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My script is not working pls help! DEBUGSCRIPT 3: WARNING: moneyS.lua: Bad argumentum @ "givePkayerMoney' [Expected element at argumentum 1,got nil]

function rewardTimer() 
setTimer ( rewardOnRun, 10000, 1 ) 
givePlayerMoney ( source, 3000 ) 
addEventHandler ( "onPlayerSpawn", getRootElement(), rewardTimer ) 
function rewardOnRun() 
givePlayerMoney ( source, 3000 ) 
setTimer ( rewardTimer, 10000, 1 ) 

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Try this:

function rewardTimer(player) 
local player = source or player 
setTimer ( rewardOnRun, 10000, 1,player ) 
givePlayerMoney ( player, 3000 ) 
addEventHandler ( "onPlayerSpawn", getRootElement(), rewardTimer ) 
function rewardOnRun(player) 
givePlayerMoney ( player, 3000 ) 
setTimer ( rewardTimer, 10000, 1,player ) 

You did not give any argument to the rewardOnRun() function.

This would make it work, although i am not sure what you are trying to do with the code.

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one more question. I want to kill the timer if the player die but its not working:/

function rewardTimer(player) 
local player = source or player 
local Timer = setTimer ( rewardOnRun, 100, 1,player ) 
givePlayerMoney ( player, 1 ) 
addEventHandler ( "onPlayerSpawn", getRootElement(), rewardTimer ) 
function rewardOnRun(player) 
givePlayerMoney ( player, 1 ) 
setTimer ( rewardTimer, 100, 1,player ) 
function stopTimer() 
if isTimer ( Timer ) then killTimer ( Timer )  
addEventHandler ( "onPlayerWasted", getRootElement(), stopTimer ) 

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This is also working thx! But i have a last last last question xD i want to make that the timer will only start if the player has skin 201. I made it but its not working:/ What shuld be the problem?

function rewardTimer(player) 
if getElementModel(source) == 201 then 
local player = source or player 
Timer = setTimer ( rewardOnRun, 100, 1,player ) 
givePlayerMoney ( player, 1 ) 
addEventHandler ( "onPlayerSpawn", getRootElement(), rewardTimer ) 

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This is also working thx! But i have a last last last question xD i want to make that the timer will only start if the player has skin 201. I made it but its not working:/ What shuld be the problem?

Code 1:

function rewardTimer() 
    local skinId = getElementModel(source) 
    if not skinId == 201 then return end  
    Timer = setTimer ( rewardOnRun, 100, 1,source ) 
    givePlayerMoney (source, 1000 ) 
addEventHandler ( "onPlayerSpawn", getRootElement(), rewardTimer ) 


function rewardTimer (_,_,_,_,_,skin) 
    if not tonumber(skin) == 201 then return end  
    Timer = setTimer ( rewardOnRun, 100, 1,source ) 
    givePlayerMoney (source, 1000 ) 
addEventHandler ( "onPlayerSpawn", getRootElement(),rewardTimer) 

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if i use this code then the timer is not working:/ so i edited the script like this: but then the timer was starting on all skins again:/

function rewardTimer(player) 
local skinId = getElementModel(source) 
if not skinId == 201 then return end 
local player = source or player 
Timer = setTimer ( rewardOnRun, 100, 1,player ) 
givePlayerMoney ( player, 1 ) 
addEventHandler ( "onPlayerSpawn", getRootElement(), rewardTimer ) 
function rewardOnRun(player) 
givePlayerMoney ( player, 1 ) 
setTimer ( rewardTimer, 100, 1,player ) 
function stopTimer() 
if isTimer ( Timer ) then killTimer ( Timer ) 
addEventHandler ( "onPlayerWasted", getRootElement(), stopTimer ) 

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  • 1 month later...

one more quesiton. Why is it not giving me the money? The script starts that function with a timer

function captureAreaA1(commandName, player) 
local player = source or player 
UA1 = createRadarArea (  -2731.27, -2592, 250, 380, 255, 255, 31, alpha ) 
givePlayerMoney ( player, 1000 ) 
if isElement(markerG1) then 
destroyElement ( GA1 ) 

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one more quesiton. Why is it not giving me the money? The script starts that function with a timer
function captureAreaA1(commandName, player) 
local player = source or player 
UA1 = createRadarArea (  -2731.27, -2592, 250, 380, 255, 255, 31, alpha ) 
givePlayerMoney ( player, 1000 ) 
if isElement(markerG1) then 
destroyElement ( GA1 ) 

if it's client side

wiki: Note: Using this function client side (not recommended) will not change a players money server side.

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