Tesco Posted August 28, 2015 Share Posted August 28, 2015 Hello, i want to limit create account, i need only peoples can make a 3 characters, not a 10000 or more script: local mysql = exports.mysql function newCharacter_create(characterName, characterDescription, race, gender, skin, height, weight, age, languageselected, month, day, location) if not (checkValidCharacterName(characterName)) then triggerClientEvent(client, "accounts:characters:new", client, 1, 1) -- State 1:1: error validating data return end if not (race > -1 and race < 3) then triggerClientEvent(client, "accounts:characters:new", client, 1, 2) -- State 1:2: error validating data return end if not (gender == 0 or gender == 1) then triggerClientEvent(client, "accounts:characters:new", client, 1, 3) -- State 1:3: error validating data return end if not skin then triggerClientEvent(client, "accounts:characters:new", client, 1, 4) -- State 1:4: error validating data return end if not (height < 201 and height > 149) then triggerClientEvent(client, "accounts:characters:new", client, 1, 5) -- State 1:5: error validating data return end if not (weight < 200 and weight > 49) then triggerClientEvent(client, "accounts:characters:new", client, 1, 6) -- State 1:6: error validating data return end if not (age > 15 and age < 101) then triggerClientEvent(client, "accounts:characters:new", client, 1, 7) -- State 1:7: error validating data return end if not tonumber(languageselected) then triggerClientEvent(client, "accounts:characters:new", client, 1, -- s8) --> -- State 1:8: error validating data return end characterName = string.gsub(tostring(characterName), " ", "_") --[[if #characterDescription < 50 or #characterDescription > 128 then triggerClientEvent(client, "accounts:characters:new", client, 1, 9) -- State 1:9: error validating data return end characterDescription = mysql:escape_string(characterDescription)]] local mQuery1 = mysql:query("SELECT charactername FROM characters WHERE charactername='" .. mysql:escape_string(characterName) .. "'") if (mysql:num_rows(mQuery1)>0) then mysql:free_result(mQuery1) triggerClientEvent(client, "accounts:characters:new", client, 2, 1) -- State 2:1: Name already in use return end mysql:free_result(mQuery1) local accountID = getElementData(client, "account:id") local accountUsername = getElementData(client, "account:username") local fingerprint = md5(mysql:escape_string(characterName) .. accountID .. race .. gender .. age) if month == "Janvāris" then month = 1 end local walkingstyle = 128 if gender == 1 then walkingstyle = 129 end local id = mysql:query_insert_free("INSERT INTO `characters` SET `charactername`='" .. mysql:escape_string(characterName).. "', `x`='"..location[1].."', `y`='"..location[2].."', `z`='"..location[3].."', `rotation`='"..location[4].."', `interior_id`='"..location[5].."', `dimension_id`='"..location[6].."', `lastarea`='"..exports.global:toSQL(location[7]).."', `gender`='" .. mysql:escape_string(gender) .. "', `skincolor`='" .. mysql:escape_string(race) .. "', `weight`='" .. mysql:escape_string(weight) .. "', `height`='" .. mysql:escape_string(height) .. "', `description`='', `account`='" .. mysql:escape_string(accountID) .. "', `skin`='" .. mysql:escape_string(skin) .. "', `age`='" .. mysql:escape_string(age) .. "', `fingerprint`='" .. mysql:escape_string(fingerprint) .. "', `lang1`='" .. mysql:escape_string(languageselected) .. "', `lang1skill`='100', `currLang`='1' , `month`='" .. mysql:escape_string(month or "1") .. "', `day`='" .. mysql:escape_string(day or "1").."', `walkingstyle`='" .. mysql:escape_string(walkingstyle).."' " ) if (id) then -- exports.logs:dbLog("ac"..tostring(accountID), 27, { "ac"..tostring(accountID), "ch" .. id } , "Created" ) exports.anticheat:changeProtectedElementDataEx(client, "dbid", id, false) exports.global:giveItem( client, 16, skin ) exports.global:giveItem( client, 17, 1 ) -- ID CARD exports.global:giveItem( client, 152, characterName..";"..(gender==0 and "Vīrietis" or "Sieviete")..";"..exports.global:numberToMonth(month or 1).." "..exports.global:formatDate(day or 1)..", "..exports.global:getBirthYearFromAge(age)..";"..fingerprint) -- Briefcase if exports.global:giveItem( client, 160, 1 ) then triggerEvent("artifacts:toggle", client, client, "briefcase") end --Make a new phone and give it to player local attempts = 0 local itemValue = 1 while true do -- generate a larger phone number if we're totally out of numbers and/or too lazy to perform more than 20+ checks. attempts = attempts + 1 itemValue = math.random(311111, attempts < 20 and 899999 or 8999999) local mysqlQ = mysql:query("SELECT `phonenumber` FROM `phones` WHERE `phonenumber` = '" .. itemValue .. "'") if mysql:num_rows(mysqlQ) == 0 then mysql:free_result(mysqlQ) break end mysql:free_result(mysqlQ) end exports.global:giveItem( client, 2, itemValue ) exports.anticheat:changeProtectedElementDataEx(client, "dbid") triggerClientEvent(client, "accounts:characters:new", client, 3, tonumber(id)) -- State 3:: Spic win! else triggerClientEvent(client, "accounts:characters:new", client, 2, 2) -- State 2:2: Failed to update database end end addEventHandler("accounts:characters:new", getRootElement(), newCharacter_create) Link to comment
xeon17 Posted August 28, 2015 Share Posted August 28, 2015 We don't give support with leaked scripts, which in your case are stolen from Valhalla roleplay. Link to comment
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