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SQL help: Select multiple rows on each db execute

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So i have this huge database, i want a dbExec command to select the first 5 rows on each time its called, 5 different rows of course, I've tried Limit, Count, not sure if MTA SQL has Row_number, but anyway, any ideas?


First call :

row 1

row 2

row 3

row 4

row 5

Second Call:

row 6

row 7

row 8

row 9

row 10

and so on

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For the first 5, append: "LIMIT 0, 5"

For the second 5, append: "LIMIT 5, 5"

The first one is the start at index, 0 is the first row, 5 is the 6th row. The second one is the number of rows to get.

Worked like charm!. However, if i wanted to iterate this, should i just increment both of numbers? Limit i+=5 , j+=5 ?

EDIT: Figured it out, thanks, motshakkren ya '3ali

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