.random(40, 100) -- Amount of hunger to be restored when eating - DEFAULT: math.random(40,100) - FOR FULL RESTORE, JUST WRITE 100
    gameplayVariables["thirstrestore"] = math.random(40, 100) -- Amount of hunger to be restored when drinking - DEFAULT: math.random(40,100) - FOR FULL RESTORE, JUST WRITE 100
    gameplayVariables["loseHunger"] = -1.5 -- Amount of losing hunger per minute - DEFAULT: -1.5
    gameplayVariables["loseThirst"] = -1.5 -- Amount of losing thirst per minute - DEFAULT: -1.5
    gameplayVariables["playerzombies"] = 20 -- Amount of spawning zombies per player - DEFAULT: 6 - THE HIGHER THIS VALUE, THE MORE LAG CAN OCCUR!
    gameplayVariables["amountzombies"] = 3 -- Amount of zombies - DEFAULT: 3 - THE HIGHER THIS VALUE, THE MORE LAG CAN OCCUR!
    gameplayVariables["temperaturewater"] = -0.01 -- Amount of temperature to be lost when in water - DEFAULT: -0.01
    gameplayVariables["temperaturesprint"] = 0.005 -- Amount of temperature to be gained when sprinting - DEFAULT: 0.005
    gameplayVariables["sprintthirst"] = -0.2 -- Amount of losing thirst when sprinting - DEFAULT: -0.2
    gameplayVariables["itemrespawntimer"] = 3600000 -- Number of milliseconds that should elapse before the items will respawn. Note: You can also just do 14400000/2 to make it the half from the current (division).
    minuteduration = 10000 -- Amount of milisecounds to be in one minute - DEFAULT: 8000 - Set to 60000 for real life time.
    kickonrefresh = false -- Whether or not kick players at loot refresh should be enabled. - DEFAULT: true - Set to false to disable.
    backupTimer = 30*60000 -- Number of milliseconds that should elapse before backup. Minimum: 50. - 1000 milliseconds = 1 second. - DEFAULT: 30*60000 (= 30 minutes)
    startHour, startMinute = 23, 30 -- The time to corespound with in game time - DEFAULT: 23, 30 - Set to 00, 00 for night midle or 12, 00 for day midle.
    --<!> Edit here only if you seted connectyonType as "MySQL" else don't edit.<!>
    connectionType = "SQLite" -- The type of connection that you have ( "MySQL" / "SQLite" ) - DEFAULT: "SQLite"
    db = "" -- Your database name
    host = "" -- Your hostname / IP
    user = "" -- Username for database
    pass = "" -- Password for database
    port = 1234 -- This is an port exemple CHANGE IT
    --<!> Edit here only if you seted connectyonType as "MySQL" else don't edit.<!>
gameplayVariables["hunterspawns"] =
gameplayVariables["patriotspawns"] =
gameplayVariables["pickupspawns"] =
gameplayVariables["sanchezspawns"] =
gameplayVariables["barracksspawns"] =
gameplayVariables["coachspawns"] =
gameplayVariables["fisherboatspawns"] =
gameplayVariables["bikespawns"] =
gameplayVariables["maverickspawns"] =
gameplayVariables["tentsspawns"] =
gameplayVariables["helicrashsides"] =
pickupPositions = {
["industrial"] = {
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  Dealman said:
Neither of those are any helpful. Are the other scripts compiled?

I don't know man, it's too complicated for me, if you want to help me more please let me know so i'll send you a PM with my skype, or you cand PM me your skype so i'll add you and you can enter in my pc with teamviewer to see what's wrong with it.

Thank you for involved

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  Dealman said:
Sorry, I don't use Skype. I downloaded the resource and took a look, the scripts are indeed compiled.

You'll have to contact the original author for further assistance. :)

So...can you tell me what do I have to do to create a DayZ server, simple as it's possible, I have all the resources I need for radar, GP and things, I just need a version without bugs and simple, oh, a tent save system will be great, because they dissapear when I restart the server

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  Woords said:
  Dealman said:
Sorry, I don't use Skype. I downloaded the resource and took a look, the scripts are indeed compiled.

You'll have to contact the original author for further assistance. :)

So...can you tell me what do I have to do to create a DayZ server, simple as it's possible, I have all the resources I need for radar, GP and things, I just need a version without bugs and simple, oh, a tent save system will be great, because they dissapear when I restart the server

There's too much to tell. If you want to make it on your own, you'll want to start with the basic tutorials on the MTA Wiki. Be prepared to invest some time though, it's not something you learn in a matter of hours.

You'd probably be best off to contact the original author and ask him for advice, since the scripts are compiled I can't check them to see what's wrong.

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  Dealman said:
  Woords said:
  Dealman said:
Sorry, I don't use Skype. I downloaded the resource and took a look, the scripts are indeed compiled.

You'll have to contact the original author for further assistance. :)

So...can you tell me what do I have to do to create a DayZ server, simple as it's possible, I have all the resources I need for radar, GP and things, I just need a version without bugs and simple, oh, a tent save system will be great, because they dissapear when I restart the server

There's too much to tell. If you want to make it on your own, you'll want to start with the basic tutorials on the MTA Wiki. Be prepared to invest some time though, it's not something you learn in a matter of hours.

You'd probably be best off to contact the original author and ask him for advice, since the scripts are compiled I can't check them to see what's wrong.

Oh, i tried a couple of times to learn how to script...but I think this job is not for me, a lot of codes things and stuff, too hard and I don't have enough time for that, i just need a simple version who runs without problems and no bugs and i'll put another simple resources that I found easy on google, anyway, thank you sir for trying to help me. I think i'm gonna retireing from this job, even if I don't want, but..without any help, I can't really do something.

Bye..and thank you all again.

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