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PAID REQ|MTA DayZ - Enter-able Houses(VIP Bases/Admin Bases)


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Hello, I am now a proud Owner of an MTA DayZ Server called Millennium Gaming, I played a server called F2B in the past and it has this door system, VIP's/Admins could make their own houses and give out temp/permanent keys to their friends also there where doors that was enter-able to go up ladders, go down ladders, go inside buildings (LSPD/SFPD/LVMPD and many more). I was wondering if any of you have got this script or willing to make me this, if so please reply back, I'm a newbie at LUA so it would be hard for me to understand where to place things, I know how to add resources into the server at least, haha.

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Hey. I didn`t get from the context whether you are willing to pay for it or not. Just to let you know ( in case you didn`t ), scripters aren`t making resources on request as far as I know. If they do, it's rather a small one, < 100 lines. If you really want to have an own, unique resource like this on your server you want to either learn LUA or pay for other people to do it for you. I know, that sounds insane for some people, because MTA is free. Look at it this way: HTML and CSS is free, so why the hell people ask for money for making a website? You are paying for their TIME not for the tools and or software they use making it.

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