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Destroy objects


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I have this code in client-side

addEvent("getGroundPosition", true) 
function getGround(x, y, z) 
    local z2 = getGroundPosition(x,y,z) 
    local o = createObject(356, x, y, z2) 
addEventHandler("getGroundPosition", getRootElement(), getGround) 

And this code for server-side

addCommandHandler("bot", botTest) 
addEvent("getGroundPosition", true) 
function botDead(attacker, weapon, bodypart) 
    local x, y, z = getElementPosition(source) 
    triggerClientEvent("getGroundPosition", attacker, x, y, z) 

I bind on key F remove all objects with ID 356 (in server-side)

function getItems(player) 
    local x, y, z = getElementPosition(player) 
    outputChatBox("try_one", player) 
    for _,p in ipairs(getElementsByType('object')) do 
        outputChatBox("try_two_one", player) 
        if isElementInRange(p, x, y, z, 50) then 
            outputChatBox("try_two", player) 
            if(getElementModel(p) == 356) then 
                outputChatBox("try_three", player) 

This only works if you create an object on the server side, but then I can not use getGroundPosition. However, if the object creation will be on the client side, this code does not work

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Can you post your full code, I fail to understand what you're trying to do with mis-leading triggers/functions and events.

Edit: I wanted to help you out and I wasn't much aware of this function neither your code, so I edited a few things to try and get it to work, and here's what I concluded:

--Client Side: 
addEvent("getGroundPosition", true) 
function getGround(x, y, z) 
    local z2 = getGroundPosition(x,y,z) 
    triggerServerEvent("sendDataToServer", localPlayer, z2) 
addEventHandler("getGroundPosition", getRootElement(), getGround) 

--Server Side: 
function botTest(plr) 
    x, y, z = getElementPosition(plr) 
    ped = createPed(217, x, y, z) 
    addEventHandler("onPedWasted", ped, botDead) 
addCommandHandler("bot", botTest) 
function botDead(bleh, killer, weapon, bodypart) 
    local x, y, z = getElementPosition(source) 
    triggerClientEvent("getGroundPosition", killer, x, y, z) 
function sendDataToServer(data) 
    o = createObject(356, x, y, data) 
addEvent("sendDataToServer", true) 
addEventHandler("sendDataToServer", root, sendDataToServer) 
function getItems(player) 
    local x, y, z = getElementPosition(player) 
    outputChatBox("try_one", player) 
    for _, p in ipairs(getElementsByType("object")) do 
        outputChatBox("try_two_one", root) 
        if (isElement(p)) then 
            if isElementInRange(p, x, y, z, 50) then 
                outputChatBox("try_two", player) 
                if(getElementModel(p) == 356) then 
                    outputChatBox("try_three", player) 
addCommandHandler("hey", getItems) 
function isElementInRange(ele, x, y, z, range) 
   if isElement(ele) and type(x) == "number" and type(y) == "number" and type(z) == "number" and type(range) == "number" then 
      return getDistanceBetweenPoints3D(x, y, z, getElementPosition(ele)) <= range -- returns true if it the range of the element to the main point is smaller than (or as big as) the maximum range. 
   return false 

I added the debug notations, which you can remove, I added a few command handlers to call the codes, and that function "isElementWithinRange", wasn't working, so I added MTA's provided code for it and added it into the script itself. You must use /debugscript 3 to check for errors, and you must know triggering events can transfer data, numeric or string. What I did was triggered the client event to go and fetch the data, then trigger the server event with the data and triggered creating the object in the server side.

Your code can be optimised much more with tables too, and you could have made things easier. But here's the outcome to your issue. Hope I helped. Also change those variables to local variables, just made it like that cause I was trying to figure out the issue.

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Note that the object must be near the player in order to use getGroundPosition otherwise it returns false.


It is required that the point is near enough to the local player so that it's within the area where collision data is loaded. If this is not the case, an incorrect position will be returned.
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